Do skink banner/musician bits exist? Where do they come from. What have you substituted in to fake it. Or did I get the only skink box with no banners/instruments? It looks like the stegadon flags might be a good fit, glued to the top of a broken off blowpipe or jav of just the right angle. As for the instrument... I am clueless On a similar note, who has used the Scar-vet BSB model? It looks awfully top heavy, do you just glue some coins to the bottom?
Yea, they reissued the old metal 5th edition skink command on the GW page. oh if you got the steg kit there are arms that fits with those banner poles, no need to ruin a blowpipe arm. Musician conversion in the other hand... no easy solutions. Maybe get some bits from a friends army... (Goblins perhaps ???)
As for a skink musician, I used one of the spare drums from the COR kit, and modified a drumstick from some bits I had. The drum is a little on the large side, but I think it looks pretty good.
Just this morning I was thinking about converting a Blowpipe into a Trumpet for my Skink musician. If they have lips enough to shoot darts, then they can play Yankee Doodle Dandy on a flute!
That sounds awesome, do you have any pics? Trumpet idea is good too. Looks more like a clarinet to me, but that is just silly. Perhaps all the edges and such could be filed down and some small holes drilled into the top to be a flute?
Funny I've been thinking of doing the exact same thing. Just haven't gotten around to do it yet. Have also been thinking of a skink brave with some bits from the new terradon kit. There are some extra spears and a couple of cool headgear in there.
It was used by a lot of armies in medieval Europe as a way to tell the troops what to do.
Maybe you can put two blowpipes together to function as a double flute? Like in 300, and the kind the Plaguebearers have.
I'd go with a horn. Just use a blowpipe arm, snap off the blow pipe that extends past the fist and glue on a horn (lots of kits have animal horn bits). Then use the left arm jav for the left arm. Beastmen gors and ungors come with extra sets of horns, and they are a good size for skinks. -Matt
How about bagpipes! Sorry for the terrible quality, I was so happy to finish I took the pic with my phone instead of the nice camera. I know the hands don't line up like real bagpipes, but it is a set of Lustrian bagpipes.