Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Connosaurus, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. Connosaurus

    Connosaurus New Member

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    I just bought 1000 points of space marines for 25$, i got really lucky, but if you play 40K please list your 40K army here i'd loved to hear about your 40k armies
  2. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    I'm a bit late to the party but I'm happy to chip in! 40k is my primary GW hobby (ie. the only one I actually play, but I collect Fantasy too) so I've got a fair bit of it. I've been playing on and off since 3rd edition and am enjoying the hobby quite a bit more this edition than I have for a long time.

    My first army was Tyranids. The less said about them the better.... I had no idea what I was doing and essentially bought things that looked cool. I was on a pretty tight budget, being about 14 at the time, and with the only plastic models being genestealers and termagants it took me a long time to build up some units of metal stuff, and was pretty devastated when I found out that Hormagaunts were a swarm unit when I was buying them in blister packs of 2 for $15 a pop. Anyway this army is long gone, resigned to the bottom of a rather large crate of abused miniatures. I still have a few things I'm fixing up for collecting purposes, but I don't intend on reviving this broken, broken army.

    My current army is Chaos Space Marines. I've got close to 5000pts worth, but I have so many redundant characters (HQs, squad leaders etc) that I couldn't field them all even if I wanted to! I usually run 1 or 2 HQ characters, either a Lord or Sorcerer, two units of Chaos Marines in Rhinos, a bunch of obliterators and a sprinkling of support units to taste. Sadly my track record is pretty bad and it's not often I win a game. Personally I think the current Codex isn't quite on par with others unless running a power build, which I don't do mainly because I don't own the models!

    I also have a medium-ish Necron army from 4th edition. Basically a single lord, a bunch of warriors and some destroyers. I recently got 2 of the new fliers and a command/annihilation barge but they're still in boxes.

    A while back a friend of mine and I made a combined Space Marine army, but since then he's fallen out of the hobby and I've never used it since. I have about 30 Tactical marines with various weapons, 2 dreadnaughts, 15 terminators, 5 bikes, a librarian (soon to be another Sorcerer) and a Chaplain. I had a bit of success with our combined army but I haven't really put it together again since the new codex came out so I'm not sure what I could achieve with it.

    About 5 years ago I used a small "Raider Rush" Dark Eldar army. At the time we had a lot of group games, 4 player free-for-all and such. Being the flimsiest army, and possibly the most killy one, I was generally wiped out on turn 3 or so. In 1v1 games I won most of the time with this army. Probably about 7/10 games. After a few edition changes the army wasn't as viable as I would have liked it to be and the Dark Eldar were still using their codex from the 90s, so I jumped ship to Necron. Not long later I started my Chaos and Space Marines armies and suprise suprise Dark Eldar got their new rules! Honestly I'd probably still be using DE if their codex came out a few months earlier but hey, what can you do? Since then they've fallen into a pretty bad state of disrepair to the point it would be a heavy investment of time and money to fix them up, so I'm sticking with Chaos for now!

    Hope you enjoyed my rant! My current 40k exploits can be seen at the form, including battle reports and paint logs. I do go a fair while between posts though!
  3. D43m0nSp4wn

    D43m0nSp4wn New Member

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    I also have the (near obligatory) Space marine army, although mine hasn't been played since 4th. My girlfriends son has a current marine army so I've pointed mine up and have about 3.5K of them and they look to be pretty competitive still (heavy weapons never go out of fashion).

    I also have enough guard to make an 800pt tank allied detachment, again from 4th, which is quite fun.

    But my main 40k army in 8th is a 2.5k DE transport army, quite literally nothing moves less than 12" basic unless it has had it's raider shot out from under it (which is a common occurrence)
  4. Connosaurus

    Connosaurus New Member

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    Srry i havn't posted in a while, i know what u mean fhanados, i'm rather young so it's a little hard to collect without quite a bit of money. but i play dark angels, i didn't exactly choose them, but i got them in the dark vengence starter set, i bought with my brother.

    Thank you for the replies

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