8th Ed. 2400 vs Beastmen

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Ersh, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Ersh
    Cold One

    Ersh Active Member

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    Good day everyone!

    As always, sorry for my English.

    ...finally i came to one of our city's main WH club, and have opportunity to play with experienced players. And i'm very gratitude to my opponent, who had helped me with all that math stuff and some rules problems.
    That was my 1st 2400 game, and since my Slann guards was not painted - i decided to try dual-carno list. (that was based on dual-carno topic on this forum).

    My list:

    Saurus OldBlood - General, Carnosaur (Looping Stride, Bloody Roar), Dawnstone, Armor of Destiny, The Other Trickster's Shard, Great Weapon

    Saurus Scar-Veteran - BSB, Carnosaur (Looping Stride, Bloody Roar), Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield, Spear

    Skink Priest - lvl1, Lore of the Beast, Dispel Scroll
    Skink Priest - lvl1, Lore of the Beast, Cube of Darkness

    30x Saurus Warriors - FC, Spears
    10x Skink Skirmishers - Blowpipes
    10x Skink Skirmishers - Blowpipes
    10x Skink Skirmishers - Javelins
    10x Skink Skirmishers - Javelins

    Bastiladon - Crew with Solar Engine
    5x Chamelion Skinks
    3x Ripperdactyl Riders

    Ancient Stegadon - Giant Blowpipes
    Salamander Hunting Pack - Additional handler

    My opponent list:

    Beastlord - General, The Other Trickster's Shard, Ramhorn Helm, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Dawnstone, Gnarled Hide, Heavy Armor, Shield
    Great Bray-Shaman - lvl 4 wizard, Lore of the Beast, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, Scroll of Shielding, Additional Hand Waepon

    Bray-Shaman - lvl1, Shard of Herdstone, Lore of Shadow
    Bray-Shaman - lvl1, Lore of Beast
    Bray-Shaman - lvl1, Dispell Scroll
    Wargor - BSB, Obsidian Lodestone, Enchanted Shield, Heavy Armour

    52x Gor Herd - FC, additional hand weapon
    5x Ungor Raiders
    5x Ungor Raiders
    5x Ungor Raiders
    5x Ungor Raiders
    5x Ungor Raiders
    5x Ungor Raiders

    38x Bestigor Herd - FC, Standard of Discipline, Great weapon
    5x Razorgor herd
    5x harpies - scouts
    1x Razorgor herd
    1x Razorgor herd

    I'm pretty sure about my opponent list, cause i took it from him. But when i putted it into BattleScribe - i got 2639pts. may be i don't know something. Still... Let's continue.


    I putted my Saurus block in the middle, Bastiladon and Salamander on the left of it. Both Skink Priests behind the Saurus block. Skink Skirmishers at the flanks and Stegadon on the right flank. Chameleons was hiding near the fence in the middle of the field. I placed toad marker on Bestigor Herd (ugly guys with 2handed weapon and enemy general).


    My opponent placed both of his melee Beasmen at the center. Most of his Razorgons (ugly and damn fast pigs) on the right flank. All of his Ungor Raiders (archer skirmishers) made a line in front all of his units.
    And he placed some huge almost building size stone near the border (Shard of Herdstone), and hid his 1st lvl Bray-Shamans behind it. So he generated tons of magic dices with that feature.


    Turn 1

    On the left flank my Chamaleons killed 3 of the nearest archers, so they panicked and ran away (of the board on turn 2). I moved all of my army a little bit forward. Needless to say, that i could not do anything on my magic phase - bad luck with dices, and much more dispell dices in the hand of my opponent.

    Beastmen's Razorgon charged my Chameleons and killed 3 of them. Their flee attempt failed also - pig caught them and ate =( All of his army units slightly moved forward too. Also he casted some protective spells on his units.

    Turn 2

    I killed with my skinks that ugly pig at my left flank. Killed some of enemy archers with my skinks, and killed Harpies on the right flank with my Stegadon's blowpipes (last of them ran away of the border).
    Saurus block charged archers in the middle, killed all of them (lost 1 saurus =/) ...and failed to overrun it. And it was my huge mistake - now all of my Saurus stayed in front of two enemy main blocks...


    Gor Hers got Pann's Pelt and charged my Saurus in the front, and his Bestigor Herd (with general and Great Bray-Shaman) - in the flank.
    And made 3 wounds (with other caster) on my Bastiladon with amber Spear. But... While casting Pann's he made a miscast. About half of his Bestigor Herd died in 1 sec, and his Great Bray-Shaman gone to drink a tea in the warp. Wow! That was huge.


    Still, 3/4 of Saurus was Slaughtered - they got no chance to survive in that combat. Try to be heroes - no... Try to run away - snake eyes... May the blessing of Old Ones be with them =(

    Turn 3

    I charged my Skinks in the pack of Razorgors-pigs, to free the path to my Oldblood. Skinks died almost instantly, but they will be remembered...
    Stegadon annihilated last of the archers on his flank.
    My Salamander prepared to make an awesome fire-breath on Gor Herds. Opened her mouth - and ate three of Skink handlers. Wtf....
    And time of carnosaurs had come - they charged Bestigor Herds, also my Rippers finally saw that ugly beasts... Thay smelled like a Toad! And charged them in the flank.

    Beastlord made a challenge, and my Scarvet BSB accepted it.

    Beastlord killed my Scarvet without any problems - his sword of anti-heroes didn't give any chance to my BSB. Only carnosaur made 1 wound back. That was... little bit stunning.
    But then... Rippers and Oldbllod on carno simply slaughtered almost all of Bestigor Herds. They ran away from my general to Gor Herd - any my Oldblood overrun to it's flank. Meet the rage of Lustria, you goats!


    After that my opponent surrendered.

    Also he said, that he quit the Beastmen, and from now will play WoC.


    Bastilladon: Was useless. To be honest - my opponent ultimately dominated magic phase, so had no chances from the beginning.
    Ripperdactyls: They are awesome with toad. may be i will use more of them.
    Salamander: she is retarded. And eat too much.
    Carnosaurs: They failed to fear anyone, but still was a hammer and anvil. Nice animals =)
    Stegadon: Well, his blowpipes can be very powerful.
    Skniks: Yes, javelins are much better then blowpipes. quality > quantity.

    Sword of Anti-heroes: Damn, it rock with his general.

    ...and i want to thank all guides writers. Your part in our victories can't be overrated.

    Mighty roar of Kssa-Khar's carnosaur echoed through the jungle. Heavy wounded, but victorious sauruses made a lot of grim souvenirs from beastmen's horned heads. Old Ones was pleased.
  2. sillyduck123

    sillyduck123 Member

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    Good game m8 really well done :D

    I'm a lizardmen player who cannot live without my slann
    but you did well without him. just goes to show that lizardmen don't need the slann as much as people think
    (never take a Solar engine there s**t)
    maybe trade the salamanders for more rippers

    Hope to see more of these
    :D !!!
  3. Waah

    Waah New Member

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    Good job. All of these dual carnosaur lists keep making me look over ebay for a second carno damn it.
  4. blackrainbow

    blackrainbow Member

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    This was a great BatRep thanks! Of my local players, there is a Beastman army (that I have yet to fight) so seeing some of their strengths and strategies is very appreciated. Did your opponent say why he was changing to WoC?
  5. Ersh
    Cold One

    Ersh Active Member

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    Thanks for the replies =)

    My opponent said, that his total magic domination didn't help him, so he want to try "no magic chaos army".

    ...and i'm going to test solo-slann tomorrow (mostly because my temple guards are not painted, and dice-gods favour only to painted models =) .

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