It's been a long time...

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Paradox, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. Paradox

    Paradox New Member

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    To begin, I first started playing Warhammer WAY back in the day when Warhammer Quest was still around and supported by Games Workshop. My first army was Undead (Nagash was such a beast, I was sad when they did away with him and split the undead into the Tomb Kings and the GLittering Horde (Vampire Lords).

    I also fell in love with the Dwarves because they are about as far away from the 3 flavors of prancers as you can get (Elves I mean). Plus, Dwarven Slayers are thematically my favorite unit of all time.

    Fast forward to 6th edition, and I had pieced together a few armies including Orcs and Goblins, Empire and Dwarves. I played Dwarves, my two older sons played Empire and Orcs. I bought all of the 6th edition books, and when the Ogres came out, I knew I was going to collect and play both Dwarves and Ogres, because who doesn't love giant things that eat and fight all day? I got my first butcher model, a pack of bulls and a few gorgers and then disaster.

    My wife decided that I was spending too much and that because my boys didn't really like playing, they more felt forced to play with me, I was forbidden from buying any more Warhammer models.

    That is until now...

    My youngest son is 8 1/2, and LOVES Warhammer (He loves all miniature table top games). He has been pestering my wife to let us start with Warhammer again, and my wife agreed, on one condition. That I collect an army that he chooses, without me influencing him in any way.

    That brings me to why I am here, because my son absolutely loves Lizardmen. I never really was interested in Lizardmen, as I didn't really think they were as cool as my top 3: Dwarves, Ogres and Tomb Kings. I actually ranked them 6th, after Orcs and Skaven as well.

    I have been perusing these forums for the last week or so, and as I am getting ready to buy the 8th edition Lizardmen book (I think it's 8th, it is hardcover, and I think 7th was still softcover), I figured I might as well learn about how to be successful, because from what I see the game has changed a lot in my years away.

    So if you can overlook the fact that I didn't choose Lizardmen, but rather had them thrust upon me, I would appreciate hints and tips.

    My first question regards old models. A quick perusal of Ebay shows lots of old skink and saurus models for a bunch cheaper than new models. Would it be a big deal if I fielded skinks with bows (6th edition) as opposed to skinks with javelins? (I mean the models, not the actual weapons).

    Also, after reading the Carnosaur tactics and my Son loving the Carnosaur model, I discovered a few Chinese firms offering them for around $30 apiece, as opposed to $70ish at my local store. Has anyone ordered from one of these firms? Are the models the same?

    Thank you for your help.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum... I think? Haha.

    As to your concerns, the old models still get used pretty frequently. There are several good conversion examples you can find to hide the fact that they have bows instead of javelins. Sometimes it's as easy as putting the newer style shields on the models. Pretty easy fix. Most people don't seem to really care though. Unless you're going to be in a strict tournament where WYSIWYG is king, you'll be fine. Skinks are Skinks. I still use my old 5th edition guys. :smug:

    As for Carno's, there are 2 different versions available. It could very well be that you would be buying the older 6th/7th edition model. Not that it's a bad model, but if you like the new one you might be dissapointed. The real thing you should look for is what type of medium the model is cast in. If it's metal or resin it will be the older model. If it's the new one it will be plastic. Also if you can't see a picture of the model I'd be hesitant buying it at all, haha.

    Looking forward to your input!
  3. Paradox

    Paradox New Member

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    It is a resin model in the description. It states that it has 3 configurations, where one of them is Kroq-Gar (My son's favorite character, we read in the old green Lizardmen book and the 6th edition book nightly, and I have read about Kroq-Gar more nights than not to him).

    From what I can tell, the pictures look like what I am seeing as the "new" Carnosaur model, where a saurus is riding on a stone throne attached to the carnosaur back.
  4. Crillaz
    Cold One

    Crillaz Member

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    Welcome to the forum :)

    Im sure you and your son will find all the info you need here, otherwise just ask and Im sure the more experienced players will answer your questions.

    About the chinese shop,

    When I ordered my carnos I also found these chinese "ali baba look alike site" shops that sold pieces so much cheaper then anyone else. I wanted to try them but in the end I didn't dare to. What if they don't have the models they claim. No models being sent.
    What can I do as a customer against a chinese company?
    I also noticed they sold models that GW normally sells exclusively, thats when I decided to not order from them. How come that they alone except GW can sell these exclusive models?
    I also noticed a lot of complaints in the comments section.

    I ordered mine from Total war gamer in the UK. A little more expensive the china but still cheaper then anything else I have seen. It took them 3 months or so before I got my stuff tho.

    If anyone else have ordered from china, did it work out well?

  5. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    The new model is pure plastic, no resin!

    If they have a resin model i hink it's because China doesn't care about Copyrights (or what it's called) infringement, and copied the model in resin.

    IF that's the case, there's 2 things that could happen.

    A. The model is perfectly neat and well made, except for being resin other than plastic.

    B. The model is garbage, made of cheap resin, and cast poorly as if GW had just started making resin models again, it needs extensive remodeling to work, and will probably never look good again.

    Again, i must repeat myself, the new Carno is ONLY cast in pure plastic, as a multiple parts kit, that also makes the trgolodon - ONLY the old carno (which is awesome and godlike and i am totally Biased towards it) was cast in resin, and previously metal!

    Be, careful :)
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    "Welcome to the forum...I think" from me as well!

    An eight year old's fascination with dinosaurs is a powerful thing....If he likes dinosaurs and Mesoamerican culture even better.

    I use archer skinks all the time and no one complains. As I am getting older, my own preferences are pushing me towards WYSIWYG, so I am slowly converting my archer skinks to javelin Skinks (cutting away the bows, and putting javelins tips visible in the quiver but no one seems to mind the archer Skinks. Also my unpainted models are gradually being converted into Skink zombies for my Lustrian vampire's army.

    The painting forum should give you two lots of inspiration. Don't be afraid to ask for advice or tips.

    And of course for tactics, it's hard to beat the Tactica index, which is linked in my signature. I endorse it at every opportunity.

    Hopefully after getting to know about our scaly goodness, you won't have to play Lizards with your nose plugged.

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