So as of yesterday I have finally finished my Lizardman Carnosaur. Though I very much enjoyed painting him I'm glad it's over. I'm happy with the result considering I've only been in the hobby 1.5 years now and it's my first army. Ill be posting a few photos here. I realise the photos arent the best. Let me know what you think. Also I have started up a blog where ill be updating progress on other figures im working on, please go check it out, theres not alot on it yet but d appreciate feedback and comments.
its a little harder to see in the photo the red/orange on the neck is meant to be part of the patterning on the carnosaur
I read you blog post. The color scheme is growing on me now that I know it is patterned after a Toucan. Very nice work.
I'm glad you like it. I did want to try something different and a bit more challenging colour wise, and I think it's turned out ok. I will be doing more experimentation with my terradons and I'll post them here when I'm done. I am uploading progress pictures on my blog as well, so please go check it out and feel free to leave constructive feedback too
Hi Kroaq, I think the colour scheme and the paint job is really good. I'm trying to decide how to paint my own Carnosaur and this is really good food for thought. From the photos at least I think the transition between the body and the orange of the neck could be subtler particularly over scales rather than the neck skin. The yellow banding and the blue back ridge tips are really effective through. A really nice looking carno. DWS
Agreed, its VERY NICE! good job on the sceme, but as taco says: I think it makes the head look like a different dino. I think it could be fixed if that colour was to appear 1 or 2 other places on it but if its what you like its what you like, and it DO look better than anything I could do
I like the overall paint scheme and paint job. For me, the colors on the head are a little too bright compared to the rest of the body. If they could be toned down a little it would look even better than it does now (IMHO).
Great looking Carnosaurus, especially when taking into account how new you are to the hobby! I like the yellow patterning and the details on the scales show you have quite a steady hand. I can see why the red divides opinions, but the more I look at it, the more I like it. Could we get some close ups of the head? It is not showing very clearly in the pictures, but it looks like it has some interesting details going on. Any plans for the rider?
I love the wet / gloss look on the teeth. I will go with other viewers though, that less is more with the red stuff. I like the "splash" of yellow on the inside of the left upper canine tooth which says, "these teeth are dripping with blood" rather than "These teeth are normally red" Same goes for claws. Are they black / grey claws with gore or is their native colour red? However, it is clear you foloowed your own plan, for your own reasons, and what you did is executed beautifully. I salute your patience in edge highlighting every scale. (What did you say Bob? You just dry brush, hate it and wash it to buggery?(*)) Look forward to seeing your all kick-assing rider! (* - Bob can't criticise)
I with the others ... Body looks great. Head area not so much, both due to the orange on the neck and the heavy use of gore effect on the teeth. If you had just played out the color scheme from the back end you would have a really high-level model.