8th Ed. 1st army 995 points - Updated with larger List for round 2

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by mipevo6, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Just building my first LM army. I have the battalion box and some other bits and am looking to build my first ever list. This is to allow me to play a few starter games to learn LM and WHFB as I have never played before.

    995 is just because it kinda easily falls that way.

    I have most of this, I only need to get 1 more box of skinks to finish it off.

    (I have a slann, a cowboy model and a skink priest as well)

    What do you folks think, a reasonable place to start ?

    * Tetto'Eko (in the post)

    * Saurus Warriors (have)
    (Cold Blooded, Predatory Fighter)
    Musician, 20x Saurus Warrior, Standard Bearer

    * Skink Skirmishers (have)
    Skink Skirmisher Brave
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher Javelin and Shield

    * Skink Skirmishers (need to buy)
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher Javelin and Shield

    * Skinks Tetto (goes here) (need to buy)
    Musician, 10x Skink, Standard Bearer, Poisoned attacks

    * Cold One Cavalry (have, could build 10?)
    (Cold Blooded)
    5x Cold One Rider (Predatory Fighter), Musician, Standard Bearer

    * Temple Guard (have)
    (Cold Blooded, Guardians, Predatory Fighter, Sacred Duty)
    Musician, Standard Bearer, 10x Temple Guard
  2. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Re: 1st army 995 points

    I guess nobody has anything to say.

    So lets add some questions

    • I added Tetto for magic, but do I need it in such a small battle?
    • Would I be better off with a cowboy in charge?
    • How does magic work if I have no mage but take a Bastiladon?
    • Are the Saurus strong enough in a block this size?
    • Could I put Tetto in a different block or does he have to join skinks?

    Anybody with advice for a complete noob?

    Thanks in advance

  3. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    Re: 1st army 995 points

    tetto can join saurus and cavalry units, and gets look out sir in a unit of infantry. when the footprint collides, as it would in the saurus unit, he just joins in on either side.

    Without a mage a bastiladon can use all the power dices, and should do so.

    20 saurus should be sufficient at 1000pts. Depends a bit on what your opponent brings :)

    if you include tetto and a old-blood cowboy the oldblood is the general. and LD 8 is a lot better than ld6. but that would be lots of points. I think I would take scarvet and priest instead.
  4. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Re: 1st army 995 points

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    I made the Saurus unit 20 with Champion
    I dropped Tetto
    I added a Scar cowboy and level 1 skink priest

    This means I need to be playing 1150 to fit it all in.


    * Saurus Scar-Veteran - Armor of Destiny, Great Weapon, Shield
    * Skink Priest - Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin

    * 20 Saurus Warriors - Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
    * 11 Skink Skirmishers - Javelin and Shield - Skink Skirmisher Brave
    * 10 Skink Skirmishers - Javelin and Shield - Skink Skirmisher Brave

    * Bastilidon
    * 5 Cold One Cavalry - Musician, Standard Bearer
    * 10 Temple Guard - Musician, Standard Bearer, 10x Temple Guard
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: 1st army 995 points

    I'm on the phone so mistakes might occour.

    So at 1150 you have 287pts for heroes.
    Our scar vets are our swiss army knife meaning they can do a lot, but they need a cold one to do so. With armour of destiny and great weapon (no shield) you're looking at one hell of a fighting model at that price range, but you cannot afford both a level 2 priest AND both items. Drop one of the items, Maybe the scroll for maximum fire power.

    Right so saurus warriors should be bumped to either 24 or 25. 24 with spears, 6 wide max damage. 25 with swords, 5 wide for max defence. Full command.

    3 x 10 skink skirmishers, with javelin, no champion (He's useless). Put the priest on one of the units and use the other two to harass.

    Bastiladon is nice so keep it.

    6 cold ones with banner and musician. You'll need the extra model for look out sir because your scar vet goes here. This is your main hammer unit, the saurus being your anvil (helped by the bastiladon).

    No templeguards. 10 is too little so don't bother. 20 at least, which would be 280pts + command.

    it's a fairly straight forward, but also good army and is still within what you have. Right? What have you considered concerning magic lores? Wyssans wildform is a bit expensive ok casting value compared to iceshard blizzard and generally I'd say beast is a more character based lore.. On the other hand wyssans wildform is super good and should you roll either amber spear or curse of anrahir you'd have some very good spells.

    Anyway I'm only suggesting things, so take it how you will :)
    Feel free to ask questions.
  6. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Re: 1st army 995 points

    Thanks for replying with such detail. As a starter I have much to learn, I really appreciate the input.

    I cut most of your response out as it made 100% sense and people can see it above.

    TBH I hadn't noticed I had the shield ticked and had forgotten the cold one on the scar vet (Doh!).

    I reworked it to 1151, I am sure as a starter my opponent won't mind, otherwise I just drop a skink to take me down 7 points as I am not sure what else I would take for 6 points.

    I think it looks pretty decent and I will sub in a few temple guard in the back rank of the Saurus until I buy another box to make the unit bigger.

    As to magic, not sure what is best for a starter tbh, I better start reading up on what to take.

    So after all that my army now looks like this:-

    * Sarus Scar-Veteran - Armor of Destiny, Cold One (Thick Skinned), Great Weapon
    (so that should be Scaly skin 5+ with +2 for Cold one so 3+ normal save and 4+ ward ?)

    * Skink Priest - Ruby Ring of Ruin, To a Level 2 Wizard

    * 25 Saurus Warriors - Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, hand weapons and shields

    * 11 Skink Skirmishers Javelin and Shield

    * 10 Skink Skirmishers Javelin and Shield

    * 10 Skink Skirmishers Javelin and Shield

    * Bastilidon
    Solar Engine

    * 6 Cold One Cavalry Musician, Standard Bearer

    Hopefully an improvement, thanks all for the help
  7. D43m0nSp4wn

    D43m0nSp4wn New Member

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    Armour of Destiny is heavy armour so you also get the +2 for that giving your scar vet a 1+/4++

    As for magic on the Priest I'm a big fan of Beasts as Wyssan's is a great signature spell for buffing the Saurus with and the rest of the spells are pretty decent. Amber spear is useful, Curse of Anraheir is awesome, Savage Beast and/or Pans can make the Scar vet into a nigh invincible murder machine. The only two that I don't like too much are Transformation of Kadon as it nearly never gets used and flock of doom as it is pretty weak.

    That said a lot of people will recommend Heavens, I just personally favour beasts.
  8. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    About the points: Personally I'd rather try and make it fit instead of exceeding the point limit. There will obviously be various opinions about this, but I like to be strict on the point limit. It's better just to remove a skink and add the points somewhere else if possible. Again though, this might not really be an issue.

    Templeguards in a 1000pts list *can* work, but you'd be skipping out on the bastiladon and COR and personally I think the overall list would be weaker. Afterall our cowboys are the best we have.

    Concerning magic you should look up the tactica section (we have a very good sticky thread with tons of tactica) where you can read all about magic both in general, but also more specific about lores.
  9. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Thanks, I will take a look.

    I forgot one question (which will mean i struggle for points I think) Hand weapons or Spears? on the cold ones?


  10. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Hand weapons, always heand weapons. 4pts for spears? MADNESS. At 30pts pr model that should be included! 4pts pr model should be something like great weapon, but no that didn't happen.

    Anyway don't spend those points on spears. For instance; today I made a list with a supreme "bus" (a cold one rider unit "transporting" one or more characters) full of scar vets and an oldblood. With 10 COR that would be 40pts for spears alone. Or I could just get myself another model, or full command or something else entirely. It's just too much.
  11. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Cool thanks...

    I did wonder....
  12. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Why is 6 important?

    What formation would people use for this? 6 wide? or 3 x 2 ?

  13. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Because you can get a look out sir with 5+ models so it's defence to not have your character sniped. Besides that at 5+ models missiles weapons can hurt your character either.

    I usually deploy 5 wide with COR.
  14. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    I played Skaven last night and got beaten (obviously) by a guy who took a very simple and non cheesy army to teach me the game. He let me make some mistakes and pointed out things I shouldn't do to keep the game even.


    • Getting plague cast on my unit of Saurus and losing 10 models in 1 spell :(
    • Getting my cold one cavalry eaten alive by a banner that allows rerolls to hit and to wound
    • Throwing a double 1 for 2 saves on the Bastiladon
    • Losing a challenge due to terrible dice rolling with my Scar Vet and having him run away :(


    • Getting 3 poisoned wounds on his Lightning canon thing in 1 turn with my skinks
    • Killing 2 units of Skaven in 1 turn with a multiple interlinked charge
    • Shrugging off about 25 attacks with the bastiladon

    Key Learnings

    • OMG you really have to get your deployment right
    • Movement is so alien compared to 40K I got it all wrong to start
    • Redirecting and using cheaper units to get in the way is key
    • Not getting units in the way of each other is bloody hard
    • Magic can be devastating

    I really enjoyed it and will be playing again next wednesday. I need to build up a little so will probably be adding a Steg and some Rippers. I may try some Chamelon Skinks so I can learn about scouting as well.

    Cheers all

  15. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Re: 1st army 995 points - Updated with larger List for round

    Ok folks so i need to expand the army for round two v Skaven.

    My thought was to tweak the existing list but add some new options, I will highlight the changes in blue.

    Hopefully this should give me 2 hammers in the COR and Steg and two options for war machine hunting in the Rippers and Chameleon skinks.

    I could go somewhere halfway between my previous list and this one if I have made it too complicated too early.

    This comes out at 1494 points (if I drop the steg it would be 1234)

    * Sarus Scar-Veteran
    Armor of Destiny, Cold One (Thick Skinned), Great Weapon, BSB

    * Skink Priest
    Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin, To a Level 2 Wizard

    + Core +

    * 30 Saurus Warriors, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    * 10x Skink Skirmisher Javelin and Shield
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher Javelin and Shield
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher Javelin and Shield

    + Special +

    * Bastilidon Solar Engine
    * 5 x Chameleon Skinks

    * 3 x Ripperdactyl Riders

    + Rare +
    * Ancient Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns, Unstoppable Stampede
  16. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    Re: 1st army 995 points - Updated with larger List for round

    Ok, now your skink priest has to be the general, at Ld 6. (the BSB can't be general). Dropping the Ld, but gaining re-roll, should even out.

    Otherwise, good standard build on the scar-vet. He's duarble enough, and hits hard.

    Otherwise, I like your list. If you run short on points I would skip unstoppable stampede on the stegadon.
  17. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    I didn't think I could give the priest the BSB hence making the scarvet the BSB
  18. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    Correct, the priest can't be BSB.
  19. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Leadership 6 and BSB or leadership 7 kinda scr*wed I guess...
  20. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Re: 1st army 995 points - Updated with larger List for round

    Why can't the Scar vet be general and BSB ?

    There is a box out in the entry that says a sacr vet or skink chief can be BSB. It does not say cannot be general anywhere?

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