8th Ed. What type of gamer are you (poll)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, May 13, 2014.


What type of gamer are you

  1. Casual with friends and/or others.

    23 vote(s)
  2. Casual with home made rules and similar experiments.

    5 vote(s)
  3. Competitive with friends/at my local store.

    10 vote(s)
  4. Competitive at tournaments.

    3 vote(s)
  5. A combination of the above mentioned.

    10 vote(s)
  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Just figured this could be interesting. When we discus something we (including me) are good at expressing our own opinions, but sometimes it can be hard to agree on things because the perspective from a tournament player is far from those of a casual gamer.

    I'm not trying to point fingers at anyone here, but this actually being a dedicated forum for our game in general and our army makes me think that the members of the site might be a bit more dedicated or competitive than some others. That's just my theory of course and we obviously have many different members.

    Anyway click the pool and feel free to discus or elaborate on your choice.
  2. Centurion

    Centurion New Member

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    Not yet had a chance to play with my lizardmen, so this is mostly based off my 40k experience. I put myself as a combination of the above. Most of my games are at my house with close friends. We tend to stay away from the real cheesy stuff, but we do generally build lists to be at least mildly competitive. When I go to a tournament I usually take a balanced, resonably competitive list without stupid gimmicks and heavy spamming, and I am happy to end up somewhere in the middle of the rankings. Once I took an Ork list abusing a loophole to allow Ghazghkull to walk on from any table edge and charge in the same turn (with Snikrot's kommandos in 5th edition), but even though it only won me 1 game out of 5 it still felt dirty.

    So I sit somewhere in the middle of the casual-competitive spectrum. As are, I suspect, the vast majority of gamers, just not the loudest voices on the internet.
  3. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    Clicked 'competitive at tournaments'.

    From my perspective (been doing tournaments since '07), the game balance and tournament play is the best that it's ever been. It something I want to be a part of, and in general, building for tournament play gives me the challenge that I want from the game.

    List building is all about trying to find what works for that next event, while also trying to maintain a solid core structure that will benefit from the extra time that can be spent painting.

    I haven't taken Lizards to an event, but I'm planning/practicing with them like I will. I am such a slow painter, and there tends to be a decent - up to 1/3rd value of battle - score attached to paint at the events I attend, that I have to do my best to test each choice thoroughly before I put a brush to it (Thank goodness for Universal Battle!).

    My main concern right now is that I paint so slow that it may be 9th ed before these guys make it to the table!
  4. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    I am a combination of the above. With my friends it is casual games. Some friendly competition, but we build our armies with no characters and try to stay away from ultra-powerful units. We build army lists that are fun to play and relate to the army fluff. At my gaming store, I try to bring a competitive list, but I still like to have a balanced list. If I win some games great, but I am still mostly there just to have fun playing a great game.
  5. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    Every time I sit down to a game of Warhammer, it is to have fun. Size of game, location, event, and so on do not change that. It's the same when I turn on a movie, pull out a paint brush, or turn on my video game system. Anything you are doing in your leisure time with no obligation forcing it damn well better be for fun.

    This is why I have never been able to understand, even a little, the false distinction people make between playing for fun or playing to win or compete. It's ALL for fun.

    That said, we are talking about a game here, and a game is a competition. That's not a matter of debate or opinion. The watching of a movie is not a competition. Two people pitted in a struggle to achieve victory according to a set of rules and conditions is a competition.

    What does that mean?

    It means that when I play, I start at a 'base level' of fun, and as I add to it, as I get closer to embracing the differences between playing a game and watching a movie, the more fun I gets.

    Playing a game? Fun level 1.
    Trying my best to compete for the win? Fun level 2.
    Actually winning a game? Fun level 3.
    Winning a tournaments (series of games)? Fun level 4.

    That means I can have fun if I lose, or even if my list is too weak to compete in a given situation, but...it's a lot more fun to win!

    So, I try to win tournaments , but Warhammer is fun even if I lose a basement game against a friend.
  6. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    I'm very casual. I normally only play wargames with a small group of friends, only occasionally partaking in the tournament scene. Despite being one of the most experienced players in my group, I probably rack up the most losses. Most of this is because I hate playing with models I haven't finished, or substituting stuff I don't own. I'm a terrible cheapscape and refuse to buy expensive kits if I feel I'm not getting good value for it, even if said kits will go a long way towards me netting a win.

    I don't mind losing, but I don't like people who are obnoxious in victory. I've not met many though. Even in my foray into the local 40k tournament scene I thoroughly enjoyed every match (with only one or two exceptions) despite being utterly trounced and had a good laugh when I ended up being recognised for my (terrible) performance by winning the "Uncontrollable" award for controlling the least objectives overall in my most recent tourney.

    I have the most fun just envisioning my army on the table, and fielding what I want to see is the highlight of the hobby for me. I'd love to get a few more wins to my name, but I'd never do it using models/armies/units that I don't enjoy.
  7. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    I chose the first option. So far I've only played games hosted in my own home, with one exception where I played in my local GW store against one of my close friends. I want to play in local tournaments in order to get more games in and play with different people who field armies I may not have played against though. I just haven't been able to make it to any tournaments yet.
  8. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    Id go for the combination option.
    When I play warhammer, I play to win. I think I will not have fun without that goal.
    Still I try to be as casual as I can be otherwise, and have fun. Most fun games I've had have actually been me losing 20-0.
  9. PlasmaDavid

    PlasmaDavid Active Member

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    Mentality as I step up to the table? "I hope this is an interesting game." not "I hope I win/how can I win?"
  10. Wagapiggy
    Jungle Swarm

    Wagapiggy New Member

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    I really enjoy playing against friends but I've been thinking about getting into a tournament if I feel I'm good enough. So far with my Lizardmen I've won more game than lost (more than i can say about my Tyranids :( ) so I think I may do well.
  11. reptile3607

    reptile3607 New Member

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    When our group gets together we are literally the most relaxed gamers ever. Whenever one of us is beating the other badly, we'll often just say "have a vampire lord. Your other ones looking bit destroyed."
    Plus, we'll often make up rules, randomly explode things, and cheat. Lots, and lots of cheating. The games still function, but it's also pretty much for laughs.
  12. Korhedron

    Korhedron Member

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    I usually play a friendly game. But my regular opponent only fields his tournament army of WoC/vampires. So I get a stiff competition, and we're well matched. I've done 2 tournaments and did OK, but it's just a bit too many games in a row for me. That said, I have 2 armies now: DE being the second, and I would love to try both in a competitive environment.
    If only setup/cleanup did not take so much time...

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