8th Ed. Alternate Victory Rules

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by Lizardmatt, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Just something different to give a try to really mix it up.

    Slay the Warlord: Killing the enemy general, 4 points.
    Burn the Banner: Killing the enemy BSB, 4 points.
    Raise the Banners: Each of your own banners alive at the end of the game, 1 point each. (including BSB).
    Power to the People: Spend Less points on heroes and lords (1 point for heroes, 1 point for lords).
    Line Breaker: First scoring unit into the enemy deployment zone, 1 points.
    Widow Maker: Have a unit champ win a challenge against a character. 1 point.
    First Blood: First player to wipe out an enemy unit with magic, shooting, or combat. (panicking them off the table, or the unit killing itself does not count). 1 point.
    Horde Breaker: Take a unit with 30 or more infantry/cav/warbeasts, or 18 or more monstrous infantry/cav below half strength (1 point, 2 points for wiping them out), each player can score this once.
    Take the Field: Have a scoring unit uncontested in a Corner, 1 point.
    Domination: Having a scoring unit uncontested and within 8" of the center of the table. You can't claim the bonus for Take the Field and Domination with the same unit. 2 points for being uncontested.

    No other points are scored.
    Scoring units is any unit that started the game with a banner, musician and standard, and ends the game with at least 1 model still alive, not fleeing, and not in a building.
    Table zones for take the field is a circle within 8" of the table center (for the center) and then each quadrant (except the center circle). If a scoring unit is in one of these areas, without an enemy scoring unit in the same area, it count as having taken the zone. If a unit straddles more than one zone, then at the end of the game the controlling player chooses which zone it will count as being in. If both players have units that straddle, alternate choosing, starting with the player who had the first turn.

    By taking victory points off of unit values, the use of VP denial death stars vanishes.
    I've played 2 games with this scoring, and it's made for very close games. Both games flopped leads on turn 5 or 6, with the outcome determined by controlling the center of the field.
    Units that are slightly over-costed (like beastmen monsters) aren't as detrimental as you are not giving those points up to your opponent. Having a mix of units that score, with units that can really kill your opponents scoring units, is important. Taking too many scoring units leaves you with smaller easier to kill units, making it more likely that you are going to give up First Blood and give up points for Capture Banners.

    I lost a game on turn 6 when a goblin unit champ finished off a scar vet. I won the other game on turn 5 when the 6 razordons shot down the Orc Warboss off his Wyvern. In the 2nd game (that I won) not fielding a BSB denied my opponent the chance at the +4 VP, which most likely made the difference (but did result in 2 failed stupidity checks, and a failed swift reform or two).
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Inconcieveable !
  3. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    People just haven't tried to break it yet.

    Looks like fun, but i would be hesitant to make any sweeping statements about how it denies deathstars or anything of the like.

    You just haven't let the competitive masses try to break the "comp" which inevitably happens in any kind of popular comp.

    I'd certainly give it a try though, looks like i could make for some fun games that are a little different if nothing else.
  4. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    That's a very interesting combo of objective points. It looks quite well thought out to me.

    I'm not sure that I'm the biggest fan of First Blood (I would think the player with first turn would be likely to get it in many instances), but I think it's balanced both by being only 1 point, and by having many objective-grabbing points (which are more likely to be grabbed/foiled by the player who goes second).

    Have you done this in combination with BRB scenarios, or only for Battle line?

    Either way, very cool. :meh:
  5. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    Yes, interesting!

    Do you keep score for every game-turn, or is only in the end?

    I just don't see how it minimizes the use of a death-star? They still count as scoring, and the only downside is that it costs a lot of points to field, but then again, they don't suffer from the all-eggs-in-the-same-basket-syndrome either.

    I think it would be a added bonus to disqualify every unit with Fly or fast-cav special rule or skirimishers with M5+ from being scoring. And I don't like the idea of forcing units to have full command, some armies have great use of full command, to others it's just wasted points. And I think monsters should be allowed to contest, if you exclude flyers and characters.
  6. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    A lot of the points aren't known until the game ends. We both kept a running total going, but some of the things (Like Power to the People) can't be scored until lists are revealed after the game.

    You pretty much want units that are slightly better than your opponent without being wastefully large, but still have enough throw away units to counter an opponents deathstar, and have enough fast scoring units for line breaker, but not being so small that you give up first blood. And, you've got to have enough units that survive for the banners, without those banners being so squishing that your opponent captures them.
    At the same time, you really want your general and bsb to survive.
    The objectives work against each other. If you're really good at one, you're bad at another.

    If one player takes a death star and 4 support units, and the other takes 10 scoring units and 20 chaff, the chaff army wins hands down. But the next game, the death star is switched out for 5 solid units and 5 chaff units. Now those tiny scoring units are a liability (banners get captured) and the more balanced army wins.

    If skaven slaves, gnoblars, or summoned zombies could score, the whole balance fails, as the throw away chaff can now score, without risking of giving up a banner.
  7. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    A similar thing happened to my Dwarfs - my Thane was kept in a challenge for several turns by a Night Goblin Boss who refused to die. I eventually killed him, but beware those Goblins and Night Goblins - they can be stubborn little beggars.

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