8th Ed. 1700p Slann + TG vs Ogres, Empire, WoC, Night goblin

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by johho, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. johho

    johho New Member

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    Hi there, I would like to get some input on this 1700p army.
    I have choosen to go with a Slann, even though I think its a bit early in the pointsladder, but I really cant afford to get behind in the magic phase with a lvl 2 skink priest.

    The general thought is 2 nice blocks and some smaller units to the side.


    - BSB
    - Soul of Stone
    - Harmonic Convergence
    - Wandering Deliberation
    - Chaneling Staff


    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    - Armour of destiny
    - Shield

    Skink Priest
    - Lvl 1 - beast
    - Cube of darkness


    29 Saurus Warriors
    - Full command
    - Veteran goes here

    14 Skink Skirmishers
    - Priest goes here


    20 Temple Guards
    - Full Command
    - Banner of eternal flame
    - Slann goes here

    5 Chameleont skinks

    5 Chameleont skinks


    So this is my list for 1700 and it will be tried in a few weeks. I used to have ripperdactyls in my list but they have NEVER managed to get there points value in kills. So I have decided to go with 5*2 chamleonts instead. Have had 1 unit of them before and they ALWAYS get there points back, and more. They have done ALOT of damage in my fights at 1200p.
    The Bastiladon is there to laserbeam and maybeget the oponent to throw away a dispelldice and to boost initiativ to the two blocks. The initiativboost have worked really good against ogres and I belive it will work fine against empire aswell.
    And instead of being weak in the magicphase I am now really strong with a Slann with all the signature spells and a vassal in a skirmish unit for the missiles. And the diverity in all those sigature spells with there lore attributes. Could be nice.

    Thanks for the input!
  2. johho

    johho New Member

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    So no thoughts on this list?

    I also gonna try one list where I change the Bastiladon for 2 salamanders.
  3. FerEnough

    FerEnough New Member

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    Perhaps you are going over the top with so much magic, I mean... there's the slan, a skinl priest and a bastiladon...

    I can't see the magic phase where you got to use all of those, simple here are not enough Power Dice

    But this is only my thoughts :D
  4. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Yeah I'd drop the priest for sure. Also it this low points level the slann by far isn't madatory, could do lvl 2 priest scroll bastiladon
  5. johho

    johho New Member

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    Thanks for the input, the skink is there for three things,
    1: Arcane vassal
    2: Scroll Caddy
    3: If somehow the Slanns mess it up, atleast the priest can throw in a wyssan att the end :)

    So I will keep the priest for 1 and 2.

    Regarding the Bastiladon, it is true that the powerpool is a bit shallow, this however has not been a problem since my Bastiladon has never lived longer then turn 2. I dont know why, but my friends really hate it and throws cannonball after cannonball on it untill he is dead.
    With this in mind, I have tried a setup wit 2 Salamanders instead. It has worked okej, but they also get alot of attention and has not survived for so long. But I will keep on trying with the Salamanders.

    And regarding a Slann not being mandatory in 1700p I realle agree, but my oponents all manage to get a lvl 4 in there so I feel that I cant just give up the magic phase to them.

    However I have done some changes and the last saturday I played 4 games and they went as follow:

    Game 1 vs Ogres: A hard match with a really slim victory for me, just a few points over the limit.

    Game 2 vs Empire: He forfitted in turn 2 when I burned almost his hole halberd block with Fiery conviction (is it named that)

    Game 3 vs Ogres: Another hard match, scenario 3 is it? With the breaking point? I managed to get the victory but my Slann lost all of the Temple Guard, survuved 2 cannons and then managed to retriet tactical to the Saurus block. In turn 5 I got the Ogres to break.

    Game 4 vs Ogres: This was my only loss, I managed to misscast with 2D6 and I blew up almost all of my TG, that really turned the tied in that match.

    I will soon post my new list in the next post.

    Thanks for all your input.
  6. johho

    johho New Member

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    - BSB
    - Standard of Discipline
    - Harmonic Convergence
    - Focus of Mystery
    - Chaneling Staff


    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    - Armour of destiny
    - Shield
    - Halberd

    Skink Priest
    - Lvl 1 - beast
    - Dispell Scroll


    27 Saurus Warriors
    - Full command
    - Veteran goes here

    15 Skink Skirmishers
    - Priest goes here


    22 Temple Guards
    - Full Command
    - Razor Standard
    - Slann goes here

    6 Chameleont skinks

    2 Salamande Hunting Pack

    This list has so far managed to go 3-1 in matches.

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