Hello! I'm a swede ho is quite new to warhammer I have the old boxed battel but I don't realy likes thoes armys but I have liked lizards in hole my life so I think I will start bildning a Lizardmen army. /Essmir
Welcome to the site! There are quite a few other barbarians that visit these boards as well, so I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. I think a few of us know swenglish...
The Lizardmen of Lustria have had Swedish and even stranger allies before, And the Swedes are known for their merciless culinary skills. kallblodiga välkomna, Essmir. Bork! Bork!
If you are new and don't mind reading lots of English text, the Tactica index is a good place to start. I link it in my signature. Also, nice Avatar! Where did you get that reptile picture?