8th Ed. 750pt tournament review

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by sorrowquin, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. sorrowquin
    Cold One

    sorrowquin New Member

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    Hey fellow Lustrians!

    My local GW held a small tournament over the last 3 weeks and I just want to give you a quick review on how my Lizards performed. The tournament ended yesterday and some of the games have been played 3 weeks ago, so I don't remeber everything perfectly but well enough to give you the important stuff. Hope you enjoy!

    Tournament format:
    - 750 points, no restrictions whatsoever
    - 5 games battleline (on 4 standart GW game-tables)
    - normal victorypoints system
    - after 5 games the guys with the most points get to play a final game (same for 3rd and 4th), winner takes the title

    We had 10 conestants, including me.

    My army
    - ScarVet on CO, GW, l.A., Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, Potion of Foolhardiness
    - 20 Saurus, Hw+S, FC
    - Bastilladon with Solarengine
    - 3 Ripper
    - Salamander
    Thoughts about my troop choices can be found herehttp://www.lustria-online.com/threads/750pt-tournament.13911/

    Game 1 vs Greenskins

    His army
    - lvl2 Wildorc Shaman with lucky shrunken head
    - 35sth Wildorc Big'Uns in hordeformation
    - Orc Boarchariot
    - 2 Speerchuckas
    - Kamikaze-Catapult

    I tried a denied flank deployment to make him position his Speerchuckas in bad spots which he fell for. My Rippers and Sally went on my far left flank where he put his warmachines. They chickly changed sides in turn 1. His horde and my Saurus both deployed centrally with a building between my Saurus and his Speerchuckas' line of sight. Chariot and Bastilladon both accompanied the infantry. ScarVet joined the Saurus to not get Kamikazied. Toaded his horde obviously.

    Short game Review
    My Rippers managed to sneak around the Flank, taking out all of his warmachines, Bastilladon blasted some wounds of his chariot, Salamander roasted some Wildorcs. After some rounds of dancing his chariot charged my Bastilladon, which I parked in front of it, while my Saurus went into the Wildorcs and the Rippers in their flank. I was feeling pretty confident with this fight but than my Rippers completely fluffed their attacks killing only 1 Wildorc :(
    In return he killed all of my Rippers (....) and I lost combat badly. My Saurus and General broke but got away, Bastilladon took out the chariot.
    Can't really remember everything but in the end of the game we both had our infantryblocks and General alive and nothing else... unfortunately his Wildorchorde was worth more than half of his armypoints ....

    Result: 280ish - 375 for the Greenskins
    Not the best start for a tournament where only VP count ...

    Game 2 vs Woodelves

    His Army
    - lvl 1 Woodelflore
    - 12ish Dryads with hero and spiderlings (6s to hit in a challenge)
    - 4 Treekin
    - 20 Archers
    - 1 great eagle

    I was pretty sure nothing in his army could really harm my Scarvet so I just deployed him headlong against his Treekin on my right flank. Saurus and Bastilladon took the middle opposing his dryads. Sally guardet my left flank opposing his great eagle. His archers lingered in the backfield, my Rippers guardet mine so I could send them wherever needed, toading his dryads.
    I felt pretty confident for this game because my army more or less hardcountered his.

    Game was pretty straight forward.
    His great eagle charged my Sally just to get eaten up by the furious beast :D
    The Sally than continued in burning down dryads while my Saurus rushed towards them and eventually mauled them in CC. Bastilladon lasered 1 Treekin and joined in the Saurus/Dryad fight. Scarvet just rushed towards the Treekin and took them down in CC. Both his Treekin with str 5 and his archers with str4 short range could never harm his 1+ rerollable. I think I lost my Rippers somewhen but I'm not sure. Scarvet continued to charged his archers after taking down the trees and that's game!

    Result: 850 - 120? for the Lizardmen!

    Game 3 vs Ogre Kingdoms

    His Army
    - lvl 2 Butcher Law of the Maw
    - 6 Ironbellies, Hw+S
    - 4 Ironblasters? (the guys who carry those cannons)
    - Cannonchariot

    His deployment from my left to right: Cannonchariot, Ironbellies with Butcher, Ironblasters.
    I put my Scarvet on my right flank behind a building to get cover from his cannon and opposite his Ironblasters, my Saurus in the middle inside a Forest, Sally and Bastilladon guarding there flanks, Rippers behind the Forest.

    His Cannon never got to shoot my ScarVet but took out the Bastilladon. My General and Rippers charged his Ironblasters and took them out with ease. The deciding part was his huge unit of Ironbellies and I was kinda worried facing them. I managed to redirect them with my Sally and charge my Saurus in the flank of the unit which was huge! I won combat, broke the whole unit and ran them down. This also got my Saurus in charge range for his Cannon and I took it out over the next 2 turns.

    Result: 875 - 150 for the Lizardmen

    Game 4 vs High Elves

    His Army
    - lvl 3 Lore of High magic (Hand of Glory, Soul quensh?, Fiery Convocation)
    - 40ish Seagueard
    - 2 Speerthrowers

    Looking at his army you can probably guess what he did... He simply put his Seaguard in one corner of his deployment zone, put the lvl 3 in it and placed both Speerthrowers beside it.
    I put my Scarvet in the Saurus to not get Boltsniped, placed them right in front of his Seagueard, the Bastilladon and Sally beside them and the Rippers all the way on the other side.

    There obviously was only one way to play this game so I ran as fast as I could. The Sally managed to grill 3 of his Seaguard before being pierced by arrows but he didn't panic. The Rippers sneaked around the flank using every cover they could. He totally ignored them which was a misteke imo.
    The whole game he didn't manage to get Fiery Convocation off, I despelled Hand of Glory on his Boltthrowerrs whenever possible to assure a longer live for my Bastilladon and he picked away on my Sauris with Soulquensh.
    My sturdy Bastilladon marched forward as fast as he could, shooting lasers and eating bolts somehow managed to get into chargerange with 1 life remaining. It managed to run into his Seaguard together with my ScarVet who smashed Seaguard left and right. The Rippers finally got into the flank of this boltthrower, taking it out with ease and overrunning into the second one.
    On his turn he took out my Bastilladon so my ScarVet stood alone against his 30ish Elves (the Saurus never made it into CC, there was no room the place them). I lost combat by 1 but fortunately held. On my turn the Rippers killed the 2nd boltthrower overrunning into the flank of the Seaguard. The next combat wasn't pretty... the Ripper just got to TOWN on those squishy elves killing about 10, breaking his steadfast (Saurus finally made it) and chasing him of the board.

    Result: 875 - 230 for the Lizardman.

    This was the end of day 2 and right now I was competing for 2nd place with a dwarf player, the High Elves I just faced and a Chaos player. First place was held uncontestedly by a Darkelf who brought a real killer list but more on that later...

    Game 5 vs Chaos Warriors

    His Army
    - Chosen Hero with 2+ Armor and some Chaos Sword
    - 12 Warriors with Hw+S, FC
    - 12 Chosen with Halberds, FC (rolling +1 str)
    - 5 Chaoshounds with poison
    - Chaos chariot

    This was not the killer list you can expect from CW but they are still rather tough. I also needed to score high in this game to have a shot at the finals.
    His deployment from my left to right: Hounds, CW with Hero, Chosen, Chariot. I placed my ScarVet on my left flank, together with my Sally and the Rippers who toeaded the CW. Right in front of my deploymentzone was a building so I decided to have my Saurus man it turn 1. The Bastilladon guarded my right flank.
    Hounds and Rippers both vanguarded being out of each others vision.

    His whole army rushed towards mine so I entered the building with my Saurus and advanced down the left flank. My ScarVet was able to charge his Hounds and did so. The Rippers rushed down the flank trying to get into the back of his CW. My Bastilladon managed to unleash a massive ray of channelled sunlight right into his chariot which left nothing behind but bits and pieces, hell yeah! Sally managed to roast 2 CW which held.
    My Generals smashed the hounds and overrun into the flank of his CW. This may sound like a huge movement mistake by him but actually it didn't matter this much since his General was in the unit who hat to challange the ScarVet anyways which had to accept. His chosen marched towards my Saurus who where just chilling out in their new home. His Hero slapped my ScarVet with his little toysword, wounding him 4 times but with str 5 he just couldnt penetrate his thick armor. In return the GW cut through the chaos armor taking 1 wound of him. He Lost combat but held. Next turn I got my Rippers into charge range and the Saurus, left the building, feeling pretty positive about them selves after the chariot was gone. My fellow Bastilladon killed 2 chosen.
    In CC the weakly Chaoshero couldnt wound my ScarVet again who than decided he had enough of that Pillowfight wounding the opposing General 3 times, killing him, breaking the whole unit of CW and ran them down!
    The chosen had nothing left to do but charging my Saurus which they didn't even make. They than got countercharged by my Saurus and got my Rippers into their flank. The Chosen whacked a good bunch killing 6 of my fellow Warriors and 1 Ripper. The remaining 2 Rippers killed 3 chosen (without the toad!) and my Saurus, furious about thier losses ripped apart another 4. I won combat, he broke, Rippers ran them down and that's game!

    Result: 900 - 0 for the forces of Good!

    This crushing victory got me into the final for first playe where I had tho face said Darkelf player. So far he won every game, tabling all of his opponants, even taking out the huge Wildorchorde I faced game 1 so I was deeply worried. My list was also by no means designed to kill his which was as follows:

    - Lord with 1+ on Dark Pegasus
    - 6 Darkriders with Speers, Shields and Repeatercrossbows
    - 6 Darkriders with Speers, Shields and Repeatercrossbows
    - 6 Whitchriders
    - 3 Boltthrowers

    Since I had seen his army over the course of the tournament I obviously made some thoughts about how I could possibly beat this list when facing it. I came to the Conclusion that I didnt have much of a chance but here is what I came up with:

    Turn 1
    My Saurus where never ever going to catch anything of his army unless he made a mistake (which he would not) so I deployed them rather wide having them march directly forward to hils Boltthrowers with the Rest of my Army seeking cover behind them. I arranged my troops in a way that at least 1 of them could see all of my flank and threaten a possible charge when he started to dance around me.
    He vanguarded and I got turn one. My Saurus marched towards his throwers, seeking the cover of a wood. My Sally moved down my right flank with my General guarding it while my Bastilladon and the Rippers had an eye on my left flank. I tried to laser his left unit of Darkriders but got dispelled. On a good roll the Sally would actually be able to shoot the other one of his vanguarded Darkriders. I rolled a formidable 8 and managed to roast 2 of them. Getting excieted about a possible panic I watched him throw the dice only to see him hold on an 8...

    On his turn one he decided to charge my Sally to prevent further bbq among his Riders. He considered that 4 charging Riders with spears should be able to brake the Sally and overrun, taking them out of the charge arc of my ScarVet. His other Unit of Riders, the Whitches and his General advanced down my left flank, keeping a healthy distance. In his magic phase he weakened my Rippers which I let through, considering that Doombold was the more dangerous of the 2 spells. Unfortunately my 4 dispell dice where unable to beat his remaining 3 power dice ... and after some really successful rolls by my opponant none of the Rippers where left :(
    In shooting his Boltthrowers only managed to kill 3 of my Saurus, while his second unit of Darkriders was unable to wound the thick armor of the Bastilladon.
    In CC the chargind Darkriders seemed to have been overconfident and only put 1 wound on the Sally. The beast and his little companions unfortunately didn't manage to wound the Riders in return so I lost combat by 2. Under the watchful eye of my General I rolled the dice... and held an easy roll of 3! Those Riders where in trouble...

    Turn 2
    The ScarVet, eager to get a grip on those dancing Elves charged the Darkriders. My Bastilladon declared a charge on his 2nd unit of Riders seeing a chance to maybe cause some terror which didn't work. The Saurus continued their long march towards his Boltthrowers, enjoying the full cover of the wood now.
    The Bastilladon, unable to reach the Darkriders decided to shoot them instead what turned out to be a great idea because after the light was gone only smoking horse cadavers where left where once 6 Riders stood (11 str 5 hits really mess with elves ^^).
    In CC the endangered Riders tried to at least kill of the Salamander but only got 1 more wound through (I love those 3 wounds on Salamanders). In Return the beast ate one of them while my ScarVet smashed the remaining 3 to bloody pieces. Leaving none of the army alive my General was able to reform and face my left flank which would turn out to be really decicive...

    Seeing the desctrucive potential of my Solarengine my opponant decided that he needed to get rid of the ferocious beast as soon as possible. He charged both his General and his Whitchriders into it's front. Again he was confident to take down the beast and overran out of the charge ark of my General. I couldnt stop him lowering the S and T of my Bastilladon by 1 and shooting killed another 3 Saurus.
    In CC his General and his mighty Pegasus fell upon my poor Bastilladon. He had some magic Item which gave him multiple wounds on the charge which really had me worried but after the dust settled he only had managed to put 1 wound on my little buddy!
    His Whitches where unably to penetrate the 2 plus armor although wounding the beast 3 times with str4. Now my beast whacked his heavy tail against his General, hitting him with str 10 and returning the 1 wound. I lost combat by 1 but again my General held my troups in order and the Bastilladon stood firm.

    Turn 3
    I had his General right in front of my ScarVet. Eager to get a grip on him I declared my charge. Beeing confident that my bloodthirsting Hero wouldnt fall to supidity in this decisive moment I rolled for it... I can still picture those dice in slowmotion rolling on the table... 5 ... 6 ... and 3! Holy smokes that was close! :jawdrop:
    The Saurus advanced further leaving the security of the forest but getting pretty close to his Boltthrowers now...
    In CC his general somehow got shaky legs and fell for the terror of my Bastilladon, yei!
    He concentrated on the beast, this time being more sucessful but only could reduce it down to 1 wound. Than my General swung his mighty GW supported by his potion, hitting the fearful elf 5 times, wounding him thrice (...), but taking the last 2 wound of him outright! His whitches broke but my ScarVet, furious with anger caught them, leaving none alive.

    Unfortunately my General, the Bastilladon with 1 wound, and my Salamander with 1 wound all where now out in the open with no cover o_O
    It didn't take him long to shoot all of them but finally my Saurus managed to grasp 2 of his Boltthrowers.

    At the end of the game I had my Saurus left while he had a lone Boltthrower on his side.

    Result: 780 - 600 for the Lizardmen!

    I won the tournament :)

    My opponant was really unlucky in the last game but the dice goods are fickle. Mathmatecally he should have easily been able to kill or at least break the Bastilladon in CC.
    Nonetheless the Bastilladon was the real game winner and also performed really well throughout the whole tournament. Actually everything in my list did a good job apart from the Ripper meltdown in game 1 (...) and I'm really pleased with our current book.

    Hope you enjoyed this review, let me know what you think. C&C is always welcome!
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Woah that was a close one,
    Great report man,
    and congrats on the win. :D
  3. sorrowquin
    Cold One

    sorrowquin New Member

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    Thank you very much!

    Since this is my first Batrep I really appreciate the feedback =)
  4. CastGaming

    CastGaming New Member

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    Wow! this sounds like a great tournament! Great to hear to destroy chaos by so much!! Also I've got a 800 point tournament next Tuesday and it makes me really happy that your list looks very similar to mine (I've not got the sally and 2 less saurus but I've got 4 rippers, 5 chameleons and 10 skink skirmishers), anyway great win and a nice read.
    Thanks a lot,
  5. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    That was a great write up!! I'm happy i didn't saw the final result first! It was very nice to read and i was excited to read more, hoping for the lizardmen to win this match! And you did! WELL DONE!

    Maybe you should have lost the battle because of numbers but facing lizardmen with a 1+ rerollable cowboy and a bastiladon is a very difficult job! You had incredible armoursaves and that the rippers didn't made it in some of your battles isn't a shame! They still are squishy skinks, with a 4+ armour save.. you used this list as good as possible so you may call yourself a well lizardmen general

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