7th Ed. 1250 pts....Let's open up the shootin' ranch!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by freakndell, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    Hi Guys,

    After playing some 1K games, our group has deided to "up the points". This will after our little 1K league.

    So before that i have time to build and tweak my list...
    Here is my first draft!
    Sacred host of Quetzl.

    Scar-vet: (JSOD) @ 168 pts
    SSoQ, SSoTepok, Gw, Sh, La, cotjw, glyph

    Scar-vet:@ 165 pts General
    SSoQ, SSoI, La, Es, CO, Piranha blade

    11 skinks; SSoQ. Javelins and shield @71pts
    13 skinks; SSoQ. Javelins and shield @83pts
    15 SW; FC; SSoQ @234pts

    4 Kroxigors @232pts
    3 Terradons @105 pts

    3 Sallies @195pts

    total: 1147 pts

    Well the basic plan....
    JSOD soften up the other side (warmachines, archers, etc...)
    The "Dons" hunt down mages asap! 2dd is not a hell of allot.......taking those pesky casters out is important.
    Skinks...well they die.....yep it's true! But not without a fight. a 4+ CC AS is nice!
    The kroxigors...well like the hulk said: smash! prefered hammering the anvilunit.
    SW: The anvilunit! Build to last, for 1 or 2 rounds and then the cavalry arrives....i hope....
    Sallies: roast, burn, toast and cause mayhem!
    The general: babysit the sallies and the skinks and give a helping hand were needed. (the -1+AS helps)

    That sums it all up.....SHOOT!
  2. El_Collyero

    El_Collyero New Member

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    I like this list. I play with a very similar list, but I alternate between using the Sarus and a second unit of 4 Krox. I've found that the best way for me to use this army is to play slightly defensively, as my opponents forces usually have pretty sturdy static combat res. As you said, the JSOD, skinks, and Salamanders are pretty much for making a mess of whatever needs to be dealt with immediately, then die gloriously :bored: Your two cc units then pick the largest target and blow it up.

    3 dispel dice against the VC will get you into trouble. The only way I've had success was by ignoring zombies and allowing Nehek to go off every time. Even if he has 60 zombies by turn 4 they're still only worth 100 points You'll never kill the unit so don't try. Don't waste skink shots either, though having a unit within range to march block would be wise. Just move around the zombies and save the dice for the nasty stuff.

    Also don't forget that the general can't join the skinks or sallies, since he's on a cold one. I didn't realize this when I started playing my army.
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    El_Collyero makes a very good point. The difficulty you will face is that sometimes it simply is not impossible to take out an opponents casters from the get go with terries (i.e. tough casters as in OK or VC, Woodelf casters in woods). Your 3 dispel dice might get you through a bit, but at 1250 pts most armies include 1 lvl 2, and undead armies will be fielding two casters (plus any bounds).

    Beyond this, I must ask you the reasons for Quetzl. Quetzl, from my past experience, is a detriment to your army if it is not Saurus heavy. Although a 4+ AS might look fabulous, WS 2 and T 2 ensures that your Skinks will still drop like flies. Investing more points in them simply prevents them from being expendible. You have enough special slots to simply drop the sacred host list and keep your SW as special.

    Additionally, I think that the Pirahna blade is not the best choice for your Cold One Rider. With your JSoD and Krox, you already have units that can do quite well against any large enemy that your opponent would dare to bring out in a 1250 pt game. If you expect to play against OK, then I would suggest this, but against any other opponents it seems overly specialized.
  4. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    I know that i will be outgunned in the magic phase vs VC. Luckeliy nobody within our group plays those pesky undead.
    My opponent are O&G, Dwarfs, TK and Deamons.

    Mybe it's a good idea to drop the CO from the general, so it will be a decent general within the SW block!
    It is ment to be there anyway...To give it's leadership to the skinks and Sallies.....

    Question....Can a Scar-vet on foot be the BSB? If so may he join the unit of SW? (So that with a FC i have 2 ranks, banner, banner for a +4 SCR from the start...(or maybe when i give him the warbanner +5)..That could be a nice deal!

    Thanks for the tips guys. keep 'm commin'
  5. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    Yes, provided there's no Slann in the army, and your Scar-Vet isn't the General, he can have the BSB (lizardmen rulebook: p. 59). He can also join the SW block provided he has the same spawning as the block itself. It costs an extra 25, and if you give him a magic banner, he can't take any other magic items.
  6. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Yep although usually just having a regular BSB, then you can give him magic items. Although if you wanna keep him lower in points just go with the magic banner, can't remeber who told me but he said giving a saurus block the haunchi totem is a pretty effective way to give SW's more movement into a charge.

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