8th Ed. What Would The Old Ones Say?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Gary_M, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Got a fun game tonight, 2500pts Lizardmen vs Lizardmen. The LCW?

    Thinking about running either dual carnosaurs or using a cold one bus for oldbloods/scarvets and 6/8 kroxigor plus some TG for hitting power. Regarding magic, unlikely I'll take a Slann (trying to do away with my crutch!) and either Tetto plus a skink priest or two Lvl 2 priests. I can see arguements for and against both.

    Just want to get in with as many higher strength hits as possible!

    I'll try to let you know how I get on later this week.
  2. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Do you know your opponent or anything about him? If it's a complete stranger I'd probably assume a lot of skinks, slann and some cowboys.

    If you bring carnosaurs and he bring skinks it might be an up hill struggle :p
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Yes I know him, but not too sure what he'll take.

    At a guess, a couple of stegs, maybe a sallie or two, possibly a Bastilodon and cold ones.

    Not sure whether he'll go Tetto or Slann. I've seen him use both.

    I don't think he'll take a skink cloud (I could be horribly wrong though!)

    My main problem is not having a second carnosaur model! Was going to borrow one, but he's not going to my club tonoght. I might just proxy a cold one rider on the right sized base for a carnosaur although I don't like doing that.

    We'll see....
  4. Waah

    Waah New Member

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    Of course if the Carnosaur triggers skink cloud failure cascade it could be hilarious. The chances of this happening aren't nearly as good as 40+ javelins with poison doing their best cannon impression.
  5. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Blood roar could work if you deploy well enough. 12" prescence can't cover the whole board
  6. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Played the game and very good it was to.
    A true Tetto and a fake Tetto were on the board.

    Unfortunately it appeared I had the fake one as he died to a laser beam in the face!

    I won't post a battle report as my oppo has a YouTube channel I'll try to post a link once he's doen the batrep, but if you want to have a look at some of his other batreps, his channel is called Jedkar (I've no idea what this relates to as his name in Nico).

    I did end up losing the game by about 800 pts to about 1300 pts, but we finished on T5. T6 would likely have seen both of us get some more points, I doubt I could have done enough to overhaul the 500 pt gap but it could have been closer depending on dice (that said some of my rolls were truely appalling - 18 dice (4 up to hit), 6 hits (4 up to wound) 2 wounds. Brilliant!

    However my oppo did me a favour and when my Tetto miscast, he rolled a 1 for his wound so he escaped early in the game.

    In the end I went with:
    Oldblood with AofD, D/Stone, OTS, GW, Cold One,
    2 S/Vets, one AofF, BSB, GW, Cold one the other Steg Helm, GW, Light Armour on Cold One and Tetto.
    2x 10 skink skirmishers (Javelins)
    1 x 19 Saurus + 1 x 20 saurus (both full command)

    2 x 6 Kroxigor
    6 Cold one riders (Std and champion)
    19 Temple Guard (full command)

    I lost tetto, the TG, the 2 scarvets and one unit of Krox

    My oppo had:
    Tetto, 2 o/b on cold ones with magical weapons, 2 s/v on cold ones (cant recall what they had)
    2 x 10 skink skirmishers
    1 x 20 skink cohort
    28 saurus warriors
    2 x skink priest
    2 x 9 cold ones

    I think he lost one unit of cold ones, all his skinks and two scar vets

    We both lost our BSB.

    On my side the best performer (if only defensively) was the old blood. He shook off attack after attack thanks to the reroll and ward save. One unit of Krox ran him a close second.

    Most ineffectual - TG - They flank charged one unit of cold ones (inc an o/b) and did one casualty. They then got beaten up by said cold ones.

    My biggest mistake - letting a spell though I didn't read well enough (possibly Curse of Anrahir) which turns all terrain (even open ground according to my oppo) into dangerous terrain. This was cast on my Cold ones which had the characters in it. I let it through thinking that it only applied to terrain features. The consequence of this was that I was unwilling to risk a charge - so losing beneift of Steg Helm and Potion of foolhardiness. Live and learn.
  7. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Curse can be nasty and remember you also have -1 to hit because of it! You are, however, allowed to move without penalty.

    A flank charge on cold ones should do something on them depending on whether or not they have 1 model in the second rank. If not you should still average roughly 2 wounds including PF and a champion. Personally I like to take razor banner on my guards. It would've made the COs save on 5+ instead of 4+.
  8. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Actually I don't think it was Curse of Anrahir, but the effect was as I put. Curse was used and I think that was against my TG, which obviously helped the COR he had!

    T6 could have been interesting - The only thing I thnk he had to be in a position to charge would have been his oldblood, but that would have had to have been into 3 skinks who I would have stood and shot with. They would have died and done nothing in return but would have stopped the OB hitting anything else.

    My 5 remaining Krox would have charged into either Tetto or Basti (prob redirect into latter after former flees). I had two depleted saurus blocks left (one of about 15, the other only about 6), but I think at least one could have flank charged his saurus block which was engaged by my OB.

    So I would have lost a unit of skinks (70) but MIGHT have gained saurus (308) and say the Basti (150).

    Still a loss, but by only c150 pts.

    Mind you with some of my rolls in that game, I'd probably have lost the Krox and the saurus too!

    I've had games where I have either been a total idiot and played it very badly or been completely out thought. I don't mind losing in those circumstances. In the first, I deserve it! In the second, well played my oppo. I do mind rolling so much lower than statistics would suggest. But with dice involved, that's always going to happen from time to time. Might not like it, but have to accept it.
  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    In my opinion, the king of a LM civil war is a WD Slann. Once you have the enemy skirmishers (I'm including flyers and Salamanders in this) mostly dead or running you can pretty much dictate the movement phase and take out or redirect the enemy heavies piece by piece.

    Just for a change of pace I'd like to try a two Carnosaur army just to see if speed can overwhelm a LM army.

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