8th Ed. The Lazy Way battle reports- 2999 Points Tourney Summary

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by NexS1, May 19, 2014.

  1. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Yes, well it's well overdue that I play a tourney with these scaly deathmongers, so I've joined one and submitted the following list:

    Kroq-Gar on Grymloq (510pts)
    Sarus Oldblood (211pts) - Armor of Destiny, Great Weapon, Obsidian Trinket

    Sarus Scar-Veteran (185pts) - Battle standard, Cold One, Ironcurse Icon, Light Armour, Shield, Talisman of Preservation
    Sarus Scar-Veteran (136pts) - Dawnstone, Enchanted Shield, Gold Sigil Sword, Light Armour, Potion of Foolhardiness
    Skink Priest (125pts) - Dispel Scroll, Level 2 Wizard, Lore of Heavens

    Saurus Warriors (305pts) - FC, Hand Weapons
    Saurus Warriors (305pts) - FC, Spears
    10 Skink Skirmishers (80pts) - Skink Skirmisher Brave, Javelin and Spear
    10 Skink Skirmishers (80pts) - Skink Skirmisher Brave, Javelin and Spear
    10 Skink Skirmishers (80pts) - Skink Skirmisher Brave, Javelin and Spear

    Bastilidon (150pts) - Solar Engine
    5 Chameleon Skinks (75pts) - Brave
    5 Chameleon Skinks (75pts) - Brave
    10 Cold One Cavalry (370pts) - FC, Spears

    Ancient Stegadon (310pts) - Engine of the Gods, Sharpened Horns, Unstoppable Stampede

    I'm not terribly good at writing reports, but I'll do my best to remember as much as I can and put pen to paper (or fingertips to keyboard)!

    EDIT: Fixed the individual points
  2. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    Re: First Tournament with Lizardmen - 2999 Points

    Ahhh! Individual points costs! [curls up into foetal position and rocks self to restless terror-sleep] No individual points costs allowed, the forum gods will smite them from the earth!

    Other than that an interesting choice. I'm not a fan of Kroq-Gar, I find him overcosted for what he does and generally speaking an Oldblood on carno can achieve the same... but better.

    I think general internet wisdom would say mount both your Oldblood and Scarvet on Cold Ones and bus them with the Cold One Riders, but I see what you're trying to do (or at least what I'd do) by running a character in each Saurus block to add some teeth to them.

    In such a magic light list I'm not sure if an Engine of the Gods would be my first choice, but Solar-Beam Bastilodon is pretty solid.

    You've got a very similar core to my (theoretical) 3000pt list, so I hope it works well for you or I'm back to the drawing board as well!

    Good luck and I look forwards to the battle reports!
  3. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: First Tournament with Lizardmen - 2999 Points

    Sorry, I was lazy and short on time (copied it from battlescribe...)

    Thanks for the comment anyway!

    I really don't mind Kroq-gar. He gets double combat res for kills (and he does well at killing), not to mention the 5+ ward for grymloq... But the main reason I took him is because I don't have my unit of Temple Guard ready for a tourney and I don't want to run a solo Slann. Also, no Blood frenzy but with the extra attack on the carnosaur is a nice added bonus.

    I like to put my EOTG near my spears, due to the fact that sword and board gives you a 6+ parry in combat and wouldn't get the most out of it. in regards to the basty, I find that he's ok - not super. there's a chance his bound spell will be crap, and when there's a chance of that I will always roll it. Always. And the bastiladon is not very good in combat as far as monsters go, so it's more for support or flank protection.

    Until I can get my hands on some kroxigors, my core will usually have saurus with skirmishers. That's just how I 'roll'..

    (see what I did there? heh heh)
  4. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Re: First Tournament with Lizardmen - 2999 Points

    Glad its not just me that wants to run saurus blocks, with skinks as skirmishers.

    Love to hear how you get on in the tournie.

    Never used Krok-Gar, so interested to learn how he gets on.

    Good luck!
  5. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: First Tournament with Lizardmen - 2999 Points

    I love my saurus blocks. If I had enough models to finish my temple guard block, I'd use them too!

    Kroq-gar isn't too bad. I'll certainly post up how I go!
  6. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    I'm hoping to run a 2400 list with dual carnosaurs - An old blood and a scar vet. Even with magic items there's enough points for Tetto (who I've never used before), but the idea of vanguarding dual carnosaurs amuses me!

    Beware of the exploding slann though with the TG. I miscast in a game recently and took out more than half the unit (a block of 20). Both I and my oppo had tears in our eyes, but for very different reasons!
  7. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re slann. Been there done that,I've had my heart broken this way so many times...
  8. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Had a practice game last night (tournament is tomorrow)...
    Saurus have a 4+ armour save... i could not roll a single one! zero! and not to mention some ridiculous break fails!
    I lost by 400 VP to The Empire. ergh worst rolling i've had in a long, long time!

    Will keep this posted with battle results as often as i can over the next 2 days!
  9. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    maybe playing against Empire is jinxed... as I had the same awfull rolling... To Hit rolls, To Wound Rolls, AS rolls, Cold Blooded Breaktests and flee distances... And my daughter laughing her ass off every time I sighed :rolleyes:
  10. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Day one completee!

    Game 1 - battle line vs ogre kingdoms
    20-0 loss to lizardmen.
    This was a bad bad game. I couldnt roll a darned thing. His 4 maneaters demolished a lot of things, unrightfully so!
    They were just kitted up amazingly.
    From memory, he had:
    Iron blaster
    2x thunder tusk
    Hunter on stone horn
    2 blocks of bulls
    Man eaters
    2 sabre tusks

    Game 2 - meeting engagement vs daemons
    19-1 win to lizardmen
    I was really happy with how this game went (and was tasty as I hate all chaos things).
    He had :
    Keeper of secrets (heavens)
    Bsb herald
    Lv2 slanesh
    Fire breathing hero thing
    2 daemon mechanic walker things
    30 odd plague bearers
    Horde of daemonettes
    4 flying daemons that damage things when they fly over it
    4 shooty daemons (d6 shots)
    5 vanguard daemon horse things
    (i think that's it....)

    I was really happy with how this one went. Popped his bsb straight up, knocked out the walkers fairly well. They also did damage on themselves and by cold ones killed another one off. Major point in this was the carnosaur ripping a nice big hole through the keeper of secrets.

    Game 3 - blood and glory vs orcs and goblins
    15-5 win to lizardmen
    This was a really fun game despite really disliking the mission. Had a good chat with the guy I played against, so much so the TO was waiting for us! This was a real slogger, he took a chunky bus of black orcs with grimgor and a lv4, heaps of boys, q couple of units of wolfs, 2 units of night gobs, some squigs and 2 rock lobbas. OnG are really fun to play against and their magic and animosity are random. I loved every minute of it. I ended up breaking him despite him having fortitude of 8 and me of 6. Ny skinks held up stubborn in forests and tool ok squig herders, followed by killing a unit of wolf riders. Unit of the match.

    Great game, great win. I was expecting more of a win but the black orcs narrowly avoided being chased down by a steg and basty, and was worth about 1000 points!
  11. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    the last three battles were a mix of good and bad.
    I played Dwarfs, then Wood Elves, then Empire. I beat Dwarfs fairly reliably with a 15-5 i think. The wood elves game was the single worst game, as far as dice rolls are concerned, that i have ever seen. My oponent told me that he had never seen lizardmen fail so many leadership tests. 20-0 loss to me. Beat the Empire 15-5 as well. i scared his knights off the table by popping a war machine. and killed my own carnosaur with comet of cassandora (which was, frankly, hilarious).

    It was a really fun tournament, but 3000 points is too much NOT to have a slann. it's really difficult to deal with some things, like new wood elf archers, enemy spells and monstrous infantry without reliable magic.

    I have my next tournament list started in the old noggin. I think I need more skinks though.....

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