7th Ed. 2k vs Bretts

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Ninjaskink, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    I'm starting up my army soon and know my usual opponent is fielding brettonions. He's also in the building phase, but from what he's told me he's trying to field one or two lances of Peg. Knights and no trebuchet. I know I can almost assuredly expect a unit of grail pilgrims and aside from the obligatory KotR, mostly peasents. I'm hoping to gear my army for CC with an OBoC for the general (and am aware of the beastslayer option he could field.) Any pointers for specific units that could tip the tide in my favor?
  2. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    Baiting a lance formation with a small unit (preferably skinks but any unit that will flee far enough or is disposable will do), fleeing as a charge reaction, then hitting it in the flank with Kroxigor, Saurus Cavalry, Stegadons or just Saurus Warriors is always fun. If you expect large amounts of peasants then you can't go wrong with salamanders, they eat low toughness, low save units. A Carnosaur is a very viable option against Brettonians due to its high strength and movement (essentially use it like an extra hard Kroxigor unit!).
  3. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    I would assume OBoC is Old Blood on Carnosaur. If so then yeah, make sure you distract and redirect. Brets are very point, click, destroy. Not too flexible. Their steeds don't take movement penalties for barding so watch for that. Target the fastest units first and good hunting ninja.
  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Anothere great thing agains Brettonians is lore of metal, it will eat any knight unit they have, I fielded a slann vs bretonians with great results. Try the Lore of beasts/Lore of metal combo, if you can get the oxen stands and Spirit of the forge you are set to take down bretonnians also Lore of Metal can do something against trebuchets.
  5. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    Well...The most obvious thing to say is...Do not get charged. It is also the most impossibe thing to say!
    They got the movement to pull that charge!

    When fielding a Slann (2e genn). The mentioned lores work like a charm!

    I am more of an Old Blood fan myself! You have got 2 units that can turn those Brets sideways for a flank attack. Skinks and terradons. If you are sure he will be fielding a trebuchet, those "Dons" wil go hunting instead of redirecting! hit and run!
    In that case you have your skinks...They will die! But they are made for the job (and are really good at it, i might add) But as long as they did not die in vein a.k.a. exposing there flanks it's oke! Your hard hitter will do the job.
    Trust me on this one...When a lance hits your front(rank) It will cause allotta hits and wounds!

    Are you sure he is not fielding those flying knights? Those are hard and nasty!!

    Good luck!
  6. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    I think a few of you are misreading the post. He Is fielding some RAF, Not fielding the Trebuchet, and while I might try to magic it at a later date, I'm going CC based so Old Blood, not Slann. From what I'm gathering, use the skinks as charge decoys, and set them somewhere that, if I can't at least try the stand and shoot, the fleeing will drive their charge into terrain (preferably not impassable so they might actually survive) or off table. If that's no good, at least expose the flank for Krox or other killy nastiness. Are the Terries good for charging/harassing the RAF? or should I try to just shoot them and hope he leaves me a flank to charge? And if I'm fielding a saurus block, should I go for the spears or stick with the HW for the slightly better save (since I fully expect any block taken to be a bullseye for a lance formation)?
  7. Apollo3

    Apollo3 New Member

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    for him to take more than one unit of peg. knights his general has to be mounted on a royal pegasus, make sure this is the case or he is messing with you.

    as mentioned, lore of metal is great for dealing with those 1+ and 2+ armoured knights. this is one army though that skinks don't shine against in terms of causing damage with their poison. the biggest use for them is as redirectors. just remember that when you flee with skirmishers your opponent has to follow the closest visible model. so if you have some skinks in front of a unit, and there happens to be a skink a ways farther forwards on one of the flanks he has to wheel towards it to pursue when you flee, effectively exposing his flank to whatever counter charge you should have set up, most likely with the unit the skinks were screening.
  8. Kovash

    Kovash New Member

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    I am new, so forgive my ignorance but couldnt you have the knights charge a...squishy...unit and the charge their flank with some harder more capable troops? For example Skinks are squishy use them within the oldblood's Lds radius so they do not run. The Oldblood could be next to a saurii unit to provide some flank hitting power.
    Just a suggestion
  9. Axolotl

    Axolotl New Member

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    Sure, that is also an option. if the skinks don't flee they are dead. period. but if he then overruns with his knights and you placed your units that they can attack him then you will be fine. But fleeing is the more reliable of both tactics. and your skinks might even survive it. The Slann might do good damage, but if he manages to charge him with two lancesat once or monster-killing kitted out heroues he is done for. So hide him well.

    The Jaguar Saurus is a great help against brets. And anything that causes terror will also not be bad, those KotR tend to fail terror tests, at least mine do ^^

    actually heavy cavalary charges are the only situation where temple guards are really useful in my opinion. they are our only unit that can reliably withstand such a hard hit. and if the brets get stuck in your temple guard you can charge the flanks of the knights. And if the Bret´s Lose their charge bonus then they have a hard time to kill stuff in combat.

    maybe even a flying skink hero might do well. you could charge his riding peasants in the flank (if he has any) and your skink will only have to kill one to rob them of the chance to attack back.

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