Alright, this is an attempt to get back into Lizardmen with a list that I enjoy playing and which is quite strong. Over in my much-neglected battle report thread, I posted a fairly different Lizardman list ( It was some fun to play with, which was the ultimate goal, but also quite frustrating in that the toys I brought didn't always play out. It was also quite static - a lot of the time I still found myself castled up somewhere, waiting for my opponent to come to me, and then reacting to them rather than dictating the flow of the game. Now, my other army is Dark Elves. That book is amazingly fun to play, and I've been using a very dynamic MSU list. This ticks all my boxes for board control and movement; so much so that I've come back to Lizardmen and essentially rebuilt my list from the ground up. I'm not so interested in utilising the MSU aspect, but I certainly want it to be fast, mobile and heavy hitting. To that end, I'm jumping back on the Cowboy bandwagon. As much as I've tried to avoid it, Lizardmen really do need these guys to do all the heavy lifting. Slann Mage-Priest with Wandering Deliberations, Ironcurse Icon and Dispel Scroll. General. Saurus Oldblood with Arabyan Carpet, Enchanted Shield, Dawn Stone, Sword of Might. Skink Priest with Sivejir's Hex Scroll. Heavens, level 1. Saurus Scar-Veteran with Battle Standard, Cold One, Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon. Saurus Scar-Veteran with Cold One, Great Weapon, Stegadon Helm, Luckstone, Potion of Foolhardiness. 32 Skink Cohort + 4 Kroxigor with Javelins, Shields, Full Command. 10 Skink Skirmishers with Javelins and Shields. 10 Skink Skirmishers with Javelins and Shields. 10 Skink Cohort with Javelins and Shields. 10 Skink Cohort with Javelins and Shields. 22 Temple Guard with Full Command, Banner of Swiftness. 3 Ripperdactyl Riders. 3 Ripperdactyl Riders. 6 Cold One Riders with Full Command. Total: 2496 So, in this list even the Temple Guard - the slowest unit - are still M5. The idea is that I pick one or two weak points in the opponent's line and rush it in 2-3 waves: the first made up of the fliers - Oldblood + Ripperdactyls. The Flyblood has been amazing in running into hard stuff and tearing it up (140 points for his statline is an absolute bargain), and I've found the Ripperdactyls to be surprisingly effective. Even if they lose one model - or two models - before attacking, they usually swing back with so much damage to tie the combat due to the sheer number of attacks per model. Just add some Miasma in there to get them hitting first. Two units of them should be doubly effective. The second wave then consists of Scar-Veterans and Skink-Kroxigor, and a final wave with the Temple Guard (if they aren't keeping up with the second). Meanwhile the chaff keep the enemy off me as I rush across the table. The idea is that the list is so fast moving that it'll catch opponents off balance who are more used to a ponderous Lizardman approach; and where they aren't its got the movement needed to maintain board control. And, yes - some of you may have noticed that I have both Cold One Riders and Skink-Kroxigor in the list, despite all the negative comments I've had about both those units. Well, the former is to fit into a neat 210 point gap in the list and provide a delivery system for the Scar-Vets (its also able to keep pace with the Skink-Kroxigor and give me an additional point of Fortitude); and the latter is to get some more S7 into the list. They are nowhere near as good as previous edition, but my experience with small units of solo Kroxigor has been disappointing to say the least. They really need the additional CR from the Skinks to stick around. If both these units work out I'll gladly eat my hat!
Re: A new Lizardman list - better, faster, stronger. I really like your idea, and i defiantly see some potential going on. I myself, am very fond of making "fast/mobile" lists. There is not much I really want to change on this list, since you basically already have made a plan ahead. The only things I suggest, is replace the "potion of Foolhardiness" with "potion of Speed" and downgrade you GW to a Halberd. For the remaining points, i'd upgrade Wandering deliberation to "Focus of Mystery".. This gives you a little more flexibility, since you can basically always swap to the same spells you got with Wandering. Also.. Fiery Convocation and Walk between world, can really help against the many Large units and a well use of the walk between world, may see you TG unit Appear sooner, than the enemy thinks(I know you already got movement banner, keep it! - No one should EVER rely on magic alone). As for your Scar Veteran with the Halberd, he will be better suited for different challenges, since he may Strike first! Well.. That's just my humble opinion, I really like your Idea and may even try out that flying Old'ie myself! The Sivejirs Hex scroll priest looks like a fun and different tak on the enemy magic phase. I usually take Becalming instead of Dispel scroll, since it's more a "reliable" source of countermagic (If you could say such about magic) and can be used more than once Good luck with the army, I'd defiantly like to read a battlereport from you.
Re: A new Lizardman list - better, faster, stronger. Thanks for the feedback! Regarding Potion of Speed/Halberd... this is what I used to run back in the last book when I was using Light Magic. However, without easy access to ASF, I don't feel like its superior. For a start, there's not all that much out there which you'll be beating on Initiative to make it worthwhile (At least among the stuff that counts - like enemy heroes). Cowboys are more than tough enough to take attacks first, and S7 is also hugely more beneficial against all that 1+ armour than S6. For instance, 5 S7 attacks against Skullcrushers delivered last, is way better than 4 S6 attacks delivered first. I've been toying around with High Magic but I'm just not feeling it. It has a bunch of great utility spells, like Walk Between Worlds, which would work well. However, its only got one combat buff. It also doesn't have anything that can nuke big, scary things before they hit me. Sure, I can cast something and swap it to more combat buffs or Spirit Leech/Searing Doom. But a lot of the big scary stuff can fly now, especially in the Warriors of Chaos book, and there's a good chance I'll only have one round of casting before they are in combat. It also leaves me dependent on getting a good dice roll on Winds to cast a lot of spells to ensure I get enough through to swap them for things that I want. For these reason I'd rather have the spells I need right from the off. The Hex Scroll is my secret weapon. With all the Daemon Princes and Greater Daemons running around now, which are often low level (1-3), not to mention those level 2 Loremasters, there's a significant chance you can frog them. Even against level 4s, its still a 33% which isn't bad just to end the magic phase, let alone turn something that is unkillable into something that's very killable, deny a General's leadership bonus, and potentially give you a second (or more) free magic phases. Flying Oldie is brilliant. Most games you can have him in combat from turn two, if not turn 1. And with 5 (realistically, 6 attacks), he'll chew through even rank and file with ease. That WS6 is huge.
Re: A new Lizardman list - better, faster, stronger. I think you'll quickly find the skroxigor units to be lacking. I even think lacking would be a generous description.
Re: A new Lizardman list - better, faster, stronger. You may be correct. Personally, I don't rate them highly at all. The double nerf was too much and badly implemented. However, there's some things to consider. Firstly, they are in Core. Sure, I could spend 300-400 points on 6-8 Kroxigor which would achieve much more, but that's in Special and I've still got to fill my Core with something. I've tried using just 4 Kroxigor, but the unit on its own is too weak. At least this way, I've still got yet more high Strength attacks and they might achieve something (the combat odds vs, for instance, Skullcrushers aren't that unfavorable). They're also fast, and can keep up with the rest of the list. The alternative is Saurus (Actually there's another alternative, but I hate the Skink Cloud). I really like Saurus, and I miss the days of early 8th when they were actually worthwhile. Sadly, S4 is increasingly irrelevant in this game. There's just way too much high Toughness or 1+ armour save that don't care about it. And then when you do finally get Saurus into combat with something that isn't so tough, their low Initiative and Weapon Skill are such severe handicaps. Sure, they might not die in droves - but they are still dying, and they aren't achieving much as they do it. Big Skink units are better for keeping the unit Steadfast and around for longer, especially if the opponent is focusing on the Kroxigor - and if they're not, the Kroxigor are chopping away with much greater impact than the handful of WS3 S4 attacks you get from the Saurus. I've tried them in small units of 15-20, 24-30, or hordes of 30+. I've tried Spears, HW&S, Scar-Vet leaders and support. In almost all games I can think of, its never the Saurus themselves that achieve much - its either the buffs being cast on them, the numbers in the unit, or whatever is supporting them. Yes, I could buff them. The problem with Lizardman is that everything which isn't a Saurus hero needs buffs to work. That being the case, I'd much rather focus on buffing Temple Guard, Ripperdactyls, and Kroxigor - all of whom will benefit much more from it - than trying to make Saurus adequate (not even good, just adequate). And finally, let's not forget the big Purple Sun. Why Saurus had to be I1 so that they die in droves to this thing (I guess they were so OP before, right?), I have no idea - but there it is. And practically everyone and their cat seems to be running Death these days...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (Lustria Campaign list) So for a number of reasons my previous list wasn't working: I was reliant on the Hex Scroll to kill Daemon Princes and if that didn't work I was practically writing off whole units, Purple Sun was death to my Saurus who also struggled to perform, both the Kroxigor and the Temple Guard were far too small to achieve anything, and I wasn't getting anywhere with High Magic. In short: it just didn't work. As you can see in the previous post, I wrote up another list which was based around lots of fast moving elements, but when I stood back and considered it there was something about it that I just wasn't comfortable with. My other army is Dark Elves and they know how to do fast combat units; that list was just a pale reflection. So I went back to the drawing board and started over, keeping the things that I liked. High Magic got dumped, and Wandering Deliberations was brought back in. Both Chiefs and one Priest were out – in their place came two Scar-Vets on Cold Ones. The Saurus were gone and replaced with Skink-Kroxigor, for reasons that I have detailed at length elsewhere. Shifting the Kroxigor to Core freed up points in Special to raise the Temple Guard to 26. Ancient Steggy with his threatening Horns also made a welcome return. This left me with some 150 points to play around with. Now, I do enjoy playing with Ripperdactyls and I could have kept them, but I think the internet wisdom is right - they really do need two units or 4-5 models. So in the name of target saturation for warmachines and Purple Sun protection for the Temple Guard I chucked in a Bastiladon Solar Engine. This left a list that is very concentrated, bordering on points denial. Its heavily reliant on the near 1,000 points of characters to actually achieve something which makes me sad (I'm an infantry player – I hate HeroHammer). But it really feels like its the best of a bad bunch. Slann Mage-Priest with Wandering Deliberations, Dispel Scroll. Oldblood with Arabyan Carpet, Sword of Might, Dawn Stone, Enchanted Shield, Light Armour. Scar-Veteran with Cold One, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, Battle Standard Bearer. Scar-Veteran with Cold One, Great Weapon, Potion of Foolhardiness, Luckstone, Sacred Stegadon Helm. Skink Priest with Hex Scroll, Heavens Level 1. 32 Skinks, 4 Kroxigor, full command. 10 Skink Skirmishers, Javelins. 10 Skink Skirmishers, Javelins 10 Skink Cohort 10 Skink Cohort 26 Temple Guard, Full Command, Standard of Discipline. Bastiladon, Solar Engine Ancient Stegadon, Sharpened Horns This is the list that I'll be using in the remainder of our Lustria Campaign.
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (Lustria Campaign list) So, I came across the Potion of Strength/Piranha Blade Oldblood which can be used to stab Daemon Princes and make them go away. Alongside old Steggy with his Horns of Multiple Wounds Doom,* I think that the two of them together give me enough threat that I probably don't need the Hex Scroll, which can be gimmicky at the best of time (especially as Daemon Princes, especially those used by my regular opponent, are going up to Level 4), and doing this lets me shift a lot of stuff around. It does mean that I lose the magic carpet, which I really enjoyed, but as I never managed to find a suitable conversion anyway its not a big deal. Here's the revised list, then: Slann with Wandering Deliberations, Battle Standard Bearer. Oldblood with Pihrana Blade, Dawn Stone, Potion of Strength, Charmed Shield (its cheaper than a regular shield...), Cold One. Skink Priest with Dispel Scroll. Scar-Veteran with Sacred Stegadon Helm, Potion of Foolhardiness, Pidgeon Plucker Pendant, Cold One, Great Weapon, Light Armour. 32 Skinks with 4 Kroxigor, Full command. 10 Skink Skirmishers, Javelins and Shields 10 Skink Skirmishers, Javelins and Shields 10 Skink Cohort, Javelins and Shields 10 Skink Cohort, Javelins and Shields 26 Temple Guard, Full Command, Banner of Discipline. Bastiladon with Solar Engine Ancient Stegadon with Sharpened Horns. What's that - only one Scar-Veteran?! Well, thinking some more about my Scar-Veterans are the only decent choices rant, I decided that I should be a bit more experimental and open-minded. So: just under 200 points to spare. This could be a unit of Ripperdactyls and some more Temple Guard; 6 Cold One Riders (or 5 with a Standard); a Ripperdactyl Chief with the Egg and some Temple Guard; or the boring old Scar-Vet (and, you guessed it, some more Temple Guard). Or I try something really drastic and take out Blasty the Bastiladon - giving me nearly 340 points to spare. This could really go on anything. I'd be really keen to hear your thoughts, so please don't hold back. What do you think would really round out this list? *Lucky rolling excepted
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (revised list - advice sought) Hey GPCD, Sexy list... Please correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like you want to get those TG, steg and Saurus characters into a fight asap. While controlling enemy movement and ofc delivering a fair amount of poison shots. You mentioned fast and fighty with your DE army and LM feeling lackluster in that dept... I am not trying to re-invent your list merely expressing my findings. Like yourself I have been an infantry general for years of warhammer with LM. Last Friday I tried the following list: Tetto'ekko 2 x OB on Cold one 1 x Scar-vet BSB on Cold one 1 skink priest caddy with beasts 18 x skink cohort Standard / muso +2 Krox 18 x skink cohort Standard / muso + 2 Krox 10 x skink skirmishers 10 x skink skirmishers 6 x chameleons 6 x chameleons 3 x terradons 26 x Temple Guard (FC) Ancient Steg with giant blowpipes I found this list very fast and pressurized my OnG opponent from turn one. I limited his vanguards, I had vanguarding Temple Guard, an ancient steg and terradons. OnG actually prohibits this build a wee bit with double manglers and fanatics, but with my skink core and terradons both manglers died turn one via shooting, his fanatics died turn two. His doom divers and spear chukkas were also under pressure from 2 units of chamos and the terradons. I do not own enough skinks, so I added Krox to my cohorts to fill out core points. The nice things about that is rallying on coldblooded Ld 8 I even had poison attacks on my skinks.... But would rather have had more skinks While this is definitely not skink cloud I feel its a cool hybrid. My opponent admitted his battle plans got seriously curbed by vanguarding TG and stegs and pressured him into movement mistakes. I feel less worried casting with a level 2 than risking a slann on big casts. I found the list fast and had good fighty elements
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (revised list - advice sought) Be interested to hear how the new list does. Not a huge fan of skrox.
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (revised list - advice sought) Hi Pofadder, thanks for your thoughts and interesting to hear your feedback. Tetto'ekko certainly seems to be the key for a lot of people, and I'd do exactly the same except there's just one problem: I don't like using Special Characters. At all. In fact, I've never used on in any of my years in the hobby. I think that they are great in special scenarios, and if people want to use them then I certainly don't have any issue with it, but I've not interest in using one. This is partly pure immersion reasons, as I want to make my own stories with my own characters, and not have every battle come down to "well, it was fortunate that Tetto'ekko was there... again...," and partly because I don't want to feel that I need to use any particular one as a crutch. I could probably emulate a similar tactic with a High Magic Slann casting Walk Between Worlds. Which, actually, brings me on to my next point in that the list I posted has been completely revised and I've dropped the Slann, who has been the biggest crutch of all. I'm still interested in getting mobility into the list, but I no longer want to rely on a 300-400+ point model casting spells to make anything work. So, this is the list as posted over in the no-Slann thread that I'm hopefully trying out this weekend (to give my friend and I some more time to furiously paint ahead of our final Lustria campaign game): Oldblood with Egg of Quango, Armour of Destiny, Sword of Might, Shield. General. Oldblood with Pihrana Blade, Dawn Stone, Potion of Strength, Charmed Shield, Cold One. Level 2 Beasts Skink Priest with Dispel Scroll. Level 2 Beasts Skink Priest with Cube of Darkness. Scar-Veteran with Sacred Stegadon Helm, Potion of Foolhardiness, Pidgeon Plucker Pendant, Cold One, Great Weapon, Light Armour, BSB. (Wise money says that he should be AoD due to Death snipes, but I love the Stegadon Helm too much). 26 Saurus Warriors, HW&S, Full Command. 10 Skink Skirmishers, Javelins and Shields 20 Skink Cohort, Javelins and Shields, Standard and Musician. 20 Skink Cohort, Javelins and Shields, Standard and Musician. 23 Temple Guard, Full Command, Banner of Swiftness. Bastiladon with Solar Engine 6 Cold One Riders, Standard. 3 Terradons 3 Terradons The idea behind the list is that the General sits in the Saurus Warrior unit, who are 5 wide to mitigate incoming damage and give him plenty of static CR. All their combat punch comes from him and the Egg, which also deals with pesky things like Elves, unless I manage to get a Wildform off. The Pihrana Blade Oldblood goes off hunting Monstrous Cav, Steam Tanks and Daemon Princes, either in the Temple Guard (vs no artillery) or the COR (if there are cannons); with the BSB sitting in whichever unit he isn't in. With their movement, the TG and COR can go racing off after things whilst the Saurus Warriors anviling something (although the TG can switch roles in a pinch), with the Bastiladon sticking close to provide fire support and Purple Sun protection, and the Terradons being a general nuisance. 20 Skink cohorts are something I've been wanting to try for a while now as I've seen them around quite a bit. They are still absolutely dirt cheap at only 120 points, but they've got a few more uses than 10 strong ones (not the least being that they'll last longer chaffing something up!). Things I really like about this list: combat punch, mobility, no dependence on level 4s 6-dicing something, flexibility, the use of stuff which I had previously written off (Saurus Warriors and COR). Things I don't like about this list: no Ripperdactyls, no Stegadons, no level 9/10 general. That last bit especially could be really tricky, but Leadership 8 Cold Blooded with re-rolls is still solid.
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (revised list - advice sought) Generally, I like it. Some thought/suggestions: I'm not sold on the value of Temple Guard in a list like this. You may be surprised how often you can get a Wildform off with 2 Shamans focusing on it. If you find you can - maybe drop the TG for the Steg or Rippers you're wanting. If you do still want to keep the TG - Std of Discipline for the Ld 9 you're wanting? I think you'll like using this list. Let us know how it goes
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (revised list - advice sought) On the Temple Guard, they are basically there to do what the Saurus Warriors do for the Oldblood: give a Saurus character a big amount of static CR (as they'll have a 25 model footprint), with the added advantages of: 1) Magic Banner (in this case for Swiftness - although Discipline is a strong possibility) 2) S5 (not as reliant on Wildform, somewhat scary to stuff with armour) 3) WS4 (better to-hit ratio, fewer attacks back) 4) Not as susceptible to Purple Sun (I3 with the Bastiladon). Its going to take a big change in playstiye to get used to the fact that these guys aren't a Steadfast reptilian wall, as they would be with a Slann, but the whole point of this list is change in playstyle. I want a few games before I make any changes, but if I did the first thing would be to drop the COR, some TG and a level on a Priest for a Steggy with Sharpened Horns, or a unit of Rippers, Salamanders and more TG. On Widlform: I'm not counting on the mythical double-Wildform. When combat comes around I'll hedge my bets and throw all my dice at one Wildform where its needed the most, and if a Skink falls down a hole in the process then so be it.
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (revised list - advice sought) All fair points, I'd say. Definitely play-test it as is first, and go from there. What I meant with my Wildform comment was more that you'll get one off, which effectively makes the Saurus as good as (kinda better due to defense) the Temple Guard. But still, having 2 nice blocks - 1 that doesn't need an augment as much, is very sound.
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (revised list - advice sought) With the advent of the Wood Elf release, I have reviewed and updated my list again: Oldblood with Egg of Quango, Talisman of Preservation, Sword of Might, Enchanted Shield. General. Oldblood with Pihrana Blade, Dawn Stone, Potion of Strength, Charmed Shield, Cold One. Level 2 Beasts Skink Priest with Dispel Scroll. Level 2 Heavens Skink Priest with Scroll of Shielding. Scar-Veteran with Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon, Cold One, BSB. 26 Saurus Warriors, HW&S, Full Command. 10 Skink Skirmishers, Javelins and Shields 20 Skink Cohort, Javelins and Shields, Standard and Musician. 20 Skink Cohort, Javelins and Shields, Standard and Musician. 24 Temple Guard, Full Command, Banner of Swiftness. Bastiladon with Solar Engine 3 Terradons 3 Terradons 3 Ripperdactyls. 5 Chameleon Skinks And, as expected, the Cold Ones are out already. And this is even after I (re)painted up a unit of 6 of them! Well, I took one look at no AS Waywatchers and decided that I really wasn't going to waste my time. The BSB and Piranha Blade Saurus will pack into the Temple Guard instead, almost a mini-death star, whilst Ripperdactyls and Chameleon Skinks come in to help win the inevitable Wood Elf chaff war. I've also swapped the BSB to Armour of Destiny to try, as much as possible, to mitigate the inevitable Waystalker snipes (there's also an added utility vs Death) - Piranha Oldblood is still exposed, but I don't think that I really need him in the Wood Elf match up. You might also be wondering, why no Cube of Darkness?! Well, the comp pack that I'll be using this list under only allows one item that prevents a spell from being cast, so I've got the Shielding Scroll instead.
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (Tournament list v2) Hi there, just joined the site. I've been wanting to get into fantasy for a long time, and with the amount of batreps I watch and time spent perusing army list forums, youd think I already was. In any case, Ive been up in the air a long time about which army to take, and despite LM's seemingly cookie cutter style , i just keep coming back to them. I hate the notion of death stars, buses, and hordes. I like the thought of multiple 20 something strong infantry blocks (though it appears multiple saurus blocks went out of style a couple years ago). Your take on lizardmen is intriguing GCPD, and while I'll be picking up a slann anyways, I'm very interested to see how this non slann style list does. The army feels alot like how I envisioned warhammer, and is a lot closer to the elf armies I was initially attracted to.
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (Tournament list v2) Thanks! I'm an infantry player at heart, so combat blocks are something that I'm always interested in playing. This weekend I hopefully have the first game of many practice sessions, and up against the new Woodies, no less. Stay tuned!
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (Tournament list v2) Glad you're looking into lizardmen! However, i would advise some caution. Far too often i've seen people get enticed by the big monsters and "tough infantry" saurus, but find that army rather lackluster on the battle field. If you haven't already i'd flip through Sleboda's large thread of his battle reports. He hasn't done one in some time, and i believe this is in small part due to a minor frustration with the book. He has said multiple times how he was drawn to the multiple monsters, but with every battle seemed to be growing more and more frustrated with just how difficult it is to get an army like that to work. Not trying to discourage you or say an Infantry style lizardmen army is impossible to get working, i'd just really make sure you have a realistic idea of what you're getting yourself into. Of course a lot of that depends on how competitive or what meta is popular among your local wargaming scene. Either way hope to see you around! I love my lizardmen army and honestly can't even imagine collecting a different one.
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (Tournament list v2) I've read aplenty about what a pitiful state the carnosaur is in, the steg models dont really excite me, and 1 saurus block + 1 temple guard block is enough to sate my interest in fielding saurus grunts. As long as some easy magic can turn them into the beasts they appear to be I'll be happy. However, I dont really like the looks of fielding more then 3 skirmisher infantry types. Salamanders, terradons/rippers, bastilidons all look awesome though. Would be nice if lizardmen got a hydra/bloodcrusher/chimera style monster. I was also really hoping to see Saurus cavalry not suck. guess that is not to be. So really, my preferred style seems to be 'MSUish' + cavalry + hard infantry blocks, and LM seems to barely meet any of that criteria lol, or does so in a strange way. Oh well. They still keep my attention. Anywho, GCPD's initial list had Kroxigar in the skink units. Are krox really that detrimental?
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (Tournament list v2) At this point a skroxigor unit is probably the worst of the core choices. a 15 or 20 block of skink cohorts is probably the best core unit in the army book, closely followed by a 10 man skirmisher squad. saurus are a ways behind, and skroxigor are a ways behind them.
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (Tournament list v2) Forgive me for continuing to trail off topic, but why are the cohorts the best core choice? From what I have read I thought it was the skirmishers.