(Possibly) New Dinosaur Player

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by PapaG, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. PapaG
    Jungle Swarm

    PapaG New Member

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    Hi! I started gaming with 40k, quit when 6th ed ruined the game and moved over to fantasy. It is by FAR (IMHO) the superior game. Anyways, I've been drifting between armies and switching off between them every few games by using LOTS of proxies and totally legally acquired Army Books :oops:

    Anyways, after much screwing around, I figured I should actually... you know... commit to one. Armies are like women; it's hard to settle with one :p (I kid, of course. I'm not sexist. Really).

    I actually like Lizardmen NOT because they're dinosaurzzz! but because
    1. I like strong infantry fielded in units larger than 15 (damn elves and chaos!), monsters and magic
    2. They're society (kind of) reminds me of the one from Brave New World, and that is totally awesome
    3. Lizardmen are one of the least played actually competitive armies, and I'm hipster

    So, yeah. I'm not actually 100% on Lizardmen yet, but am 80% sure I will be with them. I'll be perusing the tactics section more and prob post a list for critique soon (because I'm a random jerk who demands your attention). I hope to stay with these scaly bastards and contribute to the community!
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I think all of us have strayed from our main army at one point or another. I've had a short fling with Beastmen, Daemons, and a large hiatus with 40k. The best thing to remember is that this is a game! You don't have to play as Mr. Green every single time, haha. (It is much more financially responsible to settle on one, however. Just like with women.)

    My Saurus blocks typically start at 24, usually end up at 30 strong. Temple Guard are the same way. The only downside is that our troops cost a little more than some of the horde-style armies out there, so we have to pay dearly for those numbers. I personally think it evens out. You get pretty decent troops for what you have to pay for in our army. Just make sure you plan out your support! Magic, flankers, etc. Our troops shine when they work with assistance.

    And welcome to the forum!
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum.

    Aztec dinosaurs are always a good choice!

    I drifted a while between armies. Well I always liked Lizardmen but I've done lots of proxy armies with legally acquired overpriced books.

    I got three armies. Lizardmen are my favorite army to play. I have Vampire Counts mainly for modeling purposes (I like to convert undead, I feel like Sid from Toy Story), and I have Empire because it lets me use my DOW models and every once in a while I want to play an army that is on the supply end of artillery fire and not the receiving end.

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