Sadly signing in on my phone means I havent found a way to share my pictures yet. But lizards have drawn me away from my orcs and goblins army for a while to play some lizards. Got into lizards around febuary time. I have aquired so far: Oldblood on Carnosaur Slan Tehe Gorok Scar vet bsb and a few scar vet models Skink priest Over 100 saurus warriors 80 ish skinks 8 cold ones 3 teras. 3 rippers. 2 bastilidons 1 stegadon 1 troglodon 1 dreadsaurian Enjoying playing games in the 2000-3000 mark as I can run the dreadsaurian my next purchase will be temple gaurd as I want to run a slan block but haven't yet. My orcs and goblins army is in excess of 14k so im not new to the game... my painting on the other hand... sucks!! And love some of the conversions you guys have done. Will get some pics up when I can!! JP
Welcome to the true path of the Old Ones! That is quite an army you have acquired this year. My army is smaller, and the highest point games I can play are at the 2500 pt. level. That is my limit due to needing more core choices. I need more Saurus and Skinks! That will have to wait until there is room in the budget. I do enjoy the 2000-2500 pt. games. At that point level you can really start to use many different units and army compositions. I would still like to see your painted lizards.
Just realised all the pics look so much better on my phone.... will haev to get some more soon! Picked up some temple gaurd today too > getting stuck in!
Thanks buddy dreadsaurian far from finished! Bastilidon needs it's skinks and base finished and then the arc is ready to be attached