8th Ed. Tactics vs Killing Blow

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Andy06r, May 3, 2014.

  1. Andy06r

    Andy06r Member

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    So I have a game tomorrow vs. Tomb Kings and I know he is taking a big block of tomb guard.

    I'm taking my default list - deliberations slann in temple guard with 30 spearman - and I was wondering what people do to negate killing blow. T4 (or 5) with at best a 4+ 5++R is a solid unit at the cost of temple guard, but against KB it falls apart.

    I figure the solution needs to come from rares with either stegadons or salamanders, but I'm looking for opinions.

    It doesn't have to be tomb guard specifically. Black knights, blood letters, grave guard all have KB. Its the one thing I've struggled to deal with.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    There are really only three ways to deal with Killing Blow

    1) Take Heavens and hope for Curse of the Midnight Wind
    2) Kill the unit before you engage it in close combat.
    3) Just accept that some enemies are going to kill you with you one blow
    3a) Perhaps a giant Skink tar pit
    3b) or Skink redirectors

    I tend to just accept it. Against Tomb Kings anyway I find Tomb Guard are a mid level threat. I'm more concerned with shooting that hits skirmishers easily, giant sphinxes, and Constructs that generate extra power dice.
  3. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    The simplest solution is, don't run cowboys.
    Temple guard taking a S5 hit only save on a 6. So what if a few guys don't get that 6+ save.

    If you want an alternative to cowboys, look to the skies.

    Skink Chief, Ripperdactyle, shield, armor of destiny and spear. It's a 2+/4++ skink, with a killing blow mount, ITP and a stomp.
    Then take another with the enchanted shield and 4+ ward for a second 2+/4++. In pairs, they can work wonders.

    If you are going with temple guard, a Solardon is a good choice. Init 3 lets you strike at the same time, instead of after the fist full of S5 attacks.

  4. Andy06r

    Andy06r Member

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    That sounds amazing - I was looking for motivation to pick up some of the plastic flyers, but I wasn't sold on terradons or rippers. Those two chiefs plus four rippers sounds hilarious!

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