Almost completed my Slann. Just have some shading left to do. Also trying a little something by having a cannon ball being stopped by his ward save. Still in mock-up stage. But really excited about it. Let me know what you guys think.
That's actually a really cool idea. did you just use pva? you may want to experiment with dropping some very watered down colour into the mix in streaks or patches. You could try and represent the magical feedback of the bubble, or the disintegration of the cannon ball, or something similar
I used a special Epoxy resin from my work. I tried mixing in colors on a few test ones and it didn't work out too good. I'm going to try painting it to look like a flash of eldritch energy. As well as add a cannon ball disintegrating against it with green stuff or something.
hmm, perhaps it may be worth adding a layer of PVA to the top so that you can give the effect of colour without it "looking" painted?
you could also paint it with some "Future"TM acrilic floor wax and a bit of paint mixed together make a great clear wash.
Very cool! I cant' wait to see the finished product. Maybe you could have a bright flash at the impact point with the color fading away as it gets further along the epoxy?