Hi there guys, after 6 years off the hobby I'm back, only to be welcomed by the new fantastic lizardmen models! I figured id post my in progress models for some tips and suggestions! Please let me what you guys think
Thanks for the feedback guys, and thanks for the warm welcomes As requested a closer pic of the skink priest: And my current project, joining the list of all my other current projects...: Ps sorry about the quality, just from my phone let me know what you guys think
Nice carnosaur! Can't see the head very well, though. With the trog, I like it, but for some odd reason, I don't like the end of its head being a different colour.
Fantastic-looking Troglodon! I especially like the dorsal fin with the deep green accents. Unlike reptile, I like the bone white head, to me it gives a sensation that the blind creature's sensitive senses are somehow gathered there... I don't know if this makes any sense, it's hard to explain. Anyhow, good work!
I have to say the models look fantastic! Although I agree with reptile, I'm not keen on the bone colour on the trog, I don't know why either. Guess that's gonna be one of those marmite style choices, love it or hate it.