Hi everyone! I have been lurking this forum a while now and I finally decided to register. Although I don't play warhammer I'm still painting my army and I plan to ask you for suggestions and post the results of my painting. I wish I could play but there have past a lot of years since I last played and I only know the rules from the first warhammer rule book and the first Lizardmen codex ever published...I even include a lot of old miniatures from the first edition in my army. So that's it, hope you like my work.
The great part about this hobby is that it is a hobby with no gaming requirements. If there were, I would be out as I haven't played since last year and getting a game in seems to get harder all of the time. I look forward to seeing your work!
Welcome to the jungle. I look forward to seeing your army. Fortunately, I do get a chance to play about once a month with some players who have been teaching me the rules. I also enjoy the collecting and painting part of the hobby too. I spend as much or more time painting than I do playing.
Welcome to the forum! Rycheck is right, you can do whatever you want with the hobby and it's still a hobby.