Just wondering what you guys think about the usefulness of skink chiefs? Any good builds out there? Personally I've had little use for them, but I'm always looking for versatility in my army.
I was thinking about putting one on a ripper and seeing what he could do, but I feel like it might be a waste of points. Well, nothing ventured nothing gained. Maybe the ogre blade for extra damage?
Have they changed it so flying characters can join flying units? I haven't checked in a while... If not, them you can't have him join ripper unit and will be a sitting duck unless you tool him up to survive. Or you can take tik'tak who(if I remember correctly) is specifically allowed to join a unit of fliers
I'll have to check up on that, but I don't recall seeing that they can't in this addition. The group I game with sort of has a house rule of running no characters that we dont make ourselves. Not sure where it started but i have no complaints. I have always enjoyed drawing up my own heros for a game. Every now and again one will get tossed in there, but as a general rule we avoid it.
I would mounts him on a terradon instead, as the ripper doesn't get the blot toad boost to frenzy, and with a spear the chief is pretty deadly by himself. And can opt to flee, most importantly! sword of might/striking/biting or other cheap weapon is also an option, then he can use blowpipe. keep him cheap and with a 2+ sv, or dragon helm to get 2+vs flaming as well.
Terradon/Ripperdactyl with Egg of Quango. Sword of Striking/Potion of Strength/Javelin, for one S7 Stand and shoot shot, then 3 S7 attacks at I6 with +1 to hit. You can also go Sword of Swift Slaying/Other Trickster's Shard for a mage assassin. Combo it up with either Dragonhelm (tougher), Potion of Speed (re-roll those hits against more things) or Foolhardiness (get more attacks). Or Dragonhelm/Fencer's Blades with Potions of Speed or Foolhardiness for WS10 4 or 5 attack I6 or 9 fun time. He also makes for a cheap Ruby Ringer.
WS10, 5 attacks sounds like fun, only downside is S4. If one can get either wyssans on him or hex the enemy mage he can probably take out a lvl 4 on one go with no ward.
What would you say about one with terradon, steg helm, potion of foolhardines spear shield and light armor? As a warmachine / mage/ light cav hunter?
steg helm gives +1 toughness to skink... but as monstrous cav, he's on T4 anyway.. seems like a waste to me
yeah, t3 is what makes rippers pretty MEH to me. If they were t4 they'd be worth it, but t3 is just /shrug. Not something i want to spend more than 35 points on, especially with frenzy on leadership 5.
Im not sure but it sais in a RB page 83 that monst cav is like normal cav just using highest wound characteristic of a model