8th Ed. GF is new to fantasy and Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by kuwanger23, May 11, 2014.

  1. kuwanger23
    Jungle Swarm

    kuwanger23 New Member

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    Hey guys,

    I have just recently gotten back into fantasy with my Chaos and my girl friend chose lizardmen. A lot has changed since the 4 years since I have played and after looking at some of the lists here they are no where close to what I would build. I am used to blocks and monsters. So, I am going to type out what she owns and then what we are going to be getting soon and you guys hopefully can point her in the right direction. List ideas are great but feed back of why is even better. Keep in mind my meta is pretty new and the vets don't usually run the usual top tier lists.


    Old Blood
    2x Old bloods on coldones


    scar-vet foot


    67 skinks
    90 saurus warriors


    40 temple guard
    16 saurus cav on coldones


    Steg Ancient

    And most likely salamander packs.

    She wants to collect most everything. We got a lot of great deals on core so we have a lot of excess. I think we have a great base to start from and simply need to add things on. I was under the impression that blocks and monsters would be a successful list but I haven't seen any of that around here.

    She likes nearly everything in the army so there isn't any wrong way to go so don't worry about that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys,

    Khorne Lord Kuwanger23 ;)
  2. kuwanger23
    Jungle Swarm

    kuwanger23 New Member

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    Things we are looking for are:

    Unit sizes so she knows how big to build her movement trays. What type of armies are viable. And some basic strategies to get her going.

    I would think that Saurus warriors would always want to be 6 across because of the number of attacks and potential to generate more. Also, hand weapon shield for the ward? Or spears for extra attacks? Both seem viable for different reasons. But I am not cold blooded so I know not.
  3. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    What you say at lists are viable you'll need to provide some additional information.

    Are you referring to super competitive min/max style lists?

    You certainly don't need anymore Saurus but I would get more skinks. Most competitive lists run at least 80.

    The "best" lists at the moment are magic heavy skink cloud avoidance type lists. 3 scar vets on cold ones with good saves and great weapons, powerful slann, tetto'eko, lots of skinks, terradons, some sallies.

    End of list. Some players have had success with a block of temple guard, bit at the point there really isn't much of a difference anyways. You're either full on avoidance, or 90% avoidance with one combat block (the temple guard).

    However you'll always have more fun playing a list that feels right to you.
  4. kuwanger23
    Jungle Swarm

    kuwanger23 New Member

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    By viable I mean competitive to the point that in a local meta and in pick up games and leagues she can win some lose some and have fun. I know she likes the bastiladon and stegadons. Pretty much loves the big dynos. She likes all the models but she is a pretty straight forward player when it comes to games and she hates hit and run style so I don't think that an avoidance list would do her any good.

    Can you run a block list with some skinks and big dynos? Something like 2 blocks of 18-24 saurus and 1 temple guard, backed up with the other stuff in the book?

    Also, how come people are taking 80 skinks? they just harassing with them fleeing when the enemy closes?

    Thanks for the reply so far. We will take any and all advice we can get :)
  5. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    In regard to what to add next, I would go with a bastilodon. The model looks great and it is useful too (both point do not always apply to our monsters in this edition of our army book, unfortunately).
  6. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    I am new to WHFB and to Lizardmen. I bought a used army online so had to make an army with what I had. I play with a group that does not use characters, but that likes to play fun games with lists that are not tournament style lists. I recently played a 2200 point game against Dark Elves. My list was:

    Slann: General
    Harmonic Convergence
    Channeling Staff
    IronCurse Icon
    Lore of Light

    Scar Vet on Cold One: BSB
    Light Armour

    Scar Vet on foot
    Light Armour
    Enchanted Shield

    Skink Priest
    Level 1
    Dispel Scroll
    Dragonbane Gem

    20 x Saurus
    Handweapon w/shield
    Standard bearer

    18 x Saurus
    Spear w/shield
    Standard bearer

    10 x Skink Skirmishers

    10X Skink Skirmishers

    20x Temple Guard
    Revered Guardian
    Standard Bearer:
    Standard of Discipline

    5 Cold One Riders

    1 Jungle Swarm (2 bases)

    Ancient Stegadon
    Engine of the Gods
    Sharpened Horns

    At the end of the battle, the Dark elves were sent packing back to the dark lands. The elves had less than 700 pts. left and I had about twice as many points left.

    So for a fun game that is played more to the fluff, and not as a highly competitive tournament list, I think that blocks of warriors and monsters is still OK. At least with my gaming group, and it sounds like yours, the games are more for fun than being uber competitive.
  7. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    On Saurus block sizes: I don't go anywhere without at least 24 in a 6x4 formation. I've been experimenting with 25/w spears in a 5x5 formation and that's done well but my mainstay is one unit of 30 or 36 in a 6x5 or 6x6 block. These sorts of formations do well in my meta which is mildly competitive but heavier on fun and friendly experimentation, trying to improve ourselves.
  8. kuwanger23
    Jungle Swarm

    kuwanger23 New Member

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    Good to hear on the sauruses. I was thinking of starting her out with 2 blocks of 24 and a 20 man temple guard with a slaan. Ancient, bastiladon with engine, and whatever else from there.

    So, what are these 20 man unit of skinks doing? I see a lot of them around.
  9. Markhaus

    Markhaus Member

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    Gor Rok in a block of 30-35 saurus 6 across with HW shield is pretty awesome for core. A couple 10 man groups of skirmishers for redirects or cannon/wizard hunting, and a 20 man TG bunker for my slann have been the base around which I build my armies. I have won 6 and lost 2 games. 1 against dwarves who had an anvil behind a forest and river and 1 against empire (I have no excuse for this loss). Both losses I made several tactical errors

    Stegadon is fun, I have never hit with the bow, but I am still hopeful. Carnosaur is awesome looking, but kind of sucks vs ranged.

    For spells wandering deliberations lets you have a Swiss army knife with low chance of miscast, life is good too.

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