I'm looking for old metal salamander models. The ones that have the big sail on the back and look like this: Disclaimer - These are NOT my models; just using this pic as reference. I have paypal, and various trade including X-Wing ships, other 5th ed lizardmen stuff, MTG, etc. Please let me know what you've got!
Are you looking for just that particular sculpt or do you want the others with the slightly smaller sail as well?
That is imo one of the better looking salamander models, got two myself. When I wanted more for the larger games, I actually purchased the current version and just have them as male/female versions. To get the old ones though, ebay is your friend. Especially UK one, a lot more old warhammer stuff for sale there than on the US ebay.
i've managed to scrape up 1 decent model from Ebay for 10$ (had a fin deficiency that could not be seen from the WYSIWYG picture) and another 3 or so from a friend with an old lizardmen army (and several krox there as well)! They're rather cheap and easy to come by