8th Ed. please help

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Ichigo, May 23, 2014.

  1. Ichigo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ichigo New Member

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    Hi people. I've been in the hobby for a while now however I've never done fantasy. Im more of a hobbyist rather than a gamer and will usually buy models based on how they look and then try to develop a list around this. However I'm ain a position where I actually like all the lizerdmen models. I'm looking to you the community of lustria online to help me develop an army list.
    I want to develop a list and then look at buying the models for the list.
    My problems are that I've never played fantasy so I'm a complete noob. I've bought the army book and had a read through.
    I just want an army that's fun to play and will hold up against most army's. I don't play in tournaments.
    From what I can gather from a quick read through there seems to be 3 styles the writes had in mind.
    1 a skink horde list
    2 a slaan magic heavy list
    3 a monster list.

    Now I would love to have a monster list so can you guys help me come up with a monster heavy list that's going to be good to play. The usual size of games we play I'm my local group are 2000pts
  2. Professor_Skink

    Professor_Skink New Member

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    Well glad your getting into lizard men we are the best. For list types, I typically run a magic heavy list with a slann and tettoeko which are good looking models if you're going for that. The monster heavy list is tons to play though, with dual carnos, stegs, and the bastiladon. Are you looking for actual lists people have used of these types?
  3. Ichigo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ichigo New Member

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    Yeah if that's possible, and any tips. I'm in a position where I don't own any lizerdmen at the moment, and rather than buying a load of models painting them and trying to make a list with what I have, I would like to create a list that will be fun and competitive then buy the models to fit the list. But any advice is welcome.
  4. Fleetfiend

    Fleetfiend Member

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    If you're going for monsters, I would say that you should definitely use Bastilodons. Their models are fun to assemble and paint, and do wonders considering how much they cost.

    Leader 'cowboys' on Cold Ones or Carnosaurs(if brave) are always fun to have. You have a lot of options though, so it's hard to tell you where to start.

    So, which models are your favorite? That's always a good thing to base around.
  5. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    I love my bastiladon :)

    Not sure I would take more than 1 , but I just built an Ancient Steg and will add a Cold One carnasaur riding cowboy :)

    I figure 3 MC's should give them choices :)
  6. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    The good thing about a Lizzie army is that we have a lot of monsters, some are big others not so much.

    Not looking going for a specific amount of points I'd assume 2000 points can get you roughly:
    Oldblood on carnosaur.
    A couple of skink priests.
    Skink + kroxigors unit(s) as core.
    A couple of bastiladons for more thunderstomps and magic support.
    2 units of terradons for cannons.
    1-2 ancient stegadons.

    Not the most competitive list but should be fun and every unit is a monster unit in one way or another. The "skrox" units doesn't have to be big, they can also consists of small skink units with a single kroxigor in them.


    I actually just ran the numbers. 2000pts could give you:

    1 oldblood on carnosaur with looping stride, bloodroar, great weapon, armour of destiny and dawnstone.
    2 priests, both lvl 1, one have a scroll the other the cube of darkness.
    1 units of 40 skinks with 3 kroxigors, 2 small 10 man skink skirmisher units.
    2 x 3 terradons and one bastiladon.
    2 ancient stegadons without sharpened horns, unfortunately.

    That's 4 big monsters,some flying monstrous cavalry and a little monstrous infantry. Could potentially do find, you'll just have to be quick to reach the enemy, fortunately the army is very fast with all of it being M6-7.
  7. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    Haven't tried the all-out monster mash, but if iI had the models I would love to try something like:

    old blood cowboy
    scar vet cowboy bsb
    priest heavens lvl 2, scroll
    total 5-600 pts

    skink cohort x 2-3
    skink skirmish x2-3
    total 500 pts core

    1x bastiladon w solar engine
    3x rippers
    1x baby steg
    500 pts

    1 x ancient steg w engine
    2x 1 Sallies w extra handler
    <500 pts

    Maybe not very competitive, but with no less than 7 canon targets the monsters are hopefully safe, and the priest can help as well. and the rippers can hopefully do something good. Otherwise I guess they can be traded for some chameleons.
    The slann stays home, mostly due to points and he uses too many PD. Now the steg and basti gets 1-3 dice, and the priest can use 4-6 dice.
  8. Ichigo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ichigo New Member

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    Thanks for your help people. I have noticed a few people saying that you should run a old one/ scar vet on a carnosor you should have them on cold ones!?
    I love the carnosor and I have to have 1 if not two either way I will be getting one regardless of it going into my army or not.

    I have to admit that I prefer sarous to skinks.

    I will eventually be running a 2k list but what I have come up with so far is a 1000k pt list. The models I currently have are a box of warriors, and a steg.

    My 1000k list (actually 999pts)
    Scar vet on cold one, armour of destiny, great weapon

    Skink priest level 2 with beasts

    20 Saurus warriors

    Bastilidon with solar engine


    2 salamander hunting packs

    I would put the priest in with the warriors flanked by the bastilidon on one side and the steg on the other. The salamanders going down one flank burning what they can and the cowboy hunting war machines.

    Then to build on this for 2k I was thinking exchanging the cold one cowboy to a carnosor

    Another unit of Saurus and give them both command

    A unit of ripperdactrals

    Another priest and an ancient steg with engine???

    Sorry if my spelling is poor still getting used the names
  9. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    The reason for this is because anything scary that you fight with a Carnosaur will target the Carnosaur and probably kill it before it gets to attack. That will leave your OB/SV on foot, with one less pip of Armor and none of the Carnosaur Fighting Power you expected.

    Or the Carnosaur will get cannoned out from under you.

    The Cold One can't be killed out from under a character, and it give yous 2 pips of Armor rather than just one. It's not as fighty as the Carnosaur. And if you have some CoC, you can get a Look Out Sir for your Cowboy. And you can afford 2 Scar Vets on Cold Ones for the price of 1 Scar Vet on a Carnosaur.

    That being said, Carnosaurs are cool! They just aren't the most competitive against other competitive lists.
  10. Fleetfiend

    Fleetfiend Member

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    Actually, I'm fairly certain that you can't run the priest with the warriors; the warriors have 25mm bases, and the priest's would be smaller, so you couldn't have them in the same unit.

    Also, you don't have enough core. At least 25% of your army has to be core, and your Saurus block is a bit short. To fix that, you either need to give them full command or add a few more Saurus.

    As much as it sucks, you might cut out one of the salamander packs to make room. I think it would also give you some extra points to give another handler to the other salamander, or another item to your Scar Veteran.
  11. Fleetfiend

    Fleetfiend Member

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    Oop, nevermind, you're alright with the priest, I just looked it up. You just have to run them in a funky formation.
  12. Ichigo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ichigo New Member

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    I could drop a salamander pack, or drop a level on the skink priest. If i drop a level on the skink priest it gives me 35pts. 30 on full command and give him a cheap item for 5pts?

    or would i be better suited to droping the salamander? keeping level 2 priest. I can't give any more point to my scar vet as the hero choice is already at 25%

    if i drop a salamander pack i could upgrade my steg to ancient and give it sharpend horns, get full command and an extra two guys in my warrior block?
  13. Fleetfiend

    Fleetfiend Member

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    I would definitely suggest dropping the Sally. As much as I love them, I feel like you would get more out of a lvl 2 Priest and the other things.
  14. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    doesn't the priest just go to the side of the unit while still being part of it?

    Edit: page 98.
  15. Fleetfiend

    Fleetfiend Member

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    Yuppers. *points a couple posts up*
  16. Ichigo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ichigo New Member

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    I was thinking that. I could drop both salamanders and get a squad of Ripperdactly riders?

    That would take me to 989pts which is just enough to fit an extra warrior in?

    hopefully my first game will be friday.

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