Blog Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Woogity's Rex! )

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Caprasauridae, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (with custom Slann palanquin)

    Thanks for taking that picture :)

    I think it's a good idea and well executed. May your opponents shiver at the sight!

    The Hunted
  2. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (with Jade Standard)

    Hello again!

    Got some more meat to my Saurus Warriors. Nothing special, but I was wrestling with how to paint the Standard. Finally, I settled with Jade. Here's the group shot:


    Next problem was how to paint it. I got an idea from the Ogre Strongholds' topic about how to paint jade, and tried to do it in my own way. I'm quite happy with the result. Here are some close ups:




    I first painted the standard with Dark Angel Green, then washed it with Nuln Oil. Next, I stippled Sybarite Green and washed with Athonian Camoshade. Then more stippling with Sybarite Green following a wash of Camoshade. I think I did this three or four times altogether. Then I painted the stripes with black, Moot Green and white, and added two or three layers of green glaze and a thin layer of Gloss Varnish.

    I also got a bit carried away with colours, as you can see with the rainbow-esque string of beads hanging from the standard. I kinda like the end result, though.
    Bracnos, JackwolfskinK and Bowser like this.
  3. Gorgosaurus

    Gorgosaurus New Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (with Jade Standard)

    I love the color scheme!
  4. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (with Jade Standard)

    Thanks, Gorgosaurus! It has been fun to paint and at least yet I'm not bored of blue and orange. Let's see after the next thirty Saurus are done...
  5. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Minttu upgraded!)

    Hello, everybody, long time no see (at least, not here in my blog...)!

    I haven't been completely slacking, but the past couple months have been busy, I have moved to a new apartment and now it's starting to look like an actual apartment. I have a room for myself there, but no proper desktop yet. After a trip or two to Ikea I should have a nice painting station thing going on, though. Now I have to take over the kitchen table. It's not bad, it's spacious and has plenty of light (especially now that the summer is getting closer here in the north. There's still plenty of light all the way to 9pm...). Anyhoo, that's probably more than enough about that. I mean, I hope you tune in to see the miniatures, too!

    So, I have been working on and off for the howdah for Minttu the Stegadon, and now the first part is ready. Again I tried different techniques, and also modified the recipe for the Jade I posted earlier to paint the stone parts of the howdah to resemble granite. I like the result, although it takes a lot of time to paint, especially since the surfaces on the howdah are so varied in shape...

    Anyway, here are the pictures. Tell me what you think and as always, questions and comments are always welcomed!




    Cheers and hope you have a paint stained spring!
    Bracnos, Bowser, Sudaj and 1 other person like this.
  6. Dancing with Saurus2

    Dancing with Saurus2 Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Minttu upgraded!)

    Hi Caprasauridae,

    I really like the colour scheme on the stegadon and the marbling effect on the howdah (nice detail work as well). What colour did you use on the stegadon scales?

    My painting station is courtesy of Ikea as well. You'll be able to move to 24 (almost) hour painting by natural light by June won't you? Although it might be worth making the most of the sunshine and actually go outside #controversial.

  7. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Minttu upgraded!)

    Thanks, DWS!

    I wrote about how I painted the Stegadon few pages earlier, but here it is for your convenience:

    Jokaero Orange base
    heavy Ogryn Flesh wash or two

    In other business:
    It's actually pretty hard to find furniture here that are not either from Ikea or made in Finland (read: crazy expensive). If you are not loaded but would be willing to go a bit more expensive than Ikea, you don't have many options...

    And yeah, where I live (in Oulu, which is quite middle of the whole land), it will be only 2 hours or so when the sun is below the horizon (and even then, it's not what you'd call "dark") so plenty of natural light. And I love summer nights here, so I'll definitely spend time outside, whenever it is warm enough.

    Anyway, I'll continue working on the rest of the howdah and post some more pictures as I progress.
  8. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Minttu upgraded!)

    Minttu is progressing, my local game shop is having a painting contest and I'm trying to finish it by the end of June to be able to attend. They have two categories, monsters & war machines and small figures. I was thinking of sending the orange-white Oldblood tot he single miniature category as well. I don't think I win anything, but it will be interesting to see how it goes.

    In the mean time, though, I bought a Teutonic Knight from Infinity series, and painted it for a present for my friend. Thought I'd post the pictures here as well. As usual, comments are welcome!




    By the way, I made the base myself, pretty happy how it turned out.

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  9. blackrainbow

    blackrainbow Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Infinite goodness!)

    Wonderful and inspiring work, it has been a pleasure to follow your army build-up in such great detail and colors! GL with the local painting contest, I'm sure you'll do great. I'm so far behind in my painting, but at least they are base coated so no more playing with little grey lizards.

    Have you finished matching many of the bases with each other, or are they mostly bare? I found that starting with bases helps me get going on a project and gives me a good place to start from, getting everyone all on the same terrain.

    Keep up the great work.
  10. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Infinite goodness!)

    Thank you very much for your kind words, blackrainbow!

    I have been falling behind my painting badly, but that's just because the summer here in Finland has been so nice and hot. Plus painting with sweaty fingers is not nice... I'll resume as soon as the heat subsides (which should be any day now...). I'm almost done with my Stegadon (unfortunately couldn't get her finished in time for the painting competition :depressed: ), only the crew is missing. I'm having a hard time to get them all to fit to that tiny howdah, though. So annoying. And to my huge dismay, I noticed that that very nice, decorative Stegadon crest plate thingy (the one that comes to the front of the howdah) is missing, remember seeing it when I opened the package, so I must have lost it at some point. I have been trying to hunt it from eBay, but so far I haven't had any luck. Fortunately, though, I can add that piece to the Steg at any point.

    The competition was, as I mentioned, very small, only 16 figures were participating the single miniature / hero category. Still the quality was very nice. I didn't place in top 3 and they didn't say the order of the rest, but apparently it was quite tight. I'm annoyed I didn't finish the Steg for the monster category in time, as I'm sure it could have been third at least. Anyway, I'm happy that I participated and made my presence known. Maybe they'll have a similar contest next year, too.

    What comes to my bases, for every new model I paint, I also finish the bases. That means that most of the stuff I made ready before making the decision to start basing them still have bare bases (so most of the Saurus and almost all of the Skinks), and I'll start working on them when I have time and want to take a break from conventional painting.

    Again, thank you and good luck with your lizards!
  11. Quinras
    Cold One

    Quinras Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Infinite goodness!)

    Very nice work! I really like the shields for your saurus warriors, very nicely done. Also the steg looks great, but my favorite if probably your Old One. I love the light skin with the golden armour.
  12. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Infinite goodness!)

    Haha, thanks, Quinras! The shields were a work of my inability to decide the best colour for them. I posted some here, and people commented that it looks the best if they are of several different colours. The fluff reason behind it was that when the Saurus get up from the spawning pool, they are handed weapons but no shields. Their first job is to hunt an animal and use its hide as a shield material. Maybe some colours come from smaller beasts and you can only make one shield out of them, but they are abundant in the Lustrian jungles. Or maybe several warriors banded together to fell a beast much bigger than what they could have alone... It's just so much fun to paint different colours on them, that's really all the justification I need...

    The Oldblood is probably my favourite model at the moment. Things just fell really nicely together with it. Though that might change once I finish the Stegadon...

    Good luck with your own Lizardmen, I really liked your yellow Skinks and I'm very interested to see how your Saurus warriors will come together!
  13. Quinras
    Cold One

    Quinras Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Infinite goodness!)

    Ah yes, the skinks. Forgot about them. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the blue scales. I considered blue as well, but choose brown for a reason. But this, ofcourse, is a personal preference.
    Love the yellow though;)

    For my saurus I wanted them to have the same shields, for the same reason that they all have the same weapon. When they rise from the spawning pool, they will go out together and slay some big monster to make shields.
    As such, each saurus cohort will have diffirent shield colours.
    My temple guard, however, are not from a single spawning, but are the "champions" of diffirent spawnings combined. They have been in combat and did some curageous deeds, for which they are given the honourous title of temple guard. Thus my temple guard (though I am still undecisive on this) will most likely be combined of all the shades of green I will use for my saurus and CoR, and have diffirent combinations of shields.
  14. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Infinite goodness!)

    I like the idea of having different shades of green as skin colour within the unit of Temple Guard! It could be a bit difficult to get it subtle enough but also visible at the same time... Well, aren't challenges like that what you should strive for in this part of the hobby? If this were a poll, though, I would give my vote to the "mixed pools" of Temple Guard.
  15. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Infinite goodness!)

    Big news! I was finally able to finish my Stegadon! Only took a year... My original idea was to magnetize the whole thing, but it got too difficult. So, instead, mine has permanent Engine of the Gods and two blowpipes. There's only two skinks manning them, and boy was it difficult to get them there. One of them is like the Wolverine now, I basically filled him with metal wire... It was good practice, though. Also, I cut the blowpipes shorter, so that the skinks could fit the small area in front of the Engine. The Chief is actually magnetized, he can be on the Engine (without any magnets, I just put his tail through the hole on the throne) or one a base I made for him. I had troubles with Minttu's base as well, but overall I'm pretty happy with it. It was also a lot of fun to do.

    But, I think that's enough of talking, I'll move on to the pictures now. Any questions or comments, don't be afraid to ask. Oh, and I apologize for the quality of the pictures. I haven't been able to set up any better place to take photos and these were taken pretty hastily...














    Thanks for looking and hopefully the next update comes sooner!

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    Bracnos, Bowser, Sudaj and 1 other person like this.
  16. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Steg finally ready, pic heavy

    Looks really cool, I like the painting of the stegadon much!
  17. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Steg finally ready, pic heavy

    Great looking Ancient Steggie. The EotG is really cool looking, and the whole model will make your enemies quiver with terror! :) !
  18. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Steg finally ready, pic heavy

    I really like the marbled stone engine. it's a solid idea :)

    I can understand why you wanted to magnetise it.. and why you gave up on the idea!!

    Looks good, friend
  19. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Steg finally ready, pic heavy

    Thanks for the comments, guys, happy to know you like it!

    Kblock: Quivering would be cool, let's hope that is what happens!

    NexS1: Yeah, it was my first bigger attempt at magnetizing and probably too much. It's a bit of a shame that the throne hides the paintings on the howdah under it, but at least I kept my sanity. Anyway, as I don't play in tournaments and my group is very flexible with proxies and such, I can play it easily as either Ancient or Ancient + EotG. Even as a regular Steg if in a pinch.
  20. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Steg finally ready, pic heavy


    I got stung by a painting bee (?) and whipped some paint on a Skink Priest. It was surprisingly quick to paint, and much fun. Tell me what you think, ok?




    Thanks for viewing!
    Bowser likes this.

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