8th Ed. War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [3k BatRep vsChaos]

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by NexS1, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Hi All,
    I'm going to try and chronicle my upcoming game (this saturday) against Warriors of Chaos. I don't have battle chronicler, so I might take a photo of deployment, but it'll be mostly a written account.

    Now this opponent is a 40k defect, and he's unfamiliar with WHFB, so i'll hopefully be going through the phases and decisions to help him get used to the rules. I won't be doing anything too cheesy, as his last game was against a full-cavalry Empire army with plenty of artillery and Stank. I'm hoping to keep this opponent around because we always need more fantasy players around my area, so I'll try an make it fun for him!

    My 3000 point list will be as follows:
    Slann (BSB, +1 LD, Becalming, Harmonic, Eldritch, Presence, 5+ Channel, Egg of Quango, Life)
    Skink Priest (scroll, Heavens)
    Skink Priest (Beasts)

    30 Warriors (FC, Spears)
    4x 10 Skirmishers (Javs, Brave)
    1x 10 Skirmishers (Javs)

    Bastiladon (Solar Cannon)
    2x 5 Chammos
    5 Cold One Riders (FC, Spears)
    25 Temple Guard (FC, Jaguar Standard)

    Ancient Steg (Vanilla)
    1x 3 Razordons

    It's not an ideal or super competetive list, but it'll be fun for me and I'm hoping fun for my opponent!

    Stay Tuned :p
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    Re: Upcoming game - Warriors of Chaos vs Lizardmen

    slann with life and temple guards should be a working set. however i dont see a point for those 30 sauruses, but as you said its not competetive : )
    ive started to see the egg on the slann more often. is it that good of a pick?
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: Upcoming game - Warriors of Chaos vs Lizardmen

    I think the Saurus are there mainly for core tax, but they'll come in handy. Especially with Life.

    The Egg is a fun toy to have at your disposal. It can either work great or it can work ok. Either way it works and doesn't blow up like some sort of Skaven contraption might.

    Heard a little pre-report about your mini battle. Looking forward to hearing the rest of the story!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: Upcoming game - Warriors of Chaos vs Lizardmen

    Qupak is right, it's all about the core. while skinks are good for redirecting and wittling down big things, having only one combat unit is a bad idea(also, I don't have enough skinks to make any more units..). The CoR will be either to split the opponent's army or to flank charge after the unbreakable TG unit holds.
    I am, however, going to change the Ancient steg into a baby steg (played with the blowpipes last night and they sucked)

    Exactly, the egg did bugger all last night (rolled a 1....) but it's a nice surprise for the opponent as they are effectively impact hits.
    Game happens in about 24 hours.. so i'll report up shortly thereafter
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  5. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: Upcoming game - Warriors of Chaos vs Lizardmen

    Ok, be prepared to cry. I nearly did.
    I had to change my list on the spot when I got there, because i'd forgotten to bring a few models, but that was beside the point really. Didn't make much of a difference...

    Ok, so we rolled up Blood and Glory, but opted for battle line as he wasn't really familiar with the rules yet (though he wasn't too bad with them. Just a little rusty is all).
    His list was roughly as follows, deployed from my left to right:
    Chimera (4+/4+regen), 10 dogs, 3 Juggernauts (magic +1 strength weapon), 10 dogs, Gorebeast chariot, 35+ Warriors (extra hand weapon, Lord and razor banner BSB go here), Lv2 wizard on war shrine, 10 knights (magic +1 Strength weapon), 10 dogs, Monster that uses lords WS and LD. All available marks of khorne were taken, other than wizard.
    I deployed left to right: Cold ones, skiirmishers with TG behind them, more skirmishers, skirmishers in a forest(fear forest, woot...) Bastiladon and Ancient Steg behind them, one razordon next to them, More skirmishers with saurus warriors behind them, and the last unit of skirmishers on the far right. The cammos deployed in the far right forest and in the centre behind a giant rock (to dictate the vanguard i wanted my opponent to take).

    TURN 1
    The juggers charged the chammos who opted to throw limp darts at them (apparently aiming specifically for their armoured plates), then the non-vanguarded dogs charged the chammos while the Warriors and gore beast passed their LD tests to restrain. THe chammos fled, forcing both the juggers and the dogs to fail charges. Perfect! now the dogs were blocking the chariot and warriors' movements. Chameleons have done their job!
    Knights passed their test to restrain and the last set of dogs charged the other chammos, but lost 2 to poison on their way into the forest.
    The rest of the army shuffled forward, the vanguard dogs sat in front of the cold ones and the chimera flew toward my flank.
    Chaos magic fizzled, he lost a wizard level casting a off scattered pit of shades, and the dogs overran the chammos despite 2 wounds and steadfast skirmishers...

    Cold ones charged the dogs, skirmishers set up to shoot the chimera as did the bastiladon, the razordon sat in the centre marsh, in arc of the nights and a unit of skirmishers sat right behind him for backup. The steg sat himself squarely facing the chaos monster, a long 17” away and the other skirmishers prepared to shoot at him and the dogs. Saurus warriors lined up for either to be charged or the to-be flank charge of the monster of knights next turn.
    The bastiladon shot flaming attacks cannon at the chimera with irresistible force! Then rolled a 2. One wound on the monster. Skinks threw javelins into the beast, point blank and scored another wound.
    I made my first mistake here, albeit a minor one. I destroyed the entire unit of dogs and opted to overrun. The mistake was that the chimera could then charge them – I should have faced the beast which would also prevent the beast from landing a charge on the TG. He didn’t anyway..

    TURN 2
    Chimera charged flank of Cold ones – saw that coming. Juggers charged cold ones, need double 5’s and make it. D’oh! Knights charge razordon and lose three to the marsh and needle fire! Yes! Monster opted to charge the steg at 17” away. Double 5’s on 2D6… Makes it…(though javelins knock off another wound on him), and dogs charge skirmishers who fluff and end up dying anyway. Dogs near the juggers make another huge double 6’s charge on my chammos and catch them after fleeing, leaving the annoying dogs in my face.
    Straight to combat. Steg end up killing monster, knights kill razordon but lose another couple of guys to the overrun through marsh into the backup skinks. I knock another wound off the chimera, kill the jugger champ in challenge but lose all but my champ who flee’s. Juggers don’t catch, chimera opts to reform. Dogs overrun off the board to my right.
    Thoroughly pissed off at the crazy charges that were made in the WoC turn, TG charge the Juggers and the basty charges the dogs who flee. Basty redirects into juggers. Steg charges the knights and saurus reform toward the left, preparing to move toward the warriors when they inevitably fail their long charge, or LD test to restrain. Skinks move to shoot at chimera again and other skinks move up for support.
    Magic gives me earth blood and a power drain, bringing my slann to a lv1 wizard.
    Shooting was pointless and the combat starts.
    TG kill the juggers and lose a few men. Then overrun into the chimera. The steg kills a grand total of 1 knight with impact hits and loses his skirmisher buddies. The knights reform their now 4 man unit.

    TURN 3
    My opponents luck had been ridiculously good thus far, so I was certain the swings and roundabouts were sure to leave me happy for a turn. No.
    Chaos warriors charge, needing 6’s to get into the flank of my TG. Two 6’s. Ridiculousness. The gorebeast has to charge my blocking skirmishers and the dogs come on the board to my right. Lets forget about them now as they no longer serve any purpose.
    War shrine goes off and does little.
    Thinking it was about time for some luck, the egg of quango is released on the warriors. I just need a 4+ to do something good. I roll a 2. 5 warriors die. Chakax fights the chaos lord and despite having rerolls on all hits and str7 only does one wound, which gets through, but he dies. The chimera pops, as do a number of my TG warriors then I reform. The steg ends up killing a couple more knights. But they hold. The chariot overruns with ease.
    Charge the warriors with the basty and I move my saurus up within a good charge distance of the warriors and prepare for my next turn.
    I amber spear the war shrine for 1 wound.
    Combat (surely it’s my turn for luck now, yes?). I challenge with champion, his champion accepts. Hits with all 5 attacks, wounds with a couple and I can’t save them (with a 6+ armour and 5+ regen!). The champion then proceeds to transform into a daemon prince. I put a wound on the bsb and lose a butt load of TG and the basty. I am stubborn and hold (after a re-roll).

    TURN 4
    His daemon prince charges in. Little magic and no shooting…
    He challenges with his BSB. I move my slann into front rank, blocking the daemon prince from being in base contact with an enemy (huzzah, touché, daemon prince) and take three wounds on my slann… More TG die and one more wound put into his lord. I hold.
    I declare short charges with both steg and saurs. Saurus roll double 1’s and steg rolls total of 3. Both fail. I call the game here.

    The moral of this story is this:
    No matter how well you out-think, out-deploy, out-manouvre your opponent, when he rolls EVERY SINGLE lucky roll he needs and you roll nothing but crap, there is nothing you can do.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  6. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Re: Upcoming game - Warriors of Chaos vs Lizardmen

    I feel your pain! Been there myself.
    When the dice gods are against you, ther ain't a lot you can do.
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  7. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [SCGT Practice Gam

    I guess I'll use this thread to chronicle my successes and defeats.
    I have a 2600 point SCGT tournament in September, so i'm playing with a few ideas and practicing them in-game.
    My 3rd practice match will be tonight, against Dark Elves.

    My list will be:
    Slann Mage-Priest - Channelling Staff, Harmonic Convergence, BSB (Standard of Discipline), Lore of Light
    Oldblood - The Blade of Realities, Light Armour, Shield

    Scar-Veteran - Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon
    Skink Priest - Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts

    24 Saurus Warriors - Command, Spears
    3x 10 Skink Skirmishers - Javelins, Champion
    15 Skink Cohorts - Command, Kroxigor

    Bastiladon - Solar Engine
    2x 5 Chameleon Skinks
    5 Cold One Riders - Command, Spears
    25 Temple Guard - Command, Razor Standard

    Razordon Hunting Pack - 1 Razordon, Extra Handler
    Razordon Hunting Pack - 1 Razordon, Extra Handler

    Pre-game thoughts:

    The blade of realities/lore of light combo worked well against a cavalry heavy Karl Franz Empire army in my last match. Basically turned the Oldblood into a weapon of mass destruction. I think it will work to a lesser extent with dark elves, but to level the playing field I'll really need birona's timewarp. Speed of light will protect him against rank and file, but only in the second round (as they have hatred). So I think Pann's Pelt or Wyssan's Wildform will be the key to keeping the oldblood alive.
    I'll need to chaff up any hard hitters and get the favourable charges. The Razordons will be good against the likes of Black Guard or Executioners because any stand and shoot wounds are more than likely going to kill. Elves are expensive enough that any death is a vital loss to the army, so a charge against them would be a last resort.

    Here's hoping!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  8. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [SCGT Practice Gam

    Oh Dear God.
    Things looked good. They really did.

    So here it is. We decided that battle line was good enough and randomised the terrain placements like usual.
    My Spells - Pha's Protection, Birona's Timewarp, Shems Burning Gaze, Speed of Light, Wyssans Wildform
    His Spells - Throne of Vines, Flesh to Stone, Earth Blood, Regrowth and warlocks (Doom Bolt and Soul Blight)

    His list came to a comp score of 2 and was (roughly and from bottom to top):

    5 Doomfire Warlocks
    14 Darkshards w/champion
    8 Cold One Knights w/full command
    30 Black Arc Corsairs w/full command (Prince with Chillblade, Death Hag and Level 4 Sorceress in here)
    25ish Black Guard w/full command (Death Hag and Kouran in here)
    10 Darkshards
    5 Doomfire warlocks


    I out-deployed him with my many chaff units and castled most of my units on the left flank. It looked favourable here as his heavy stuff still had to swing around.

    Rightly so, Dark Elves won first turn.

    DE Turn 1
    I flee my chammos from the warlocks and stand and shoot at a failed Black Guard charge which knocks a couple elites off, and everything else nudges forward a bit except the knights. I dispel his magic and he pulls off an amazing 2 casualties on my cavalry with his 10 shards.

    LM Turn 1
    Cold ones charge the warlocks and get in, chaff moves up and saurus set up. I push the cohorts with priestall the way up and roll some decent magic. Pha's Protection and speed of light on the Cohorts and a Solar Cannon which i roll a hefty 3 to get a mere D6 Str4 hits. It kills a few.
    Warlocks kill 1 Cold one rider and lose 2 in return . Warlocks lose combat but hold.

    DE Turn 2
    Black Guard charge skinks and lose a few to panic fire, Corsairs fail a charge against fleeing skinks and darkshards charge my cold ones. I flee once again from the warlocks. Magic is null and shooting kills a few cohorts. I lose another cold one but hold and the black guard overrun my skirmishers into the middle of nowhere.
    (no good photos of this turn)

    LM Turn 2
    I charge the shards with my cohorts and line everything up to take advantage of the enemy's frenzy. The the magic phase starts..
    IF Solar Cannon rolls another D6 str4 hits. 1 hit. 1 wound. I dead corsair. I roll 3 dice to cast speed of light again on cohorts and miscast. The slann then decides that he would rather fight daemons in the chaos warp then the elves on his doorstep, taking a mere 16 Temple Guard with him as escorts. An unrecoverable loss, but i figure that i've got one mashing unit left so I could scrape some points up still. The cohorts break the darkshards and choose to face the knights rather than chasing the shards. perhaps not the best option, but didn't really make a difference in the end.

    DE Turn 3
    He charges the razordon with corsairs and i knock a couple of guys. Magic does little but kill off the handlers from my other razordon who fails the LD test and becomes frenzy/hatred. Combat is as expected, he overruns into my skirmishers and every model passes the dangerous terrain (through marsh) but 1 or 2.

    LM Turn 3
    In a dash for points, the Saurus warriors charge the flank of the corsairs. The razordon fails LD test and charges the knights, so the cohorts charge in to help and the temple guard fail a very long charge against the warlocks. My Slannless magic phase does little. Maybe a few wounds off the black guard, but wyssans wildform is dispelled. No shooting.
    True to my luck's form, most of my skinks die, and between my saurus and scar vet I do a grand total of 6 casualties. I lose 7 saurus. Both units break and the corsairs catch the saurus.

    I call the game here as there is nothing i can do to regain losses and the game was no longer fun.

    Another perfect example of rolling nothing but crap and having it snowball. I think my role in the warhammer world is to make everyone's day look good in comparison, so you're welcome :)

    After thoughts:
    I'm thinking that using the skirmishers to line the corsairs up for a perfect flank was just giving them combat res, so perhaps leaving them out, i may have been able to hold steadfast, but it was a long shot (taking my lack of luck into consideration). Also perhaps the thunderstomp of the bastiladon might have killed enough to make my warriors steadfast, but everyone else would have run. I'm almost considering rejigging the list to replace the scar vet with gor-rok - he's a soft choice and would give me 2 stubborn combat units.

    (edit:) Added thought, the loss of Slann cost me an extra 200 VP. So i'm thinking of separating the BSB out to the 4+ ward save scar vet

    Any other thoughts, anyone? I'd love to hear some feedback!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  9. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [SCGT Practice Gam

    Ok, so I'm hoping to have another practice game over the weekend, and here are my list changes. (sorry if the blue is hard to read)

    Slann Mage-Priest - Channelling Staff, Harmonic Convergence, Soul of Stone, Becalming Cogitations, Lore of Light
    Oldblood - The Blade of Realities, Light Armour, Shield

    Scar-Veteran - Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon, BSB
    Skink Priest - Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts

    24 Saurus Warriors - Command, Spears
    3x 10 Skink Skirmishers - Javelins, Champion
    20 Skink Cohorts - Musician, Standard Bearer

    Bastiladon - Solar Engine
    5 Chameleon Skinks
    5 Cold One Riders - Command, Spears
    25 Temple Guard - Command, Standard of Discipline, Sword of Swift Slaying
    1x 2 Jungle Swarms

    Razordon Hunting Pack - 1 Razordon, Extra Handler
    Razordon Hunting Pack - 1 Razordon, Extra Handler

    I wanted to remove the BSB from the Slann due to the outcomes of my last game.. so we'll see how this build goes.
    I removed the krozigor as it really didn'e give any real tangeable value to the unit. Also, I'd like to test the jungle swarms poisoning ability out and see whether it makes my life easier, otherwise i'll jump back to my second chameleons unit.
    Lastly, I thought it might be worth trying the sword of swift slaying out on my TG unit champion so as to protect the blade of realities from unwanted challenges. It can also gives the opportunity to wipe out any chance that a character can hide from the blade of realities. I'll re-evaluate the item after the next game!
  10. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [SCGT Practice Gam

    I had a game using this list and it seemed to work well... Or, rather, it didn't blow up in my face due to poor rolling.
    This fact makes me unsure as to if the list was particularly good, or my tactics worked because i didn't roll below average all game (as i usually do).
    I tried to take some pictures, but they weren't great, then i got sidetracked, so no written report. Just some highlights...

    Lizardmen vs. The Empire

    Karl Franz on horse with D3 Runefang
    Ludwig BSB
    Wizard Lord with Sorceror's Staff (he tried out fire this game and wasn't particularly impressed. I dispelled most of his spells. Slann's are awesome)
    Warrior priest on horse with Ulric's cloak

    Unit of IC knights (Ludwig)
    Unit of Reiksguard knights (Franz)
    3 Demi Gryphs (Priest)
    20ish Handguns (Wizard Lord)
    ^2x 10 crossbows
    Steam Tank
    Great Cannon

    Blood And Glory!
    He deployed from my left to right: Stank, then Cannon (in back), IC Knights, shooting units, Reiksguard, Hellblaster, Demi's.
    I deployed from my left to right: TG, Jungle Swarms, Skirmishers, more skirmishers (in the back), Razordon, even more skirmishers, another razordon, Cohorts and then Cold ones as far right as i could. THe saurus spears were in the back, just left of central, and basty to the left of them.

    He failed a stank movement toward my skinks, then my Oldblood and Jungle swarms charged it. Oldblood did 5 wounds on it and it inevitably blows up. Cold ones are stupid and cohorts fight demi gryphs and run to death. Cannon obliterates the bastiladon. Knights get chaffed up and chammos kill cannon.

    Old Blood joins spearmen unit and ends up killing Karl Franz with Blade of Realities and Light magic. Reiskguard unit is hold. Temple Guard champion holds Ludwig up for 2 rounds of combat and knocks off 1 wound. They roll snake eyes, but end up dying in following rounds of combat (and I break opponent). Razordon kills Hellblaster and 10 crossbows, chammos panic other crossbows.

    Reiskguard end up finally dying. Demi gryph's get charged by Cold ones, Jungle swarm and spears. Slann panics handguns off the table.

    Final Result: Turn 6 see's the table occupied only by lizardmen.

    After thoughts:
    The Blade of Realities is devastating when it strikes. It ruins everyone's day but mine (so far!). Everything just seemed to work, my plan to get rid of the stank early and protect ithe TG from its impact hits by screening with the chammos forced it into a failed random movememnt charge. Jungle swarms directly affected the destruction of the stank. Razordons and skirmishers were perfect in their annoying techniques and even banishment had a viable target (handguns). It was a nice change from the norm.

    I plan to give the following change a try and pick my favourite build from there:

    Slann Mage-Priest - Channelling Staff, Harmonic Convergence, Egg of Quango, (Soul of Stone or Becalming Cogitations, haven't decided which... Thoughts anyone?), Lore of Heavens
    Oldblood - Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Piranha Blade

    Scar-Veteran - Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon, BSB
    Skink Priest - Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts

    24 Saurus Warriors - Command, Spears
    3x 10 Skink Skirmishers - Javelins, Champion
    20 Skink Cohorts - Musician, Standard Bearer

    Bastiladon - Solar Engine
    5 Chameleon Skinks
    5 Cold One Riders - Command, Spears
    25 Temple Guard - Command, Standard of Discipline, Sword of Swift Slaying
    1x 2 Jungle Swarms

    Razordon Hunting Pack - 1 Razordon, Extra Handler
    Razordon Hunting Pack - 1 Razordon, Extra Handler
  11. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Vs The Empire]

    Not really a full BR, but I played a big 3.5k game against my friend with his skaven. My bad luck is back! Hooray!

    Few points for how the game went...
    -Saurus hordes (40 saurus 10x4)aren't as fun as they sound. They quickly become a waste of points (moreso than usual)
    -We read the skaven book and i'm extra happy that it says charge reactions are allowed against HPA movements
    -Dreaded 13th really needs to be nerfed in their next release (killed 21 Temple guard). Should be allowed to take ward saves at least.

    Quick synopsis:
    I took:
    -the usual 25 TG with fully kitted heavens slann and oldblood 1+/4++ piranha blade
    -40 saurus spears
    -3x 10 skirmishers
    -21 cohorts 1 krox
    -7 chammos
    -EotG steg
    -beast priest w/scroll
    -7 coldies w/command and spears
    -carno scar vet

    he took:
    -bell with 50 clan rats
    -40+ Queek bodygard stormvermin (and queek)
    -40 ish plague monks with priest
    -40+ slaves
    -2x 10 night runners
    -8 gutter runners
    -8 rat ogres
    -might have been another unit of clan rats in there.. can't remember

    Early Game:
    I lost carno to rat ogres after killing a bunch of stormies and queek. Lost steg to doomwheel. Lost chammos and most of cold ones to HPA. Killed night runners with skrox. Started grinding down the plague priests (skrox made a fantastic snake eyes to hang around).

    Mid Game:
    Continued to lose saurus to cannon. Dreaded 13th IF killed 21 Temple Guard, made them useless. ran slaves off theboard with BSB. Lost saurus horde to bellrats.

    End Game:
    Charged oldblood out of TG and killed a bunch of monks, skinks slowly die and flee to death. skirmishers kill HPA twice (once it returned, then died for real). Charged the rat ogres with BSB to remove him as a cannon target, but lost him in the combat. Basty charged bellrats and died to a flank charge from stormies.

    Crushing win to the Skaven.

    In such big games, Skaven have access to so many great obliterators of my hard hitters. The doomwheel makes short work of any monsters (friend or foe...) It's just very difficult to match numbers and heavy support in such a big game. With all the skaven units at least 7 or 8 ranks deep, it's a grinding match, which I couldn't win with depleted units as they were.
    If I were to do anything differently, I'd have plonked the EotG against the HPA and saurus cav against the doomwheel. I feel that the saurus horde would need to have been much larger to traverse the battlefield and remain big enough to be scary. I think a more defensive and smaller unit of TG to bring up the rear might have worked better.

    I honestly didn't put too much thought into the army, I just wanted to play some big monsters, which i did! I actually wanted to play Mazdamundi (proxied, of course!) but didn't really want to proxy, so i through the rest together!

    I find I operate better at 2400 -3000 points, as the cost of saurus troops seem to snowball, allowing me to be well outnumbered.
  12. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Ideas... ideas]

    Funnily enough, my list ideas tend to spread out from my desire to convert/sculpt new models etc.
    My next friendly game will be the following:


    Oldblood - Great Weapon, Light Armour, The Other Trickster's Shard, Sacred Stegadon Helm, Talisman of Preservation
    Slann - Becalming Cogitations, Harmonic Convergeance, Channeling Staff, Lore of Heavens

    Scar Veteran - Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Opal Amulet
    Scar Veteran - BSB, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny
    Skink Priest - Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts

    24 Saurus Warriors - Command, Spears
    24 Saurus Warriors - Command, Hand Weapons
    3x 10 Skink Skirmishers

    Bastiladon - Solar Engine
    6 Chameleon Skinks
    25 Temple Guard - Command, Banner of Discipline
    1 Razordon Hunting Pack - 1 Razordon, Extra Skink Handler.

    I wouldn't be opposed to dropping the basty and razordon for a giant-bowegadon, but i'm a bit fond of the extra drops and charge blocking/annoyance provisioning that these two units bring.
    Alot of people tend to side with salamanders over razordons, but I find razordons compliment my play style much better. I use them as charge blockers that pump out a bunch of shots being charged, which tends to scare some people off so they manoeuvre around them. I also like to use them to hold a potential overrunee in contact to get extra round of combat out of my charging units. The salamander cannot do this for me.

    The other thing I could drop to get a steg would be the chammos but I'm not sure if i want to give these guys up or not....

    Pick on the list, friends! Input required!
  13. teufelhund
    Chameleon Skink

    teufelhund New Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Input required!]

    Can I ask why you went lore of heavens? Why not take tetto and get loremaster and vanguards and add another old blood or scar vet. I think that could also free up some points for more chammos or another razordon if all you're looking for is a comet.

    I like the saurus characters in the blocks to add a little combat power. I almost always take spears though; why not fight in 3 ranks if it's a matter of models theres not much difference in advatage with extra attacks vs parry saves.

    Other than that looks like a solid build; a little light on chaff and fast movers. I don't think you can do without the chameleons, but it's a long stretch to get a steg out of a basti... And then you would have zero flaming attacks which is already tenuous attached to a large target. Maybe find a way for a ruby ring on a character.

    Just my thoughts; something to think about. Best of luck.
  14. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Input required!]

    Thanks for the detailed response!

    The reason is because I really like the lore of heavens at the moment. Tetto is ok, but he's still only a level 2 mage and i'd have to throw more dice at spells. I really like Harmonic Convergence more than any other spell from heavens as it makes my useless saurus warriors (I say that because they hit on 4's - I roll lots of misses, then wounds most on 3'a and i roll lots of 1's) have that little bit of combat insurance. more levels = less dice thrown = higher spell count potential.

    re spears vs hand weapons:
    1. I only have one unit of spears, and one unit of hand weapons haha
    2. I'm thinking of putting the oldblood into the hand weapons because there's more potential for deathbringing and with the steg hat, you want the charge, whereas spears don't necessarily want the charge... as long as it's not cavalry and I can get one unsaved wound from the 3rd rank to even out the charging combat res point, which is where lore of heavens comes in :)

    re lack of chaff:
    Very true, which is why i don't want to give up the basty and razordon because they're the top tier of chaff. Even though Stegs are fast and superchargers, i don't want to lose my whole army because I couldn't prevent that ONE charge from happening...
    So i'd have 3 units of skirmishers, basty, razordon and chammos as chaff/blockers/redirectors. And if it came down to it, I could peel the priest off (after his dispel scroll has been used) and use him as a blocker.
  15. teufelhund
    Chameleon Skink

    teufelhund New Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Input required!]

    Makes sense and it's a solid game plan; just don't let your lines get screwed up with the saurus moving slower than the rest of your army. I'm going to be play testing some razordons myself soon also; I hope I can have the same success with them that you do.
  16. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Input required!]

    Looks like a solid list, and I'm especially interested in how the Anti-Hero Scar-Vet does for you. I assume he's got the Opal Amulet to give him a shot at surviving a challenge before swinging with his 5 S6 attacks? Its probably not much difference, but I think that my preference would be to give him the Potion of Speed, Charmed Shield and the Luckstone instead. That way:

    He can get a one shot of I6 in a challenge, which will be critical for killing most non-Elven characters before they attack him. Combined with the Bastiladon this will bump him up to I7.
    He can dodge the first cannon ball on a 2+, critical as you don't have any Cav for him to hide in, or ignore the first blow in a challenge.
    The luckstone will give him a one shot re-roll armour save, which is just as good or better than the Opal Amulet vs anything up to S6.

    He'll still need to avoid Killing Blow, S7+ and lots of S6 rank and file, but I'd say that's probably true of the Opal Amulet load out as well.
  17. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Input required!]

    Thanks cg!
    Now first off, he's on foot, so no cannonballs are coming his way. Re the initiative... I find that I've been getting used to having characters that strike last, which is probably bad form. Haha. This guy is likely to be in the slann unit, which will probably attract units with lots of characters in it (because temple guard our only infantry that aren't frigging terrible, so people tend to hunt them down). All I really want from this guy is to have enough wounds to swing at a killy character, at which point the killy character should die and made the unit around him less harmful. I get nervous with potions because if I drink it and fail the charge then I've wasted it abd the scar vet is as good as dead, or if I use it in his turn, he doesn't charge and instead chaff's me for a turn - same problem. I have that personal dilemma with pot or strength too.

    Any ideas on how I could slay my fear of wasted points?
  18. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Input required!]

    Haha, I'm so used Scar-Vets being mounted that I simply assumed they were and didn't even look for the Cold One! Okay, that makes a lot more sense. What about DragonHelm, Potion of Speed and the Luck stone to get a 2+?

    There's two ways to go about ensuring he does his damage: make him ultra-tanky, or attack first. With the Sword eating up a fair chunk of points, there's not that much room to get more tanky. With both builds he's got a 2+, with Opal Amulet he's a little better defending against S6, but that's not going to matter if you face it in volume or fail the Ward (remember, you have just as much chance of failing as passing the roll!). With the Speed Potion, he stands a chance at doing his damage first and not taking any hits back at all; but even if he does, its only S6+ that's the problem - against everything else, the Luckstone gives him just as much defence as the Amulet.

    Alternatively, switch to a Light Slann and just cast Speed of Light :D

    With potions, the trick is to take advantage of a unit champ. Either you charge in, or they charge you, and the first challenge is your champion vs Powerful Character. In the next round, after the Champ bravely gets stepped on, you can drink your potion safe in the knowledge that you are in combat already. This gets a little tricky when the character is in a unit and can defend with his own Champion, of course, but that's going to cause you problems with challenge shenanigans anyway.
  19. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Input required!]

    Hmm good point good little chump champion!
    The way I see it, anything that's going to attack the scar vet is going to be worth it's salt, but you're right, str6 is rare in troops.

    So, I drop the opal amulet and have the following :
    Pot of speed
    Ench shield
    Sword of antiheroes
    Luck stone
  20. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Looking forward to see what he kills!

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