8th Ed. Your Most Epic Cube of Darkness Fail

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by GhostWarrior, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    So, this happened to me the other day. I had a game against a very rock-solid WoC build that would have effectively been wrapped up in my opponents half of turn 3 until...

    The Daemon Prince (who has 1 wound remaining) throws 6 Dice at the Bubbled up version of Cacophonic Choir. Fully understanding that this could mean double 6's, and a very reasonable chance of death the the DP, my opponent lucks out and rolls a high number with only one 6.

    No problem, I say - I still have my cube of darkness. I pick up the die to roll - and you guessed it - a 1!! This fail resulted in the death of the Oldblood who was engaged with the DP (A steg helm, ToP, OTS, GW build who had 1 Wyssans up on him, and was previously unwounded!). It also killed off a nearby unit of 6 Saurus Cav (all that remained of a unit of 12 to start the game), a unit of 3 Terradons (previously unhurt), and *luckily* only put 2 wounds on my Piranha Blade Oldblood who was by himself nearby (looking back on that play - his move to separate from the unit in the previous turn was a mistake), but not within 6", so he couldn't hope to Random Move into the DP.

    Not killing the DP, meant that the 2 nearby Chimeras didn't have to take panic tests. This, in the next turn allowed the DP and Chimeras to charge a unit of Saurus, and effectively wrap up any chance of a win for me.

    I'd like to point out that I realized I put too much faith in the ability to stop that spell for 1 more turn, and should have planned accordingly (what if the DP had just IF'd and not wounded himself?). But that's not really the point of this story. ;)

    So, fellow Lustrians - what epic tales do you have related to rolling a '1' on your cube?
  2. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    I think that the most epic I have to tell is that I have yet to roll a 1 on my Cube.
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    For funz and gigglez I once had all my core in one big skrox unit. At turn 5 my friend got off dwellers. Rolled 1 and all the skinks died xD
  4. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    ...And the unit's combat prowess improved! Tell the truth - you thanked your opponent when that happened didn't you? ;)

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