Hi Folks, Never played Warhammer FB, always been a 40K player. I really fancied trying WFB as I joined a new club in my town who have lots of players who play fantasy. I just got the rule book and the Lizardmen army book as I like the look of the figures and I hear Lizardmen are decent and can be put together in a few different ways. Looking forward to learning how to build my first lizardman army. Martin
Welcome to the land of square-base! Take a gander through the army list section to get some typical army build ideas. Just remember that the rules are a little different.
Thanks, I am reading my way through the rule book. I am also looking through a lot of the web resources to ensure I won't make a complete *ss of myself in my first game I know I have a lot to learn, but I am really looking forward to it. Building a decent 750/1000 will be my initial aim and then expand from there. Martin
I would advise giving the Tactica Index a look. The top few entries give you a good primer on Warhammer in general and basic use of Lizardmen. These three links should be especially helpful to you just starting out. General Overview of the new LM book Basic Overview of Warhammer Fantasy in general Broad Types of LM Armies
That is where I started. Fantastic set of information, really useful, so much good stuff in one place is invaluable. Thank you Martin