WoW, Now thats cool!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ianhorn, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. ianhorn

    ianhorn New Member

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    Hey, just saw there was no topic on world of warcraft... and was Shocked! ( :jawdrop: )
    Does any 1 play? What class? Spec's? lets get this topic going!!
    And if not... then START playing!
    I got a (soon to be) 80 Death knight called Donimo on Talvinarr. Also my old main Ianhorn a lock. Got a bit bored of it, thus the 80 Dk before my lock. Also some alts that are cooool :artist:

  2. Scarloc
    Chameleon Skink

    Scarloc New Member

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    All on Khadgar
    80 Orc resto shammy Fizbang
    70 Undead mage Softspoken
    70 Tauren druid Gohre
    70 Tauren hunter Taman
    55 Undead Deathknight forgot the name
    Assorted other classes and levels.
  3. ianhorn

    ianhorn New Member

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    :jawdrop: nice one mate! sounds cool! i might have to come on ur server 1 day ;)
  4. Scarloc
    Chameleon Skink

    Scarloc New Member

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    I am actually just getting back into warhammer because of WOW, I totally gave it up to online gaming.
  5. Revien
    Cold One

    Revien New Member

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    Haven't played in ages, but I suppose i still have a level 64 enhancement shaman on Nagrand.
  6. Deathfrisbee2000

    Deathfrisbee2000 New Member

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    73 Human Pally on The Scryers. But I'm thinking of quitting my account for awhile. More money in the pocket to collect lizzies.

  7. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    I used to have WoW, now the account is frozen.

    I thought WAR was just... cooler. :p

    Anyway I had several chars on different servs, let's see if I remember.

    Norpas Lvl 49 Troll shaman
    -various alts-

    Desnita lvl 30 Blood elf Paladin
    Noone Lvl - Troll hunter

    I remember those... Hmm... Maybe... I'll activate the account again just for the heck of it. But I need the spare money.
  8. Aeschere
    Jungle Swarm

    Aeschere New Member

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    I haven't logged on to WoW in a few weeks but I have several characters, all on Bloodscalp:

    Aeschere - 80 protection paladin (holy dual spec)
    Alocer - 80 Demo warlock
    Asator - 77 death knight
    Esau - 73 Hunter
    Noorman - 72 Mage
    Girard - 71 Enhancement Shaman
    Parmenides - 63 Rogue
    Noormans - 48 Druid
    Bolverk - 45 Priest
    Honir - 30 Mage

    That should do it ;-)
  9. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    ....*cough* WAR is better *cough*
  10. Deathfrisbee2000

    Deathfrisbee2000 New Member

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    I want to play WAR but it's not for Mac. And I'm not savvy enough to figure out a way to play it from my Mac.

  11. WheelR
    Chameleon Skink

    WheelR New Member

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    Hmmm... Not sure if WAR is better.. but since WoW is handing out gear like you get free samples when you enter a Mall.. But WAR gets the same pretty fast. A Trial and IRL talk made that pretty much clear... It is still fun tho.. Magus with tentacle's!

    Used to play WoW.. until my router gave a sign it was enough and i stopped playing..

    Had some chars on Auchindoun..
    Lv 80 Balance Dr00d
    Lv 80 Death Knight
    Some lv 70+'s which i don't really know what level they are anymore.
    Just waiting till Diablo/SC2 will be released now..
  12. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Home server is Eitrigg although after my guild fell apart there, I have been searching for a new guild home that is significantly progressed.

    Lvl80 Undead - Holy Priest - Nathifa (Eitigg) full T7
    Lvl80 Undead - Arcane Mage - Ankhenaton (Nordrassil) some T7
    Lvl80 Tauren - Prot Warrior - Smax (Eitrigg - Just xfered to Nordrassil) some Naxx epics, can tank Naxx

    All my toons are exalted w/ SoH and the undead pair both have netherdrakes and all have epic flying (I farmed Isle dailies for a while with a dual box setup, mage killed stuff, priest auto follows and heals). Smax hit 70 the night the expansion came out in '08 and was the 2nd to level to 80 after my priest.

    I love the game, but overall, I think I am loosing interest with my focus shifting from WoW to WH possibly. On the subject of WAR, I played the beta at a gamesday for a while, and I found myself using the same keybindings I had on my WoW toon, reading and accepting quests the same way and doing just about everything else the same way. Warhammer will always be a table top game for me and WoW will always be an MMO for me. You can guess where I stand on WAR and what I think of the game (cheap wow knockoff trying to get their slice of the WoW pie).

    My current opinion of the game (WoW), is that the devs need to try and stop balancing the game for both PvP and PvE content and focus on one or the other. Or simply rebalance the game for PvP on PvP servers and likewise for PvE. With the 30+ specs that are starting to become viable and with Blizz trying to make them all viable for PvP and PvE, the game continues to homogenize and there is less and less prestige associated with high levels. I think that introducing DK's that start at level 55 was a stupid idea, and ultimately caused groups to take more than their fair share of DK's. Blizzard has already made the game ridiculously easy to level from 1-80 (probably takes less time from 1-80 than it did to go from 1-60 in vWoW), so why give the prestige class any special treatment? Also, why not give players options to just start any toon @ level 55 so that they can skip that part of the content.

    I may sound like I dislike the game, in the above paragraph. It's not really true at all, I really enjoy the game a lot, but as of late, haven't been able to find a guild that I am able to raid with and complete 3.1's content successfully with. This has been a big discouragement for me due to the fact that most players never reach the level of play that I am looking to be competitive in.

    On 3.2:
    The new patch looks exciting as we've never seen a raid dungeon with the layout that this one is slated to have. A new BG, while exciting doesn't make me want to try PvP any more than I already do (I hate it) coupled with a lot of nice little changes. A new feature costing 10g will allow you to turn off all experience gains from any source stopping your character from leveling allowing the creation of twinks or old world raiding characters (think about doing AQ40 w/ 40 lvl 60s!). For a simple fee of 10g you can turn experience gains back on, great feature. The biggest change which I have some mixed feelings about is the homogenization of the badge system. Once 3.2 hits live servers, all heroic dungeons all the way up through Ulduar10 will yeild Embelems of Conquest (with the new dungeons yielding a new type of badge). Essentially this means, that a new character can hit level 80, grind heroics and be decked out in 2x T8.5, 2x T7.5, and T8.5 equivilent badge gear without ever setting foot in Naxx/Ulduar. This is great for getting alts up to speed for serious players, it is also great way for players who fell behind the gear curve for serious raiding guilds to 'catch up' and level the playing field a bit. The flip side to the coin is that there will be more and more retarded 12yr old "Idon'tknowwtfhowtoplay" noobs flooding into advanced raid content which means more riff-raff to sort through. Blizzard said that they didn't want you to have to grind heroics to get geared, at the beginning of the expansion, apparently it only lasted 2 patches.

    Overall, this easy game continues to get easier and easier, with more free handouts to undeserving QQer's who complain on the forums to blizzard until they get their way. Ultimatlely, this probably isn't the case, because Blizzards philosophy, which has raked in millions so far, is to make the game fun for everyone and not exclusive. It may be dissappointing for those who worked hard for some of their achievements in the game to see those just given away now.

    I still <3 WoW
  13. beardedgecko

    beardedgecko New Member

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    I waited for WAR anxiously, and it didnt meet my expectations. I love WOW, but also stopped playing a few months ao to buy some nids and lizzies

    I have 52 toons, most 18 and above, on alot of different servers. mostly argant dawn and galakrand
  14. WheelR
    Chameleon Skink

    WheelR New Member

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    @Barotok: They will never make the game as good as it was in 'VWoW'. Where you get awards for 'working' hard in the game. Ofcourse a smart move to make it so that everyone could play it..they get a lot of money from it.. sadly the whole game industry thinks like that.
  15. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Sadly, you are right about that. It will never be as good as it used to be. As wierd as it sounds, I rather liked working hard to get the recognition. Now the only people who ask how you get that special mount, are playing for an hour every two weeks. Anyone who plays a little a week has "it"!
  16. Suppe

    Suppe New Member

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    Stopped playing wow for 3 or 4 months ago (frozen account)

    -74 Undead Warlock, Zorie, Vashj
    -80 Troll Priest, Ardagon, Vashj
    Both were made in the original WoW so they are atleast 4 years old, had 400/750 achivements on my priest including about 60 pets and 75 mounts. Stopped because of to much concentration on the single player, everything became pugs and epic isnt epic.
  17. Thebestlazyguy

    Thebestlazyguy New Member

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    *sigh* i used to play WoW like reality didnt matter. I got my Belf Mage all the way up to lvl 74 before i quit. i was wasting too much time in there. i really do love fantasy based games. idk all the fluff catches my eye i guess lol. in the end it came down to the fact that whether or not i could have a lvl 80 uber pwnage arcane mage doing 7k dps, it would still always be a picture on a screen that could never exist in reality. so i gave it up in favor of the real world and my intrest in pyschology. and now im into warhammer tabletop :D which is at least alot more rewarding in the long run. i always did like warcraft lore better though. theres many inconsistancies in the warhammer lore. its sad because this may as well have been my life story lol :p

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