8th Ed. 2400 First Attempt - Tell me how bad it is... LOL!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by jpf1982, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. jpf1982

    jpf1982 New Member

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    Slaan Mage Priest
    -General, BSB, Lore of Light, Harmonic Convergance, Channeling Staff, Obsidian Amulet, Ironcurse Icon

    Scar Vet
    -Cold One, LA, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, GW

    Scar Vet
    -Sword of Striking, Luckstone, LA, Shield

    Skink Priest
    -Level 1, Lore of Beasts, Ancient Stegadon, Engine of the Gods

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    30 Skink Cohort
    -Standard, Musician

    25 Saurus
    -Standard, Musician, Shields

    25 Saurus
    -Standard, Musician, Shields, Spears

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    6 Cold One Riders
    -Musician, Champion

    1 Salamander

    2400 Points

    Basically I bought an army 2nd hand and this is what I can come up with out of it that seems sort of ok. I'm certain it is not a competitive list and I haven't finished reading the tactics articles on the forum here (I'm like halfway through the handbook) but I thought I'd see if I couldn't get some early critiques.

    Thanks :)
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Doesn't look all that bad.
    rather an average all commers list.
  3. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    Agreed. This is not a bad list at all. You have a little of everything to try and take on many different types of armies. I like to run this type of general list as well. It fits in with the Lizardmen fluff and looks cool on the table. It may not fare well against some armies, but should do alright against others. It will be fun to play.
  4. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    A few little tweaks to think about:

    1. You probably don't want to run the Ancient Stegadon as a mount for your Skink Priest. You want your stegadon to get into combat and you don't want your priest in combat!

    You're giving up 2 points of CR and your priest or you're not using your stegadon effectively when it is a mount.

    2. I don't think 6 Cold One Riders is enough for anything. You'll have to play them to see if they work for you, but I think you'll find that another Scar Vet on a Cold One will be more flexible and survivable (and cheaper) than 6 Cold One Riders.

    3. You might try making your 30 Skink Cohort into a 20 Skink Cohort + 1 Kroxigor. The Kroxigor's Ld7 is invaluable for me. I run 2 units of 14 Cohorts with 1 Krox each (2 ranks of 8 and 6+Krox) and they have been more resilient than most people expect! If your 30 man block isn't having Ld issues, though, you might not need the Kroxigor.
  5. jpf1982

    jpf1982 New Member

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    Thanks for the thoughts. Pretty easy on #1, separate the Steg. I forgot that he doesn't have to be with a character in this book.

    I've had varying degrees of success with 5/6 vanilla Knights in my Empire lists. It's matchup dependent, you need to be cognizant of what your throwing htem at but they can be useful.

    The Skink/Krox suggestion is good to. The extra LD is something I hadn't considered and the Krox will give them a little more punch. Looking at the list I don't want the unit to get smaller in rank size though or Steadfast will be difficult to hold. How about drop 2 Chameleon's, 4 from the Cohort and a Sarus. Keeps the Cohort unit at 6 ranks, The Sarus wont lose much since they'll have characters in them and the Chameleons are still them, I don't think the loss of 2 shots per unit is going to drop their effectiveness very much.

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