Temple guard colour scheme advice needed

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Agrem, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Agrem

    Agrem Active Member

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    Hello everyone!

    I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I can't decide what to do with my temple guard colour scheme. My army consists of brown lizards with lighter scales as you can see from here. The pictures and the topic is rather old and I have since finished all the models included and painted a few more.

    Anyway, back to the topic. I would like to paint my temple guard as the rest of my army. The problem however is as my unit consists of the old metal models as well as the new plastic ones (50/50) the primer that I have been using is not very ideal for metal miniatures since it doesn't really stick to the miniatures. I could ofcourse first use white primer and then go over with the brown. Other solution would be to go with white primer and paint the brown by hand, that is a bit too much work for me since I'm not that keen painter. I don't own an airbrush either.

    So the question is what other paint scheme I could use for my temple guard that would work alongside with the rest of the army? Perhaps reverse the colours by doing white primer and some brownish/sepia wash over the skin and make the scales darker? Or then go with something completely different? I have been lurking around the painting section of this board to get some inspiration but nothing hasn't yet tickled my fancy so far.

    Thanks already for help and regards
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    How about purple scales and bone white shields.
    (reverse of the saurus)
  3. Agrem

    Agrem Active Member

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    Thanks for reply.

    That could work for sure. However the problem mainly is the skin. Maybe I wasn't clear enough that as the skin part is so large and I don't have a good way to paint it brown except by hand but I'm lazy so I would need an alternative to it. :D

  4. Sandrockkai

    Sandrockkai Member

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    Hey man, I totally understand not wanting to paint tons of models by hand. I've found that using washes/shades on a model that is primed white helps a ton with this.

    Examples in my painting log (http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/sandrockkais-paint-log.10395/):
    My skinks with javelins and the skinks on my Bastilodon were primed white and hit with a green shade (GW Biel-tan Green). I then painted the scales, weapons, shields etc with paint and used shades as appropriate.

    I used the same technique on my Kroxigor (though I think I used an out-of-production wash, Asurmen Blue).

    If you're interested in seeing what a brown shade over white looks like, I did two different kinds. If you look at my Oldblood/Scar-Vet on Cold One in progress pictures, you'll see Seraphim Sepia over white primer. If you look at the skin on my Bastilodon, you'll see Agrax Earthshade over white primer.

    Thematically, I like this idea as well. They say that the Lizardmen scales get lighter with age. Since Temple Guard can live for thousands of years, they can definitely be a lighter shade than your regular Saurus warriors.

    Best of luck!
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    You could just gey some beige model friendly spraypint, and them give them a brown wash as you base brown color.

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