Hi, still a young skink here so if this is out there already I apologize. Looking through a friends old Warhammer book, Lustria, in the back there is a gorgeous picture of what looks like a carnosaur with an EotG on it. I can not find said model and as the stegadon is okay (I have huge beef problems with the name not even coming close to what a stegosaurus actually looks like) I was hoping, nay, wishing to find this OOP gem. Can any wise slann out there help a young skink out?
I've always smiled at the name Stegadon (Roof - Tooth). The model of course combines the best bits of Triceratops and steggy's tail. Now that the Bastiladon is here, does that spiky tail club become redundant? Bastiladon either says (in my view) illegitimate-tooth or fortress-tooth (assuming the Bastille was a fortress not a shabby French dungeon. Viva la Jailbreak!) I've explained the first interpretation previously: Lizi Lizi Lizi - Oi Oi Oi Ripperdactyl = failed effort at making pteradactyl (wing finger) sound awesome. now it says: nasty slashing finger. It could be worse. at least the whole army list doesn't end in 'gor'. Except for Kroxigor. And Kroq-Gart is a bit too close for comfort.... Instead we've got Roof Tooth (stegadon),l Cave Tooth (troglodon), 'Razor' tooth (Razordon), Earth Tooth (Terradon), and I think I will now call my Cold Ones 'col-DON-es' This then is an Arcanadon (mysterious tooth) (off google) from this Lustria Online Page: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/the-thunder-lizard.3973/ which includes speculation as to what it was converted from. I say bits plus hurricanum. You could make one, or you could GO LARGE from http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/something-big-this-way-comes-for-sale.6349/ Requests from spawnlings such as yourself to identify the Arcanadon come up periodically. I just added the Thunder Lizard because it is AWESOME.
That arcanadon model from the Lustria campaign book was one that I was in love with. I don't think White Dwarf ever included an article that explained how to make the above posted picture (I wish it had). The model in the picture turned out great even though you see a lot of carnosaur bits used. Unfortunately, this is just a conversion, not a model that was ever in print as pictured.
Ok I figured out that the Arcadon was in White Dwarf 305 and there was once a download for it called "ModelingEngineofGods.pdf" so if anyone has either of those go ahead and post em.
First and foremost, about the super-heavy giant lizard carrying a whole city of skinks: Whoa (a'la Joey). Thanks so much for those responses and pics. Conversion it is! Coming from about 4k of base tyranids, I have plenty of spikey-bits around for that project. On the same note, all tyranids (tyrant-blah, I have no idea for the -nid root) is filled with tons of similar names. Haruspex, carnifex, zoanthrope, trygon, dominatrix, heirophant to name a few. Some cool sounding ones, but many roots are, odd.
Great work Kroq! You can find anything on the internet! Now I am going to do an image search on "dominatix" like black rainbow suggested!
Whoa thank you Kroq, very nice and great place to start. Spawning of Bob, yeah... just make sure that "search" is carefully worded. Tyranids, and you know, that rule about the internet.
I resurrect this ancient thread to bring you this! My new Arcanadon model: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/arcanosaur
That's a cool looking model! Shame it was a conversion and not something available to purchase from Games Workshop.