Hi everyone, first, pardon my english, i'm french , I need your help with my teradons, I bought old teradons few days ago, (metal version) ---> http://hpics.li/fcb42b3 But I'd like to put new skinks riders on it, (enterodactyls/teradons riders) Can anyone tell me If old and new riders are same size ? Or if the new riders are a little smaller that a normal skink ? Thanks for your help
I don't see the problem! Only way to find out is to try! I guess they are the same size! When they're not it is a bit larger and you won't see it!
The problem is just that if they are bigger than old riders, teradons will seem ridiculous ^^', and since I buy them in ebay, don't want to spend 3€/rider for nothing . Thanks for the help
The old riders are definitely smaller than the new ones, but that should make the conversion work easier as you'll probably just need to pinch the legs in a bit to make it all work. Or you could go for a look similar to the way some of the old skink riders were mounted. Some of the models were just sat cross legged on the Terradons as if they had such an affinity with their mounts they wouldn't fall off no matter what, so you could go for the riders being stood or otherwise looking less secure than they are designed on the new models.
I can tell you that the skinks from the new terradon/ripperdactyl (enterodactyl is the french word i guess ) are infact smaller than the normal skinks. I'd say that the new terradon skinks are about 25 % smaller than their normal counterparts. I hope this helps, as the old terradons are a bit smaller than the new ones if i remember correctly.
Great, thanks for your quick and clear answers, i'll buy them and i'll post photos here when i'll recieve it so you can see the result ! Enjoy painting