How do you pronounce "Slann" ? I've heard it said two ways. Do you say it SL-AN, with a hard "a" pronounced like an "a"? OR Do you say it SL-ON, with a soft "a" pronounced like an "o"?
I offer a third pronunciation (and the one I use): SL-AN, with a short "a", as in the words "can", "pan", or "fan". Bear in mind that I'm from the southeastern US, so my pronunciations tend to be influenced by my "redneck" surroundings.
^^ Yeah, that's how I meant it. Slann can ban man ran pan fan. I say it that way too. Dan the Slann vs Don the Slahnn. Gonna go knock some heads of a few non-lizard players now.
I pronounce it so it rhymes with lawn. I'm apparently in the minority on this one. In my opinion it's softer and more dignified than Slann. Part of my rebellion against Games Workshop tendency to use juvenile names. A guy that looks like a frog named Kroak? I'd love to change the name altogether but that confuses people so I use Krow-ack so it at least it doesn't sound like croak. On a quasi-related topic, my friend and I like to make fantasy settings for RPGs and we have painstakingly weighed the pros and cons of various aspects. We decided GW does not. Their fluff is on the level of a very bright high school student. There is some blatant rip-offs of things like Tolkien and Arthurian lore and real world history. Some clever twists, some new creation and some crude bathroom humor all mixed together. Sadly it doesn't evolve very well. See if the 40k writers decide something they came up with in the past is really dumb, they can just never go back to Planet Dumb since they have millions of planets. The Warhammer Fantasy World isn't big enough to never go back to Dumbland. Why do elves get serious names and Lizardmen the most ancient race get names like Lotl Botl, Itzi Bitzi, Tiktakto, Kroak, etc! Rant over, I apologize. Anyway Slann as in rhymes with "lawn" More dignified.
THe way i see it, if if were supposed to be pronounced like "Lawn" then it'd be spelled: "Slaan" So, if anything, I'd say the "en" sound at the end of the word would be elongated.
Even more blatant is the rip-off of Michael Moorecock's Eternal Champion novels -- they even stole their (trademarked) chaos logo from him
I am in the Slann rhymes with can bunch. There is a long time WHFB player who is a non-LM player I know who uses the Sl-on pronunciation, but that is not my preference.
I've always pronounced it like ‘barn, or yarn, - sort of nearly having the 'r' sound, but not quite. But us Australians might pronounce it differently than everyone else.
I've always pronounced it in a way that rhymes with "plan" - but I have noticed that most people pronounce it as either like "barn" (as in reptile's example) or with an emphasized AH sound. I've been proven wrong with pronunciation of warhammer terms many times before, so I could be very wrong.