I've seen this online app (?) used to illustrate batreps and think it looks good. When I tried to down load it at home, my pc virus software gave me a warning that the site might be unsafe. Has anyone experienced this or any other issues with Battle Chronicler software before? Cheers.
I use it a lot. I've never had any problems with it. Make sure you are downloading it from their main site at http://battlechronicler.com/ Hopefully everything works for you.
I'll second that, I've just installed the current version from their site on a new machine and it is absolutely fine.
it needs the .net framework, so no it wont run natively. it would probably run in parallels or whatever they're calling it now.
Thanks chaps. Will try to download ahead of a game I have planned on Monday. 2500 pts vs Vampire Counts (no spelling mistakes? Phew!)