In the dark future of the 41st millennium there is only... Lizardmen? Hello all! A.random.lurker here finally signing up for duty. A DA player in the future I hope to elevatelate myself to being worthy of the old ones. PS. Ogres make me cry
Welcome to the forum! We'll do our best to cleanse you of any silly 40K rules. Techincally the Lizardmen are a race from the future... And yeah, Ogres can be rough. But so can Lizardmen! Just gotta learn how to tango with them. Check out the tactica index for some tips.
Welcome, the Old Ones always smile when a lurker joins the active community. The Tactica index is linked in my signature which is a good place to start. Sadly my direct experience with Ogres is limited, but our solution to at least half of "How do I deal with ______?" is shoot it with Skinks. That applies to most of the Ogre list since they have lots of high toughness, weak armor save troops, ideal targets for poison shooting. Sadly this doesn't work near as well for Stonehorn, Mournfang Cavalry, or the two chariots. My direct experience with these heavies is nill.
Listeria is an illness caused by eating foods contaminated by the bacteria Listeria Monocytogenes. "Monocytogenes" sounds like a pretty future-y name for a general, if you ask me! As for the forces of Lustria, Giant Space Frogs came from somewhere, Dannyrulx. If not from some enlightened future where their validity has been recognized, then where?