Model cases.

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by VampTeddy, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Where to go?

    I've searched far and wide (well i've been sitting still googling stuff) for more than an hour now, searching for a figure case that will carry my troops to battle, without being too cumbersome for me to have with me on my bike.

    I do not mind having a separate minor extra bag to carry some of the models. But the major bag need to be able to carry most, as well as be carried on bike since i can't always rely on a lift.

    The measurements of saurus seem to me to be too big for a 25mm hole, i know the base is that size, thus the problem occurs, the tail pops out, so does the spear on my spear Saurii.

    I've been looking at several Bags so far, and found some wanting due to their relative location to me.

    Can anyone tell me good things about :

    or ?

    It's about the same price range to me, and about the same price range as the original bag i eyed out from feldherr, who sadly are out of their bags.

    The plus side for me with KR is that i have the option of a bagpack, the downside being that their foam selection confuses the heck out of me, instead of just using units and saying it can have X units of foam and each piece of foam are Y units i have to try and guesstimate with a picture.

    The plus side of Portable warfare is that the grey bag looks neat, it still has a shoulder strap to allow me to at least swiing ot on my bag, though that could prove a nuisance on a longer bike trip and force me to go by bus instead. It's foam trays are modular, unlike KR's which aren't, meaning i have to do that work myself - which could both be a bonus and a con.

    I believe the end space in both bag's is about roughly the same but i don't know much about either Seller.

    I guess i'm asking because i'd like to go for Portable warfare's "sergeant" but have read much good about KR so i'm leaning that way too.
  2. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Well i ended up ordering already :i

    Found out KR had a double bag pack, and that kinda sealed the deal.

    When i can bring 2 monsters, 20 monstrous beasts, 12 cav, and 120 infantry models around i'm not going to be lackluster.
  3. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Using KR myself and I feel their bags are good value for the money, as long as the models are inside their box I'm never worried if I drop it by mistake.

    On the other side, I completely agree that their selection is confusing. Their suggestion for Lizardmen is a tad too short for temple guard or if you have spears on your saurus (fit perfect for 5th edition saurus, so not sure if they based their recommendation on those). Though it does not really matter, just means you will position the model with the halbred/spear a little outside the foam pocket.
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  5. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Just noticed this! got my bag today, a bagpack (2) so i can transport it easily.

    And n810 i did see battlefoam, and i likes their selection, but i did not like their prices, nor did i really like their bag enough to pay that much extra, i looked at several reviews for the KR case, and was really anxious to get to ordering so i really didn't give you guys much time to reply.

    Happy to hear from red he's having luck with them, i also assumed the spears wold be safe enough cushioned against the foam, rather than in it. The other models seems to fit nicely.

    Also ordered the larger foams for my Carnosaurs, since it definetly looked like the older one (comparing the carno to a slann), was on the old model.

    The only sad thing is that i will only be able to transport 3 monsters at a time, however i have recently ordered paint from a company that sent it wrapped completly in little foam thingies, so i guess i can always use that boc for more monsters.

    Can't wait to transport my army now, gonna be a real pleasure, and much better than my previous pile them up and put them in a box method, a miracle they haven't broken really! :D
  6. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    How well did this work out for you? I made my own custom trays and put it all in a Rubbermaid of some sort. Took me a few nights to assemble but I have a short attention span. Was definitely cheap cheap cheap!

    I too am a bike commuter and have no idea how I will add a steg, I am assuming I am going to need another bag to sling over my shoulder, which seems very inelegant, but eh.
  7. Crillaz
    Cold One

    Crillaz Member

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    A guy at the gaming club uses a plastic tool box, quite big. On all the insides he has glued sheet metal. His models are all magnified to a sheet metal movement tray which is somehow magnified underneath as well.
    Point is, his whole army are attached to the bottom and sides of his tool box, and when he is going to fight he just picks up tray after tray with his models.
    I plan to do something similar. It goes really quick to start the battle if you don't have to spend time arranging all the minis.
    I hope that you are happy with your bag tho. :)

  8. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    This worked out "neatly", it didn't work out wonderfully, because the boxes were quite obviously made for 5ed or earlier, saurus take a lot of space, skink also, and stegadons can barely fit, troglodons cannot at all fit!

    Nonetheless, it's made it easier to get my army around, and since my slann, carno saur (old model) and stegadon eventually fit inside, i'm quite satisfied ^^
  9. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Idealy we need to find some one who sells raw foam sheets and cut them out ourselves,
    to fit or funky shaped modesls. :shifty:
  10. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Battlefoam accept custom orders, though not sure of the cost. Their shipping cost already disqualified them when I was looking a while back (Living in Norway)

    For KR I have been using the "pluck" versions of their foam for the larger models, and while it does not look perfect after me fitting the models in it, it does provide very good protection for the models. So I can recommend that as an option.
  11. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    While I do not have a battlefoam case for my Warhammer stuff, I do have a Malifaux Breach Bag from battlefoam. It is wonderful. It was expensive though. I have had it for almost a year now and it is a great bag.

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