Markhaus Conversions

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Markhaus, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. Markhaus

    Markhaus Member

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    Now that I have a solid job I have decided I can begin investing in this incredibly expensive hobby. For my first conversion, I took the extra head, arms, chest, and legs of the scar veteran from the carnosaur set. I slapped on a couple bastiladon pieces and the tail of a troglodon with some greenstuff, and PRESTO! Gor Rok the Great White Lizard, complete with massive shield.

    I have also magnetized my stegadon so I can switch between the engine of the gods and the giant crossbow.
    Close up of the magnet below
    With Engine of the Gods
    With Giant Bow
    I wanted to take pictures before I glue down my skinks (will post the completed stegadon with skinks soonish)

    I have a Saurus hero (old blood, scar vet, or Kroqgar as needed) that I have magnetized to stand on his own base, or ride on a carnosaur. I will post pics whenever I get around to painting it.

    I am new to painting, new to green stuff, and new to warhammer. I would love any advice you might have, but no guarantee I will follow it. My fiancee liked the stegadon without a dark wash, and some grey showing through the orange. Since we are displaying them on the shelf, her opinion trumps anyone's advice.
  2. Hojdar
    Cold One

    Hojdar Active Member

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    That tail on Gor'Rok looks really damn nice and I'm not even into the saurus.

    Dem fiancés always be crampin' our style man :mad:

    Well some shades and or or highligts would heighten the minis to the next level, although the orange colour on the steg is quite nice as it is. A tip could be to highlight and shade the horns since they pop out alot on the mini and an added touch to them would really make a difference! I'd say drybrush a lighter grey onto the horns and then wash it with a brown or black to bring the highlight back down abit. Only if the misses approves ofc!
  3. Markhaus

    Markhaus Member

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    Sounds like good advice. I have been doing more greenstuff work, so it will probably have to wait since I now have all the skinks on and it is painted enough to enter tournaments.

    So far, skinks with bug eyes, heads on belts and dark elf shields to represent chameleons.

    Also bought some dark elf cold one riders and a set of saurus to be Cold One Cavalry. Surprisingly easy to cut the foot bar on a regular saurus, lop off the back of the DE saddle and glue him on. Just looks like he is leaning forward in his saddle.

    Dark Elf cold ones look so much better than the lizardmen ones.

    The finished magnetized stegadon will be posted soon, as will the cavalry and chamo skinks.
  4. ghost warrior

    ghost warrior New Member

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    Mate the gor rok looks awesome has given me some ideas to start ny own one, any tips for a beginner to conveting?
  5. Markhaus

    Markhaus Member

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    Well I am a beginner to warhammer, painting and converting, but since I am also a cheapskate I am finding ways to make my bucks go further.
    Converting Tips I Have Learned:
    1: Try to use as many bits from kits you already have. They give way more parts than you need and oftentimes one thing can be used in place of another (like Gor Rok's shield, back piece and tail) just attached with greenstuff
    2: Get tools to work with putty (from a craft store or gaming store)
    3. Start with small amounts of greenstuff to link things together and then build up to create details.
    4, Have foundation to build on. I cut out pieces of the plastic they come in, but paperclips will be my next go to.

    Stegadon with crew:
    Engine of the gods attached
    Carnosaur with Magnetized Rider and Howdah (and base for when he is walking)
    Red circles to show where I had to put magnets to keep the howdah and rider when I shake them upside down (worst case scenario)

    I started with two magnets inside the carnosaur, but they were not quite strong enough, so I greenstuffed two shoulder blades with magnets in them, and then sliced off a scale and added another magnet. You can't tell which scale it was!
  6. PlasmaDavid

    PlasmaDavid Active Member

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    Quite a lot of very clashing colours there, it's worth looking up "colour wheel theory" to get your models a little more in harmony. And no, it isn't as difficult or pretentious as it sounds!

    If you are set on using bright colours, start off with a darker base and build up to the bright colour. The light yellow on your skinks for example. Getting models details like scales to "pop" instead of looking like a flat, single coat can be as simple as mixing the same colour with a little bit of white or bone paint and drybrushing it over the model to catch the edges.

    Dulling down the leather sides of the Steg howda would also look more natural, and help the occupants and other details that you want to stand out work better visually.

    I really like the bronze crest on your stegadons head, with the brown and gold highlights. Look up a gem painting guide to get those green gem stones looking more natural and you'll be set!

    (Sorry if I'm being bossy, but you've got a great start here! Read up as much as you can on painting guides! Personally I never figured out how to get lizardmen bronze looking good until I actually sat down and followed a short games workshop guide!)
  7. Markhaus

    Markhaus Member

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    Thanks PlasmaDavid, I would like to dull down the leather, but I am worried about washing it and dripping onto my slab or stegadon. The stegadon definitely needs more work, but it looks "good enough", so I haven't messed with it. I have tried the gem tutorials and mine never come out right...

    The carnosaur was not finished in this picture, as I had not washed it then re-highlighted it. I need to upload the latest pictures as it looks fantastic (much darker) and I keep getting compliments at the game store.

    I was mainly uploading for the conversions rather than the painting. The magnetized stegadon, carnosaur and then the Gor Rok that I Frankenstein'ed together are not ways I have seen on here before.

    As for color wheel theory, I vaguely try to follow it with single models, but my army theme is that they are mismatched leftovers of other forces. That fluorescent yellow spine on their back is glowing with the power of the slann they follow, so I do not want to build their colors around it because it is not there from birth.

    I actually love how chaotic all the colors are clashing with each other.
  8. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Ooh, please do upload your current pictures of the Carnosaurus, it already looks brilliant! I love the black accents at the spine, makes the whole model really pop! And such nice and clean painting, I wish I had a steady hand, too. Keep up the good work!
  9. Markhaus

    Markhaus Member

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    Finished the carnosaur and was hoping to get some advice on a salamander replacement using the head of a troglodon, arms of a ripper and the legs of a hydra (it doesn't look as bad as it sounds...)

  10. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    The teal carnasaur looks great man. :smug:

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