I've decided to take a break from W40k this summer to try out WFB. I've always wanted to try WFB and the lizards look the coolest. Ill be asking many questions as I'm more of a casual gamer, and just don't have the time to memorize the rules.
Howdy. I am in the same situation as you. Played WH40K for several years and am now starting out in WFB. I really enjoy the Lizardmen army look and the fluff. I have found the tactics getting my army to work correctly more of a challenge in WHF than in 40K.
oh what a wonderful time for you to join now that rumours has it that Fantasy will adopt several 40K elements in the next edition (oh how I wish this to become a cruel joke)
Welcome to the forum! When people talk about 9th edition rumors, I tend to plug my ears and hum loudly. In any event, Lizardmen are a very cool choice. Aztecs AND dinosaurs! What's not to like?