So I had the old Kroq-Gar model assembled for some time. Haven't painted it yet. Originally I was thinking not to bother with the new Carnosaur model. Given the well-written endorsements of two Carnosaur armies, my new thought was if the new Carnosaur is bigger, no big deal. I'll go with one old, one new and distinguishable Carnosaurs. I just assembled my Troglodon and now I realize the new Carnosaur/Troglodon model is crazy bigger than then the old model, not just noticeably bigger. Are they any two Carnosaur fans out there who know how to use both at once on one table and not make it look ridiculous?
Greenstuff half of a Carnosaur egg shell and put it on the small one's head like it just hatched. The rest of the shell can be scattered on the model base.
Small One Scar-Vet. Same thing goes for old Steg, it's only ever a stegadon, while the new ones are Ancients.
Ecomp's suggestion is nice the big T-rex(pastic carnosaur) for old blood and the smaller allosaurus(metal one) for scar veteran
I'm also going for Old = Scar Vet and New = Old Blood. The way I see it "Carnosaur" is a catch-all term to refer to a number of different species of large predatory reptiles native to Lustria. I feel that the same could be applied to "Cold Ones" and "Horned Ones" (may they rest in peace), but perhaps not to Steg/Basti or our birdies.
That reminds me, are not the new carnosaurus base larger than the old as well? Anyone know a cheaper place to purchase more bases than GW website? Feel its pretty steep with £4-5 per base.
Find a plate of plastisheet at a hobby store of 2-3mm thick, you'll be able to cut a dozen monster sized bases out of it for the price of one gw base
i did, but i don't have the old metal carnosaur model, so i can't compare them... i'd like to know the height of plastic one in inches or cms...