8th Ed. 2400 vs Vampire Counts

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Ersh, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Ersh
    Cold One

    Ersh Active Member

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    This time i felt myself more than lame. My opponent was a head higher than me in tactics. He used his ethereal units and difference of the model bases size to his advantage. That was a nice lesson for me.
    My army list was a poor choice vs vampires, but i decided to play without any changes.

    As i was a High Magic loremaster, i had all high magic spells. Both Skink Priests were Beasts, so they had Pann's Pelt and Wyssans.

    My opponent had Doom and Darkness, Spirit Leech, Purple Sun (scarry!), Soulblight, Aspect of the Dreadknight, something Bjuna and something Laniph.

    Army lists:


    Slann - Standard of Discipline, Channeling Staff, Obsidian Amulet. Focus of Mystery, harmonic Convergence, Higher State of Consciousness, Soul of Stone. Lore of High magic.

    Saurus Scar-Veteran - Cold One, GW, Dawnstone, Dragonhelm, The Other Trickster’s Shard
    Saurus Scar-Veteran - Cold One, GW, Armor of Destiny.

    Skink Priest - lvl1, Lore of Beasts, Cube of Darkness
    Skink Priest - lvl1, Lore of Beasts, Dispel Scroll

    30x Saurus Warriors - FC, Spears

    10x Skink Skirmishers, Javelins
    10x Skink Skirmishers, Javelins
    10x Skink Skirmishers, Javelins
    11x Skink Skirmishers, Javelins

    Bastiladon - Solar Engine

    6x Kroxigors - Champion

    3x Ripperdactyl RIders

    Razordon Hunting Pack - additional handler
    Razordon Hunting Pack - additional handler

    Vampire Counts

    Vampire Lord - lvl1, GW, HA, Dawnstone, The Other Trickster’s Shard, Talisman of Preservation, Night Shroud, Red Fury.

    Tomb Banshee
    Tomb Banshee

    Necromancer - lvl4
    Necromancer - lvl2, Dispel Scroll

    Vampire - lvl2, HA, Aura of Dark Majesty, Enchanted Shield, Scroll of Shielding, Obsidian trinket, Scroll of Shielding.

    41x Ghols


    8x Crypt Horrors - Champion
    7x Vargheists, Champion
    2x Fell Bats

    As always i placed my Saurus Warriors (with Scar veteran) in the middle. Bastilladon, razordon, 2 units of Skink Skirmishers, Ripperdactyls and Kroxigors at the right of Sauruses.
    At the left of them i placed another Razordon, 2 units of Skirmishers, and 1 lone Scarvet. Slann and Skink Priest stayed behind.

    My opponent placed his zombie "deathstar" with ALL of his heroes and general in the middle, Vargheists and all of his zombie units near them, and Crypt Horrors and Fell Bats at the left.



    Turn 1

    My opponent got the 1st turn. Of course he moved forward with everyone. Hw tried to snipe my Skink Priest with Spirit Leech, but i rolled 6, so my Sknik was fine.

    I moved my army little bit forward and understood, that i failed with Kroxigore placement - they were too far from main enemy bloks. So they started their journey behind my army lines. And yes, i totally forgot about “Walk Between World” spell. Shame on me. My Razordons made several shooting attacks, but were not very successful.

    Turn 2

    At the left flank he charged my Skirmishers with Crypt Horrors. I chose "stand and shoot", because he had not that many chances to get to my skinks... But he did it. I put only one wound to Horrors, and he kill 6 of my Skinks. My skinks ran away on 4 inches, and he got snake eyes to catch them. His Vargheists flew to my army's flank.


    He used Dispell Scroll when i tried to Unforge some of his General magic equipment.
    After that i irresistibly casted Fiery Convocation on his Deathstar. (Got misscast 7, lol)That was awesome. My Saurus Made a picture of this. Here it is…


    I charged his Vargheists with my Ripperdactyls (i had a toad mark on them). Well.. Now i know, what is Vargheists... They made something like 20 attacks with hatred. My ryppers had no chances at all =(

    Also i charged my lone Scarvet to his Cryph Horrors. They puted a wound on me. And also i realised, that this guys are like our Kroxigors, but also have regen, can be easyly healed and (may be) even resurrected by vampires, and have poison attacks.

    Turn 3

    He charged my Razordon with his Vargheists. Killed it and overrunned to my Skink Priest. They both was doomed, but Priest used his scroll to cancel Purple Sun. My opponent Hero-Bus-Deathstar charged to my Saurus Block. Well, now i know, how Banshee can be devastating with it's shouts. And btw i was "almost" fine, cause dispelled Leadership debuffs.
    And my Scarvet made a miracle. He was so angry on Vampire General, that he unleashed his Predatory anger and made about 7 attacks to him. My Other Trickster's Shard prevented vampire's try to survive... But - Scarvet also fell under vampire’s great weapon mighty blows. Glory to the brave Scarvet!


    A wave of light echoes the battlefield, killing Bats and wounding undeads.

    Turn 4

    Of course another vampire became a new undead master. My Bastilladon was attacked by zombies. Vampires killed a lot of Sauruses, but they withstand, and killed a few zombies back.
    I reformed my Sauruses to prepare them for the Vargheist's attack. Also i casted Hand of Glory on Kroxigors and healed a wound on my alone-fighting Scarvet.
    Bastilladon got a wound from zombies, and i charged them to the flank with my Skirmishers.


    Nine of the Suauruses survived and ran away from combat, but not that far.
    Also, i saved this Sauruses with Cube, and dispelled Miasma (or some debuff like that) from my Kroxies.
    And Kroxigors finally came. They charged the Vargheists and obliterated them. Simply killed all and lost only one. Wow. Didn't expect that.


    Turn 5

    Crypt Horrors killed my Scarvet =( Well, he served me well. But... Now i know, that Crypt Horrors are very effective units, that can tank, make ton's of poison attacks.. And they cost almost nothing.
    They overruned to my Kroxies, and killed 1 more krox.
    Bastilladon got 2 more wounds, but with the Skink's Help killed almost all the zombies.


    Turn 6

    I was lucky and got no more wounds on Bastilladon. Skink attacks and thunderstomp finished the zombies. Only two Kroxigors survived the Crypt Ghouls attacks, and they did 0 wounds back...
    I casted Fiery Convocation on the Deathstar, but my opponent used a scroll of shielding, that gave a 3+ resistant to his block (cause of Obsidoan Trinket with it's magic resistance). Then i made some shooting attacks from my Skirmishers, and kill all zombies in that block.. But - i had no chanced to wound that ethereal Banshees and Vampire. So only heroes left from that unit.

    And that was the game.
    When we calculated result - it was something like 1328 pts vs 1327 pts. A draw.


    Of cause my opponent used his vampire "heal" spells a lot, but i don't remember in what rounds and how many times.


    Saurus Warriors: Really and as always backbone of my army - they die, but they allow other units to flank the enemy. Also they are enough powerful, so your opponent will not ignore them.

    Bastilladon: He have nice armor save and hp. So he can tank weak units... And that's all. He is useless in all other cases. So, better save his points for something else?

    Slann: His Lv10 (with standard) and High Magic was more than nice. Still i see, that i have a lack of experience in magic phases. And... He is ok with magic resist and ethereal, he don't need a temple guard protection. And overly - i had no chances in this game without him.

    Kroxigors: With Hand of Glory or some other WS buff they can be devastating! But... Compared with the almost the same stats Vargheist and Crypt Ghouls - they are simple overpriced and worse. But, we have no choice - it's the only monster infantry that we have.

    Ripperdactyls: Flank attack _only_. And only the toad-ed target.

    Razordons: Don't know. Vampires are just not their targets. Need more tests.

    And now i see why Vampire Counts are one of the strongest armies - they have an idea, a unit synergy. Auras and debuffs of Ld, and also Banshee as executors. That can kill an entire unit before combat begins. I wish we had some unit synergy like that, but even our Engine of the Gods don’t work on High Magic. Anti-synergy...

    I have some strange ideas now. Such as Tehenhaun + Oldblood. Of course Tehe is not a Slann at all, but still he is lvl3 and leave some place for the mighty Oldblood (and both Skink Priests and two Scarvet also). Why Lizardmen have no lvl3 wizards except Tehe? =/

    And finally - simple question - is these photos in the text needed? Or they only disturb?

    Thx for reading =)

    Add: got my opponent army list, so i’ve corrected his army heroes.
  2. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    Thanks for sharing.

    Yeah, vampires can be tough.

    As to the photos, yes, always include them. I am a bit ashamed that I have not been putting photos in mine. They really help.
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Think you did pretty well. I've played VC three times. Twice got a draw, winning by less than 100 pts. The third game, an absolute slaughter of Lizardmen. The blender lord is one tough cookie.

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