8th Ed. 750 vs Bretonnia

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Ersh, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Ersh
    Cold One

    Ersh Active Member

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    I hail the disciples of the Old Ones. This is my first warhammer game (and 1st board game to be honest, but i have read this forum before this battle), so i probably made tons of mistakes, and i will be glad if u will point them.
    I played vs friend, who is experienced 40k player, but it was his 1st FB game too.
    Also, English is not my native language, so i’m sorry for any mistakes.

    ...Ssheq-Ctli patrolled jungles east of the Xlanhuapec, and saw ships on the coast with bretonians expedition near it. He decided to attack the invaders immediately...

    So, 750pt Lizardmen vs Bretonnians

    Army lists:

    My army list

    Ssheq-Ctli - Scarvet, Cold one, GW, Dragon Helm, Dawnstone, BSB
    Saurus Warriors (hand weapon) x23 FC
    Skink Skirmishers (blowpipes) x10
    Skink Skirmishers (blowpipes) x11
    Bastiladon Solar Engine

    Friend’s army list

    Damsel Wiz lvl1, Warhorse, Lore of Beasts
    Paladin The Knight's Vow, Battle Standart Bearer, Warhorse, Dawnstone, Shield, Lance

    Knights of the Realm 8, Musician, Standart
    Knights of the Realm 8, Musician, Standart
    Men-at-arms 20, Musician, Standart, Helberd, Yomen Warden


    My army: Skinks were located at both flanks, block of saurus with general at center and bastiladon on the left of them.

    Brets had knights of the realm at both flanks, and man-at-arms in the middle.

    Turn 1
    Brets started to pray to the Lady of the Lake to get her blessing, and lizards decided not to go into battle, feared bretonians devastating charge.

    Turn 2

    Brets marched to my positions, damsel successfully casted Wyssan's Wildform. Bastiladon tried to cast beam of Chotek, but it was dispelled.

    Turn 3

    Brets declared charge my skinks at both flanks.
    Skinks at the left flank responded with desperate fire, and killed 2 knights. Knights failed charge and they only moved a little bit forward.

    My right flank was not so successful - skinks was so unlucky, they have failed to kill anyone - Lady’s blessing protected her knights… Charge killed 7 of my skinks by lances and horses. They tried to flee, but was caught and destroyed.

    Bastiladon charged on the left flank… But I have rolled snake eyes! I terribly failed. So, he casted Chotek’s beam and killed only 1 knight. Solar engine got miscast - flared and died.
    Skinks decided to support unlucky bastiladon with rain of poison darts and killed 3 more knights!

    At the right flank block of saurus and scarvet flanked knights, that killed skinks there. My scarvet challenged enemy paladin - general with BSB.

    Paladin accepted challenge (or lady blessing will be broken) , and got 1 wound. Saurus killed 1 knight.

    Turn 4

    Man-at-arms finally got into battle and charged bastiladon, his knights also charged my skinks.
    Bastiladon killed 2 ot this peasants, but panicked. I failed leadership both roll and reroll, so this bastiladon was caught and killed, and man-at-arms automatically charged my skinks...
    After attack of knights and peasants 5 of my skinks died, but i rolled leadership and got snake eyes from 1st attempt.
    My scar veteran killed enemy general, and saurus warriors killed 1 more knight. (but also lost 1 saurus - horse was fighting much better, than knights!)

    Knights panicked and ran away, from the table. I was not pursuing them and regrouped, facing knights and peasants, that was busy at killing my skinks.

    Turn 5
    Saurus charged at flank of man-at-arms, and yomen challenged my scarvet.
    Skinks was annihilated, but they did a good job - they bought me enough time, detained for long enemy cavalry.
    Yomed was mauled by a cold one, and saurus killed 6 peasants. They flee, and my saurus charged knights, that reformed after killing last of my skinks.

    Knight didn’t care about peasant’s death, so they did not rolled leadership (i successfully rolled it with my saurus).
    Knights, that lost so many of them to skinks, now became extra lucky. First they killed 1 of my saurus. Then they got ALL of armor and ward saves! Even my scarvet failed to hit them…
    Lady’s blessing was too kind for them...
    Still they lost their spirit and, without an opportunity to re-roll leadership, ran away, rolled 6 and 5. I rolled 1 and 2 to catch them %)

    But, table is cleared of bretonnians, and only my saurus marched with my scarvet to perform the Will of Old Ones.

    Bretonians: tabled
    Lizardmen: lost both units of skinks, bastiladon and two models of saurus.

    Victory to Lizardmen!


    Scar veteran: superb! He simply saved the game with killing enemy general.
    Saurus warriors: initiative 1, expensive… but still doing a job, and doing it well.
    Skinks with blowpipes: Nice at defence. Poison, multiple shots… And not expensive for lizardmen units, they bought me time with their lives.
    Bastiladon: Well.. he was a fail of the game for me. I hope he will be much better next time.

    Hero of the day:


    ….after the battle scar veteran, Ssheq-Ctli, heard the voice in his head:

    Ssheq-Ctli, hear me! I am slann Wohtpot, and i order you - move with your army to the north, we will send you reinforcements. I had a vision, that your victories and defeats will lead us to a great victory - rebuilding the city Qu’ittax !
  2. lizard_sNow
    Cold One

    lizard_sNow Member

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    Great report! Take that Brettonia! Just a reminder that a BSB cannot be the army general and if you miscast with the Engine of Chotec it isn't destroyed, like a regular magic item bound spell. So no worries about miscasting with the beam!
  3. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    Unfortunately you would be pursuing because you have predatory fighter. Without a skink character around you don't have much of a choice when the enemy flees from combat.
  4. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    I thought BSB and general could be the same - General is model with highert leadership (Slann) and as Slann can be BSB, he can be both.

    Thats my 2p worth.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    The Slan is the Only Exception to this rule, in any army. ;)
    (consider us lucky)

    Ps. all of your links are broke, probaly because there is a space after .jpg
    You might want to replace them with [pic] tags anyway. :artist:

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