Blog: purple lizzies of the night ( stegadon rampage)

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by blackhawk, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. blackhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    blackhawk Member

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    well im continuing painting and have done some skinks now to. these skinks will form up 1 ranked unit and 2 skirmished units of 10. the ranked skinks will be all skinks, but the skirmishers will have unit fillers in the form of blowpipes coming out of the water for breathing, or just he head coming out of the water.

    I will post first a pic of my steadon, which was already in my previous topic, but i'd rather make this now a blog topic so everything i make will be in on topic and easy to follow.

    here are the skinks. they al have other scales depending on their unit. the red ones are the sotek blessed ones and so aggresive and more combat like. they also have green scaled shields which give a great sublime contrast to their red/purple style.
    the others are dark and light bleu marked which marks their aquatic rule.

    the pics are made by my phone, so still not that great. hopefully im able to get my camera with me over 3 weeks.
    also i speed paint "everything" i hate painting. so they are not the " wow" factor, but still great tabletop quality, and with it's unique colour scheme alot of people will still hold still and take a minute to look at tournaments :)

    still to do list:

    7 " unit filler" skinks
    3 razordons
    9 razor handlers
    2 Eotg + crew
    1 stegadon + crew ( old model)
    3 terradons ( convertion from wood elf warhawks)

    next on planning:
    1 Eotg ( already done skin tone)
    1 razordon
    9 handlers
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Looking good though the pics are pretty fuzzy
  3. Bubba gar

    Bubba gar New Member

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    I like the purple on the stegadon,But i would darken the siliver on stegadon with Brown ink or Black ink.The skinks are cool .
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love how the purple stegadon came out! It looks fantastic.

    The skink pics are a little bit too blurry to really see though...
  5. blackhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    blackhawk Member

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    working at the moment on my first eotg.
    i chose a darker howdah color then that of the chief.
    reason for this is that on my opinion the engine of the gods are old machines made by the old ones. and so these things are thousands of years old. the howdahg of the chief is quite new in comparison to the engines and so has much fresher gold colour.

    i also finished my 3 razordons, but dont have any pics of them. next week i will post them. still working on the handlers.

    still to do list:
    7 " unit filler" skinks
    9 razor handlers
    2 Eotg + crew
    1 stegadon + crew ( old model)
    3 terradons ( convertion from wood elf warhawks)
    1 salamander + crew ( old model)

    next on planning:
    3 terradons
    7 skink unit fillers

    working momently on:
    razordon handlers

    SKink chief on stegadon
    2x 10 skink skirmishers ( excl unit fillers)
    1x 10 skink cohort
    3 razordons
  6. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I would love to see these models a bit clearer.. Try either taking the photos against a wall or putting a sheet of cardboard or paper behind them, a flat background should encourage the camera to focus on the model rather than what is behind it. Also set the resolution high (not needed if the pics are already huge when you take them off the camera and you have to shrink them) and try taking the photo from a bit further away, so the model just fills the centre of the small box in the middle of the screen. Use a bit of zoom but not too much, I'm talking maybe a metre away or so. Then you will need to crop the photo but not shrink it. Just play around with different settings and distances, take a whole bunch of pictures, then look through them on the comp and delete any that are too blury.

    From what I can see of it though, it looks pretty cool. :)
  7. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    Great colour scheme blackhawk!

    As regards to the quality of the pics - are u still using your phone? If you are using a camera try arranging the settings so that you get a clearer picture. The best thing to do when taking pics of close up things is using the 'macro' or 'super macro' function. It is a symbol of a flower/tulip. This will allow the camera to focus better on things that are a couple of inches away from the lens.

    Also, what strewart said would help.
  8. blackhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    blackhawk Member

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    jup still using my phone.

    if the army is ready i will shoto them with my analoge camera for better pics. reason for this is that i will have all the pics on the same film roll and no tspread out over different film rolls ( which is confusing).
  9. lord karnik

    lord karnik New Member

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    great theme like the purple! I much prefer the darker lizards to the light/bright colored ones!

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