8th Ed. OTS and MR

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by hdctambien, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    How do you all play the Other Tricksters Shard in a unit with MR?

    Lets say that you have a 30 man block of Saurus with MR(3) and a character in the front/center that is touching 3 models (5 models counting diagonals)

    That unit is hit with a Magic Missile that does d6 hits, lets say it rolls a 4.

    Do you reroll any of your MR saves? Do you randomly distribute which models get hit? Do you just assume only models not in base contact with the OTS were hit by the Magic Missile?

    If the unit was less than 5 rank & file I would assume you "distribute as shooting", but what happens when there are 5+ rank and file? What happens if there were 6 rank and file and 6 hits?

    Against something like Fiery Convocation I would just roll separate dice for the models that are affected by OTS, but I'm not sure what the rule is for spells that just cause X hits.
  2. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    I would say you don't re-roll the ward-saves against magic missiles, because the spells hits the unit, not individual models, and I see it as the models are affected by the OTS, nor the unit. Even if the entire unit is in btb with the ots, I guess. But that's mainly to keep consistency in the application of the rule.

    I guess the only time it's possible to have more than 5 models, and they are all in btb with ots, is if both sides have a character with that item.

    On the other hand, as soon as you randomize or hits every individual model, those in btb should re-roll successful saves.
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    That's what I would do. Say you have a unit of 19 RnF with a Character with the OTS. They get hit with Fireball and suffer 6 hits.

    You would have 5 models touching the OTS, so 5/19 = ~1/4 of the unit forced to reroll if hit.

    Round that up to 1/3 per the rounding rules in the BRB.

    Take your 6 hits, roll again. On a 1 or 2 they are a model touching the OTS. Otherwise they get the ward as normal.

    Too much math? Lol. I don't think there is a concrete answer for this one, but I like my interpretation.
  4. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    Slightly confused with this one, was under the impression you couldn't MM units in combat so unit couldn't be in BtB contact therefore issue is moot. In general I would go with no re-roll unless there is more hits than unaffected by re-roll models.
  5. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    If the model with OTS is in a unit, then he is in B2B with friendly models... which are affected by the OTS.
  6. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    I always play it that the OTS doesn't come into effect in these situations unless specific models are hit. Meaning:

    1) If a unit of 30 SW with a Scar-Vet with OTS is hit with Fireball, then the OTS does not affect any hits.
    2) If a unit of 4 COR with a Scar-Vet with OTS is hit with Fireball, then the OTS does affect the friendly models hit in BtB with the Scar-Vet since the hits need to be distributed to particular models.
    3) If a unit of 30 SW with a Scar-Vet with OTS is hit with Fiery Convocation, then the OTS does affect the friendly models hit in BtB with the Scar-Vet since the spell hits those specific models.

    I hope that makes sense to someone other than myself.

    This situation does get lost in the shuffle the way I play it, but to cover this situation you'd have to deviate from the existing rules to make it 'work'. Rather than making up new rules, I just assume to play by the existing ones as best I can (as I outlined above for this scenario) and if an occasional occurrence, like the one you describe, happens that doesn't follow the 'fluff' of the gameplay, oh well. The basic rules of the game have lots of situations where the 'fluff' of the gameplay doesn't match the rules. Such as: every ranged attack in the game always manages kill my injured ogre in the back of the unit instead of distributing throughout my ogre unit, it doesn't make complete 'fluff' sense, but it definitely works for game mechanics.
  7. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    I agree with hardyworld, good sum-up.

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