8th Ed. Triple carno! 3000 points

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Morewar, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Morewar

    Morewar New Member

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    3000 points triple carnosaur 

    Old blood 
    +blood roar 
    +looping stride
    +great weapon
    +armour of destiny
    +crown of command
    +other trickster's shard

    Scar veteran 
    +blood roar
    +looping stride 
    +light armour 
    +charmed shield
    +dragon bane gem
    Scar veteran 
    +blood roar
    +looping stride 
    +light armour 
    +great weapon
    +dragon helm

    30 skinks
    +3 kroxigor
    16 skinks
    +1 kroxigor
    10 skink skirmishers 

    -solar engine
    3 ripper dactyls
    6 chameleon skinks
    3 terradons 

    2 Salamanders


    Ok guys, I think I have officially gone mad. I read the double carnosaur tactica a while back, and it has marinating at the back of my mind for a while now. So i thought : "why not go for 3 of them?". Definitely not competitive, as it suffers from the big no no of fantasy (0 wizards), but worth it just for the look on my opponents face as I deploy my army ;)

    So what do you guys think? Any way I can better the list? I'm open to any suggestion that doesn't involve removing a carnosaur :D
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    of the top of my head, I think I'd swap out the spear from the first scarvet for one of the 5 point magic weaopns, that is, if you can squeeze it in the list. (Woried about etherial stuff)
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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  4. Morewar

    Morewar New Member

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    That's really cool! 
    I can't fit the 5 point weapon, 1 point short! :( the other option is to remove the dragonbane gem, but I'm just too afraid of searing doom/skull cannons. 
    I'll be playing a game against ogres tomorrow, so I'll see if my multi-wound bonanza will pay off. I won't have the time to write a battle report, but I'll post a short summary after the game. 
    BTW I only own 2 carnosaurs(my BSB is actually a trog converted to have a scarvet riding him), but if it proves worth it, I might make it rain on GW one more time :D
  5. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    Here a few ideas for helping get the carnies successfully into combat:

    1) Basilidons - they are much slower than the rest of the army and will not be able to keep up with everything else that is MV 6+". Keeping them around to have 2 x bound magic missiles will not help very much - it is far more likely that your own magic phase will be used to dispel enemy RiP spells. I would recommend dropping them.

    2) chameleons - these will help carnies get into combat by taking out cannons/RBTs/missile troops. At the very least, I would try to field 2 units of 6-8.

    3) terradons & rippers - I would consider changing terradons to rippers to have a better AS and another unit capable of war machine/wizard hunting. If possible, field units of 4 so that casualties can be taken and still leave lots of attacks.

    4) sallies or krox - I love sallies but am not sure of the utility in this type of list. One idea might be to drop them in favour of a unit of 6-8 krox (other points coming from the basilidons). The krox provide an excellent unit to help negate enemy ranks and limit steadfast to two ranks. Skrox can do the same but the skinks often give up so much combat resolution that they end up being of dubious value IMHO. If sallies are fielded, go with units of 2-3 so they can flame and then charge into combat after - 4-6 x S5 + 2-3 S5 stomps certainly won't hurt!!

    5) magic weapons - I think it would be worth dropping a blood roar to get a magic weapon on a character (sword of might or ASF). Keep the swiftstride as carnies will need every bit of help possible to get into combat.
  6. Morewar

    Morewar New Member

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    So this is how the game went.
    My opponent had :
    1 tyrant with 2 hand weapons, +1S big name and ward save
    1 level 4 gut magic and ward save
    1 BSB with rune maw
    1 Firebelly with hell heart
    1 big unit of iron guts 
    9 bulls
    1 unit of lead belchers
    3 sabretusks 
    3 mournfang 
    1 unit of maneaters with great weapons, stubborn and vanguard
    2 iron blasters 

    I got first turn. I hid my carnosaurs behind terrain as best as I could, and let him come to me for a very bloody fight. 
    My Bastilodons were golden, they killed one iron blaster and panicked the leadbelchers, and they never rolled under S5 on the beam. 
    The chameleons did a couple wounds here and there, killed his sabertusks and got in the way. 
    Salamanders were great because of the auto panic test, doing little damage but forcing the enemy to cluster around the BSB and general.
    Terradons had almost no impact , but I was not being very good with them. 
    Rippers tore through the maneaters and the bulls, they all died but they made the maneaters very manageable and the bulls a joke. 
    The skrox units took care of the mournfang and came to help mop up at the end of the game(thought they were very depleted). 
    Now the carnosaurs. Wow. It was a butchery. I was lucky, because I had just lost 2 wounds across the 3 of them by the time I got in CC. 
    I sent my general into the gut star first, challenged the tyrant, and although he did 3 wounds to the carno, he then kills him(I even get a little overkill!). On his turn he kills the carno(after losing 2 ogres) but my general holds. Then my two scarnosaurs charge in. That was something to behold. One of the bloodiest combats I've fought in a long time. In the end all that was left in the combat was his level 4, my general(on foot) and my BSB(on foot). We broke him and caught him. My opponent then conceded. 

    So at the end of the game I still 

    At the end of the game I had :
    My general, my BSB, my 2 Bastilodons, the big skrox unit, a salamander, 2 units of skirmishers and a unit of chameleons. 

    He had :
    The Firebelly, the bulls and the leadbelchers.  

    Victory for the lizardmen!

    My conclusion : 
    Great, bloody game. All the surviving units were very depleted. I must admit I was in a very favourable match-up. The carnosaurs get their multi-wounds, the ogres failed fear test because of bloodroar+low LD, not much shooting, and although I struggled to stop his magic, the only spell that was a real threat was the +1S(he didn't roll regen), so I just kept my dice for that. 
    Anyway I'm loving the list. It's aggressive, tactical, your opponent doesn't know where to turn and you have a strong phase in all phases. Even in magic, 6 dicing beam is not very interesting, but it's effective. And 18" on the general and BSB just makes skinks so much stronger. 
    Everything just performed as planned for once, I'm tearing up :D
    Well I am considering removing the terradons, but I'll them one more chance.
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Magnificent! I just am curious. WHen you have three Carnosaurs. What does your Core do? Sit back and watch or can they contribute somehow?

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