8th Ed. Lizards vs VC 1600

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by lizard_sNow, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. lizard_sNow
    Cold One

    lizard_sNow Member

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    Here is my list:

    Oldblood, Cold One, Great Weapon, Armor of Destiny, Dawnstone

    Skink Priest, lvl 2, dispel scroll, heavens, iceshard blizzard and the level 3 spell that I cant remember the name of at the moment.

    Skink Priest, lvl 2, cube, beasts, wildform and flock of doom.

    20 saurus, command

    11 skinks with javs

    12 skinks with javs



    12 Chameleon Skinks

    2 razordons, extra snack each


    His List:

    8 units of 5 wolves

    20 zombies

    a level 1 necromancer

    VC on steed with eternal hatred, blood fury, ots



    2 units of 5 hexwraiths


    It was a pretty open playing board, there was a forest (just regular) on my left in front of my deployment zone, an open field in the center, with a wall on his deployment line, a ruins on my right deployment side and a house in front of his left side deployment zone.


    My line from left to right was:

    razordons behind the forest, 11 skink w/heavens priest, bastilodon behind skinks, saurus, 12 skinks w/ beastpriest, bastilodon behind that unit, salamander nest to skinks, oldblood, and my chameleons behind the house on my right side.

    his deployment from my left to right was wolves all the way along the front with the vargulf across from my saurus, his hexwaraiths to my right of the vargulf, the VC next and then the terrorgeist behind his wolves.

    Turn 1

    He got first turn and vanguarded all his wolves except for the ones over by my chameleons. I call his list the "wolf swarm" because that is really all it is. tons of wolves and a couple of his hard hitting units to fill in. He basically has enough wolf drops to out deploy me and get his match-ups he wants.

    His terrorgiest flies up to scream at my oldblood and eveything else moves forward. The wolves on my right try to charge my chameleons but they stand and shoot one unit off and the other unit fails it's charge.

    He got level 1 spells for both of his casters, which were both lvl1 so he really didn't do much as far as magic the entire game.

    Here I was waiting for the hammer blow of the terrorgeist scream on my oldblood and he rolled a 3. I saved the one wound with my 4+ and then since there wasnt any combat it went to my turn 1

    I charged my oldblood into that terrorgeist hoping to obliterate him with wounds and combat rez. I also charged my saurus into his one wolf unit in front of them. the rest of my army really didnt move a whole lot cause they had enough targets to shoot at. My razordons did move into the wood in front of them, just to gain that stubborn and to shoot at a unit of wolves.

    Magic I got 8 dice and no channels and he got one so it was 8 to 7. I cast iceshard blizzard and then tried flock of doom on one of his hexwraith units. I needed those gone quick cause I had no way of killing them otherwise. He dispelled the flock of doom. Then I tried both of my bastilodons, one which drew a dispel scroll and the other which was dispelled. Even though he didn't have a whole lot of offense with his spellcasters, they did seem to shut down my magic every single time.

    Shooting phase saw a couple of wolf units lose 4 of 5 models. That was it for shooting.

    Combat. Yummy terrorgeist guts! Thats what I thought at least. He went first and couldn't wound my OB. My turn to swing back and I fluff all my attacks. So not what I needed to happen. Now he had his turn to scream at me and send in his vamp.

    Turn 2

    Had a couple of wolf charges on my skinks and one unit of hexwraiths fly over my larger unit of skirmishers killing 4 of them. His vamp charged into my OB, which I then challenged with hoping that would save me from the scream. The chameleons were charged by another wolf unit which they took out standing and shooting. His vargulf charged my unit of saurus.

    Magic again was inconsequential

    Shooting phase- Goodbye oldblood. Turns out the blasted terrorgeist scream can go into combat, even challenges. I personally think this is the worst faq ruling that GW has ever come out with. He rolled a 9 and so I was stuck saving 7 wounds with my 4+. I really did try by saving 4 but there were 3 wounds getting past and now the vamp had nothing to fight. Poor OB. I really hope they change it in the future. He tried comparing it to a cannon, but thats not the same. a cannon cant shoot into combat.

    Well then we got to combat and his vargulf almost died and then regen kicked in. He also has a thunderstomp so my the time combat was over I had a 12 saurus unit. good they held on steadfast. Hopefully I can get his vargulf next turn.

    My turn again saw my chameleons moving to shoot up his terrorgeist, my razordons coming out of the forest to charge his vargulf next turn, and my skinks still stuck in front of wolves.

    Magic again failed me trying to blast off the hexwraiths because of bad wind rolls giving him almost as much as I had. I really invested too much into magic this game. He really had no magic himself, which I was planning on a magic VC but oh well. Needless to say his hexwraiths survived without a scratch in the last turn I was going to have.

    Shooting got the terrorgeist down to one wound. Blast that stupid regen!

    Combat saw my saurus put two wounds on the beast without taking too many wounds in return. they held, though by a small margin. The real combat happened between his terrorgeist and salamander. I finally put that last wound on that stupid bat and had the salamander overrun behind his vamp.

    Turn 3

    He charged my right bastilodon with one of his units of hexwraiths and moved through my skink unit again with his other. This move caused my beasts priest and 2 remaining skinks to panic and run for the board edge, which they made with a roll of 11". His vampire charged my chameleons with a unit of wolves. His terrorgeist charged my salamander.

    By this time all his other wolves were dead from my skinks. good ol skink javs.

    magic saw him try to heal wounds on the terrorgeist but I stopped him.

    He forgot to shoot with his geist, which saved my lucky salamander.

    Combat saw his lord much a couple of chamos and I broke but he failed to catch my 2 remaining chamos with his wolves. His vargulf ate a couple of saurus without me putting a wound on it. I failed my leadership of 8 and ran but wasn't caught. His hexwraith failed their attacks, not putting one wound on my bastilodon. it held. My salamander out a wound on the terrorgiest and he failed to save it so I overran past his vamp. MVP was my salamander. need more of them.

    My turn saw me rally my remaining 8 saurus and try again to shoot that vargulf. the chamos on the right were below 25% so they just kept running for the edge. I also danced my salamander around his lord for a better shot. I moved my razordons over to shoot at his zombies.

    I cast both my heavens spells on the one hexwraith unit engaged with my basti, which he let through to save dice to dispel my other beam at those pesky ethereal horsemen.

    Shooting saw me try to kill of his vargulf with my skink shooting but it regened all the wounds I put on it. boo to regen.

    Combat saw my basti take a wound from hexwraiths but still held. Good ol' basti. It was a good idea to put those hexes on the hex-wraiths.

    Turn 4

    He charged his other hexwraiths into the same bastilodon in combat with the other unit and charged the vargulf into my remaining saurus. They could not get a break from that stupid monster. He kept saying the vargulf was the MVP of the game. Whatever, I guess that is fine. Its his opinion after all.

    No magic again for his side.

    No more shooting because my monster killed his cheesebat.

    Combat saw my bastilodon die, my saurus finally get thunderstomped to oblivion and as a result made my other skink priest and skink unit flee.

    My turn saw me trying to rally my skink unit but that failed and my bastilodon trying, and failing, to blast the hexwraiths. My razordons tried firing at his zombie bus and my salamander misfired a shot at his 1remaining-wound vampire.

    Turn 5 saw the hexwraiths charging my lone bastilodon which I chose to flee instead of die to combat. They then redirected at my skinks but it was a long charge for them and they failed.

    My turn saw my razordons charge the zombies to get into combat before being targets for the hexwraiths. They munched through his bunkered necromancer, and about 7 other zombies from combat res and wounds. There was still a big old vampire running around and his hexwraiths I was never going to touch so I called the game there.

    I know a couple of things that I could do better. I had an ok list build but probably should have substituted my saurus for more skink cloud. Those would have been better at killing his monsters. I should have also subbed one of the skink priests with a scar vet with magic weapon. that would have taken care of his hexwraiths, then I could have not been so dependant on the magic beams of chotec. As far as everything else was concerned I think I did ok, just had bad luck, and my opponent having good luck. I really think it would have been a better game had I killed that terrorgiest when I charged with my OB. it would have let me overrun out of his general's charge range. That scream is a rediculous thing too. Next time I face vamps he'll have to battle through the clouds of skinks I throw at him. I think skink cloud is a great army build against them and also lets you have almost the same drops as he would have with his wolves.

    Anyways, let me know how you like my first report and what you think of the battle. Any advice for next time would be great too. Thanks for reading.
  2. Markhaus

    Markhaus Member

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    You ran 12 chameleon skink in a unit? Is that better than running two units of 6?

    I see a lot of disparaging remarks against razordons, and I was wondering if I should get some. Do you think razordons were worth while in a low point game?
  3. lizard_sNow
    Cold One

    lizard_sNow Member

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    I actually ran a large unit of chamos just so that I could target the terrorgeist with enough poison shots. Though I guess two units of six would have done the same job. I think razordons were quite fun for his army. He was having a lot of charging and razordons have a great time with charging units. They also can put out quite a bit of shots and when there isnt as much on the field their shots act like a deterrent :droid: Nobody wants you to roll that 10 on the artillery dice against their smaller units. I think though that it really is dependent on the situation. I took both the razordons and salamander just because I knew there was going to be a horde of zombies and some charging from his side. They both did just fine in the game. That's really what you need to think about. I find that the salamander was harder to hit with just because of the random distance of the artillery dice. That is probably just my luck though.
  4. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    well you will learn a lot about this game.

    Use skinks to kill high points models that has no 2+ AS. In this case you should have targeted Terrorgheist and then Varghulf. Dont waste your shooting against wolves, they are harmless against Lizardmen. (Skinks strike first or at same time & Saurus are tough enough)

    Always cover your Scarvet & Oldblood in deployment. You can leave the unit in your turn if you want. But they can't be targeted by Screams.

    2 bastiladons are too much. With no Slann, solar beam is the most powerful spell you could cast. Throw it with many dice to get IF.

    Dont charge the terrorgheist with oldblood, it can die so easy against skink shooting. You should have send him against Varghulf and later tank the Vampire Lord.

    But most of it you have already learned. Good luck next game !
  5. lizard_sNow
    Cold One

    lizard_sNow Member

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    It was tough because he out deployed me from the start. I had finished deploying all my units and all he had deployed was his wolves. I guess thats how people feel against skink swarms. I was thinking about putting my OB in the saurus, it would have given him more protection. I really wanted him to toast that stupid bat though. If only he had made his attacks. Oh well. Next time. Turns out my OB probably would have had a hard time against his Vamp. He had OTS and all the bells and whistles for munching through my OB.
  6. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    The Blender shines when he deals wounds around 80% of his Attack Profile. And this is on hitting on 3's , wounding on 2's and no saves for S7. So he gets another bunch of attacks.

    The oldblood with 1+ AS rerollable and 4+ WS will suffer no wounds. Maybe one if OTS.
    You are doing AS on 4+ twice.(Enough).

    Just target the easy wounds in order to wipeout the Vampire Unit. Once he is alone, challenge him with OB and kill him right in combat or by CR.
  7. lizard_sNow
    Cold One

    lizard_sNow Member

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    So I know this may be a little necromancy (funny that it's about VC) but I just watched this guy play his VC against a LM and by turn two the lizards were pretty much gone from the table. He took two terrorgiests and put his lord on a winged nightmare with two other vampires and basically ate a unit of templeguard plus the slann. What do we do against the blender with wings? He also kept them close to his hexwraiths so he could get LOS saves from proximity. What I was wondering is what do you all think would happen if we got rid of the slann and just went cowboys and skink cloud? do you think that would work against the screams and flying blenders?

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