8th Ed. 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comment!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Joekle, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Joekle
    Jungle Swarm

    Joekle New Member

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    Ok I'm predicting someone saying " I've tried that all before" but here goes.

    The main idea is to have 8 Skink chiefs in a unit of temple guard (+ Slann) and use Lore of Beasts to turn them into Close combat monsters via Panns pelt and the Savage beast of horrors. (using those spells to their max potential)

    Rest of the army is just me filling in the gaps (although I've taken the cold one cavalry because I have the models not because I think they're Gods gift)

    But how am I going to guarantee getting those spells? Using Focus Mystery and then contemplations of course. With 8 spells to swap out I can get all of lore of beasts! (over a couple of turns)

    The front rank of 8 Skink chiefs with buff spells will be packing 7 attacks each at S7 and T6.
    Let me know what you think of this crazy plan!

    Slann: BSB, Becalming, Focus, Harmonic, Soul of stone, Channelling Staff

    8x Skink Chiefs with additional handweapons
    Scar Vet on cold one, spear, shield, Steg Helm

    20x Saurus Full command
    20x Saurus Full command

    12x Temple Guard (8x Skink Chiefs and Slann go here)
    5x Cold one cavalry Musician, Spears (Scar Vet goes here)

    Scalenex likes this.
  2. CastGaming

    CastGaming New Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    I absolutely love the idea of this army. However in my head I can't imagine how the temple guard l, slann and skink chiefs will look and be set up. If possible could you post explaining how it will go?
    Thanks a lot,
  3. Joekle
    Jungle Swarm

    Joekle New Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    Sure! The skinks are on 20x20 bases so that adds up to 160mm because 8 are on the front rank (No temple guard command) 2nd rank is 2 Temple Guard then Slann then 2 more temple guard that adds up to 150mm, 3rd rank is the same. 4th rank is just 4 temple guard (incomplete rank)

    Should look like this:

    s s s s s s s s
    T T S T T
    T T S T T
    T T T T
  4. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    Doesn't work.
    The Chief is on a 20mm base.
    Temple Guard are on a 25mm base.

    The first two chiefs who join are placed outside the unit, in the corners. After that, no further chiefs can join.
    Review the mis-matching base size rules in the basic rule book.

    As for as the tactic goes, it does work. I've seen wood elves do it with branchwraiths, and I've done it with wraiths, wights and vampires. (FYI, savage beast is brutal on cheap ethereal heroes).

  5. Joekle
    Jungle Swarm

    Joekle New Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    You're absolutely right! How stupid of me..... I guess I'll have to modify my list.
    Right how about this, I'm now on 12 SKINK CHIEFS!!!!!!

    Etheriel Slann,

    12x Skink chiefs

    16x Skinks with 2x Krox (6x Skink chiefs here)
    16x Skinks with 2x Krox (6x Skink chiefs here)

    20x Saurus, Mus Standard

    5x Coldone Cavalry, Mus Standard


    The Slann can sit between the Skink units so he can cast his spells easily on each at the same time.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    I may have to try a variation of this for a grand army some day though my burgeoning plan involves lots of predatory fighters (might as well let the Skink Chiefs have someone to boss around) "No, don't pursue, I'll handle this!"

    Another thought is to take a strategy out of the Vampire Count playbook. Use a lot of Skink Chiefs and Beast magic and then make a Skink Cohort where most or all of front rank is chiefs. Then you can have a Steadfast unit of Ueber-Skinks
  7. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    Oldblood w/ Crown of Command
    + X Skink Chiefs
    + Skirmish Unit.

    Now you have all the flexibility you want for your purpose.
  8. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    10 chiefs and 8 wide tg is possible then you have 20x10 is 200 and 8x25 is 200
  9. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    What happens when the first Skink Chief in the front row dies? Then you have 9 chiefs and a 20mm gap in your front rank followed by a bunch of TG that can't step up into that small hole.

    BRB Pg 98: When Footprints Collide: "If a character's footprint does not fit neatly into a unit, place him on the edge of the unit, beside the front rank... Of a character cannot be placed within the unit, or beside the front rank, then he cannot attempt to join that unit."
  10. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    It's doesn't matter how 10 chiefs rank up. Characters joining is model by model. The chief doesn't fit and is sent to the corner. The next goes to the other corner. The other 8 can't join.

    You can build this with cohorts though, and front of of beast magic characters and 2nd rank of krox seems pretty solid.

  11. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    That is a really appealing idea. 8-10 skink chiefs with a second row of Krox. Savage Beast of Horros makes that pretty darn good. Fill up the cohort unit with a crap ton of skinks and watch it eat stuff.
  12. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    For 233 ss you can get 6 Skink Chiefs with handweapon, shield and jav with a 24 skink unit, banner, muso and 3 kroxigors.

    Run it 6x7 and you're set.

    They can also break off as a little mini unit of skirmishers with bs 5 javs (or upgrade to blow pipes for 20 ss more).

    Would be fun for a skink-themed list with tenehuain nearby with beast support. You could also throw in some neat magic items (egg of quango, ruby ring, etc) for a fun little combat block.
  13. laribold
    Cold One

    laribold Active Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    It's a nice fun idea but I'd be very worried if it ever came across anything with higher initiative (any flavour of elves, maybe warriors of chaos) as they'll simply carve through the skink chiefs (T3 W2, 4+ AS) before they have a chance to do any damage.

    Unless you're hoping to get two combat buffs off (Pelt and Savage Beast) they'll either hit hard and be killed horribly or not die but not kill anything. The chances of getting both off seems a little remote to me.

    But give it a whirl! See how it works for you (and pray you don't come across anyone with the Sword of Anti-Heroes!)
  14. tektekboom

    tektekboom New Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    I had a thought similar to this tonight after thinking of a way to maximize Savage Beasts, while I was admiring the poses of the riders on the Terradons/Ripperdactyls (I have a couple that went unmounted).

    I was thinking of running A slann, a Skrox unit with the entire front rank made up of skink chiefs, and some Bastiladons and Ancient Stegs with Skink Skrimishers, to redirect, protect flanks, and lure dispel dice out of my opponent (either throw a single dispel dice or take a giant laser beam to your units face). I'm trying to figure out a way to get horros off twice, having a front row that has 10 S 10 attacks per model is just too much to overlook.
  15. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    You could get it twice by taking a lore of beasts slann and 2 lv2 beast priests! Then first roll with your priests hoping you won't have savage beast and then let the slann roll! then he has 3 spells which he must have and 1 which he has to choose because every spell is already been taken so you can give your slann 2 times savage beast! You can create a unit of 10 chiefs placed in a skrox unit? 28 skinks, 3 kroxigors and the whole frontrank filled with chiefs! just naked chiefs, maybe one with a MR(3) amulet, ironcurse icon could be useful.. All with a javelin, light armour, shield! less then 600 points for the chiefs and 300 for the skinks!
  16. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    Doesn't work that way, the only spells you can have twice are signature spells, unless you have a Beast Lore Master somehow.
  17. Lantern
    Jungle Swarm

    Lantern New Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    Could you make it easier to pull off by using skink priests +Slann to get more beasts spells? Once you have what you need, the spare can all just take the signature spell for boosts elsewhere. 4 priests and a Slann, or two level 2's and you'll have all 8.
  18. Joekle
    Jungle Swarm

    Joekle New Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    The idea is to have as many skink chiefs as possible so you don't want skink priests taking up your hero points quota!
    Using the Slann and contemplations with loremaster of high magic works fine!
  19. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    What if you didn't go so extreme and just did tenehuain, 4 chiefs and a 6x6 skrox unit (24 skinks and 3 kroxigors.)

    You could then put a bsb with banner of discipline in the 2nd rank to make an LD 9 general.

    If the front rank is full and the second rank is full of kroxigors where would the bsb go?
  20. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm

    But what if your opponent has the Sword of Anti-Heroes`?


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