8th Ed. 3 Lizards in the top 10 at SCGT

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by RasputinII, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I looked over the lists there seemed to be a lot more variety in the Lizardmen lists than I expected.

    One of the things I found most interesting was the relatively cheap slann both Raf and Jack ran. I was expecting to see some pretty hefty kits, but they seemed very bare bones. I thought that was very cool.

    (i am also a HUGE fan of the podcast and have been listening to you and wayne for years! was the first warhammer podcast i started listening to and still my favorite)
  2. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    Some notes I made looking at the lists of the top Lizardmen players (and the other Lizard lists, as well)

    Raff at 3rd place. He ran a Life Slann, an Old Blood, Tetto, a Beasts Priest, and 25 Temple Guard, with Skink core

    Daly at 5th place ran his Cold One bus with 2 Old Bloods, Tetto, a Heavens Priest, and 13 Cold One Riders (wound markers), with Skink core

    Armstrong at 7th place with a Wandering Deliberations Slann, an Old Blood, Tetto and 25 Temple Guard, with Skink core. He also had Gor-Rok.

    None of the Top 3 Lizardmen ran any regular Saurus.

    Almost all of the Lizardmen lists ran Tetto. Not many Stegadons, but one guy brought 4!

    None of the Slann ran Death. Or High. They were all either Life or Wandering Deliberations.

    Lots of Lizardmen lists (including all 3 of the top Lizardmen lists) took both a Slann and an Old Blood.
  3. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Just a quick FYI the lore choices, life specifically, were due to the comp in the tournament.

    Dwellers was pretty much uncomped, while death and other "big" spells took a decent hit.

    I'm sure the rules pack is still available online so anyone who wants to know can take a more in depth look at it.
  4. Dan Heelan

    Dan Heelan New Member

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    @Put - glad you enjoy!

    Ye we really felt like the comp affected death choices, I.e people didn't take it to get a better comp score and with a resurgence of elves it was a 'meta' choice in many cases for life. There is a version two due out soon which life gets similar treatment.

    I actually thout lizards were pretty hard hit by the comp (although my colleagues disagreed!) so was pleased to see a strong finish. That said, all three players have played the lists for a long time (2 at least for sev years) so was not a surprise to see them do well.

  5. JustDaly
    Jungle Swarm

    JustDaly New Member

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    I'm a bit of a forum lurker, only coming to browse on lunch breaks really!

    Thanks everyone for their kind words though regarding the battle reps, I promise* I will stop saying "umm" and "errr" every 5seconds. (once you notice this, you cannot unnotice it)

    I've only been playing LM since the new books release so I'm well an truly a new testament LM player.

    Regarding the SCGT comp pack, it was a simple case of me not being bothered to write a new list. Having everything painted by a close friend also meant I don't have much choice in what I can take. I'd been playing the CO bus since mid to late october so have plenty of experience with it and won a 2dayer and a 1dayer with it so know its limitations. I could've changed the list to get a 1/10 comp score easily, but chose to not change a thing and just take the 0/10.

    It would've been nice if there had been more options in the soft choice pool as most were special characters or monster. Rippers would've been a nice addition to soft pool. But I don't think it was necessarily harsh towards LM at all.

    With shooting caps being lifted in the UK tournament scene recently an all skink core has become pretty much the norm with saurus warriors being demoted to slann protection duties in the absence of Temple Guards. Saurus blocks don't do anything against a lot of current meta choices. Warriors just laugh at them and even plague bearers give saurus a terrible time. They're just one of these units I look at and think "yeah I need me some of those, they look so awesome!", then go back and read the statlines and cost and quickly think "sod that. I can take 2 skinks for that price and get a 5+ still!"

    Also the biggest trick to get the bus to work is to go and buy some Black Sun dice and then give a guy a piranha blade. If it fails, buy new hands to roll dice with!

    Big thanks again to Dan, Russ and Wayne and the rest of their team, another great event. Although noone got a tattoo this year, so can't have been as good as #SCGT2013....

    *This is a lie

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